My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 326: I Like Him

Chapter 326: I Like Him

After landing on the ground, Cang Feilan held Qin Fengs arms without exerting too much force.

The latters skin and flesh were like dried sand, the kind that would break into pieces at the slightest touch.

She felt a deep heartache, helpless and at a loss. Tears welled up in her eyes. This was the first time in her life that she shed tears.

She wanted to save Qin Feng, but she didnt know how to do it. josei

Spear Immortal and Zhou Kai rushed over.

Lord Spear Immortal. Zhou Kai softly spoke.

Sima Kong was a master of the third rank of the Divine Martial realm, and he possessed extraordinary insight into the human body.

With just a glance, he could see that Qin Fengs body was riddled with injuries and being corroded by Death Qi, making his situation nearly irreparable.

Sima Kong shook his head without saying a word.

Everything was self-evident.

How could this happen? Zhou Kais eyes were filled with sadness, and the wrinkles on his face were all squeezed together.

Its all my fault. If I hadnt let Yang He invite him to join the Demon Slaying Bureau, he wouldnt have ended up like this.

However, it was too late for regrets now.

At this moment, Cang Feilan suddenly remembered something.

Her doting grandfather had once told her that the Dragon Beads was a coveted treasure with the miraculous power to transform decay into magic.

If she ever left the Heavenly Pool, she must conceal her identity and never reveal it.

If it were the Dragon Beads inside me, could it save his life? Cang Feilan asked herself.

She lowered her head to look at Qin Feng in her arms, and his skin seemed to disintegrate like dust.

If she didnt act now, everything would be too late.

Without hesitation, she turned away from Spear Immortal and Zhou Kai, slowly removing her black veil.

Among Dragon Clan females, especially those of the noble Azure Dragon lineage, their true faces couldnt be casually revealed to others, except to their chosen ones.

And her chosen one had never changed.

As the black veil was lifted, a light seemed to illuminate.

On the perfectly sculpted features were silver-white scales.

A touch of vermilion lips gently fell onto Qin Fengs lips.

A round and radiant golden light emerged from Cang Feilans body, flowing upward from her abdomen and finally merging into Qin Fengs body through her lips.

For the Azure Dragon lineage, the importance of Dragon Beads is immeasurable; they are akin to the existence of a heart.

Once the Dragon Beads are lost, the lifespan of the Dragon Clan will significantly decrease, and their bodies will become weak and frail.

However, as long as Qin Feng can be saved, nothing else matters to Cang Feilan.

As the Dragon Beads entered into Qin Fengs body, astonishing changes occurred.

His skin no longer faded, and even the cracks began to visibly heal at a rapid pace.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Kais eyes widened and he excitedly said, Lord Spear Immortal, look at this.

Sima Kong was slightly startled and turned his head to look at Cang Feilan, The Azure Dragon lineage Dragon Beads.

Because only the Dragon Beads possess such life-reviving effects!

Under the influence of the Dragon Beads, Qin Fengs heavily injured body continued to heal.

His nose was filled with a refreshing fragrance, and there was a moist sensation on his lips.

In a blurry consciousness, he vaguely saw a breathtaking face with distinct features, shimmering with a faint silver light.

But his injuries were too severe, and before long, he fell unconscious again.

Looking at the man in her arms recovering vitality, Cang Feilan, despite her pale complexion, couldnt help but smile.

Zhou Kai breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Sima Kong also nodded with satisfaction, but at this moment, he sensed something and suddenly looked up at the sky.

A storm was brewing!

The terrifying pressure was like the sky falling, and even he, a Twelve Divine General, felt palpitated!

Zhou Kai was extremely shocked, what kind of existence emanates such a heavenly might Even if it was compared to Lord Sima, it was formidable!

Above the night sky, behind the clouds, there was lightning and thunder!

A colossal dragon shadow appeared before the eyes of the world in the midst of the flashing lightning.

An indifferent and calm voice resounded, full of authority, Who took away my daughters Dragon Beads.

Hearing this, Spear Immortal and Zhou Kai instantly understood that the person who came was from the Dragon Clan, and was Miss Cangs biological father.

Such strength is truly extraordinary!

Dad. Cang Feilan quickly stood up and protected Qin Feng behind her.

But how could this move escape the observation of the colossal dragon in the sky?

Is it him? Thunder struck down, aiming directly at Qin Feng.

Seeing this, the Spear Immortal swung his long spear to confront the thunder, but unexpectedly, he was knocked back with a single strike!

The wound on his forehead had not healed, and the previous intense battle with Yang Mang had consumed too much of his energy. Naturally, he was not capable of facing the opponent in battle again.

In the high altitude, a cold voice sounded once again: The Spear Immortal, one of the Twelve God Generals, achieving such strength at such a young age is indeed impressive. If you were in your prime, perhaps you could spar with me, but at this moment, its better for you to stay aside and watch.

Senior, there are many misunderstandings in this matter. Zhou Kai is an old man after all, so he hurriedly came out to smooth things over.

The relationship between the Great Qian and the Dragon Clan was extremely delicate. They had fought together in the Battle of Zhen Ling Pass and attacked the Garuda clan. In theory, they should be comrades.

However, it was not the case in reality. Due to the Dragon Clans powerful bloodline talent, they were extremely arrogant and looked down on almost everyone.

Only when your strength was strong enough could you make them take you seriously.

From this perspective, the Dragon Clan was quite similar to the Asura Clan.

Youre not qualified to talk to me.

The words were directly interrupted, and another thunderstruck knocked Zhou Kai back.

Seeing the third thunder about to fall, the weak and feeble Cang Feilan opened her arms, shielding Qin Feng in front of her with a determined look.

The sight made the thunder finally cease.

Do you know what the Dragon Beads mean to us?

I know. Cang Feilan replied softly.

Then why did you give him the Dragon Beads?

If I dont give it to him, he will die.

His life and death have nothing to do with you! The voice suddenly rose, shaking the heavens and the earth.

It does.

What does it have to do with you?

Cang Feilan took a deep breath at the words, recalling every detail that had happened before her eyes.

I like him. Three simple words were uttered, containing too much tenderness, too much helplessness, too much reluctance, and too much affection.

She suddenly felt extremely relaxed. It turned out that this was how it felt to truly face her own heart.

If the past self had been more honest, would everything have turned out differently?

The being above the sky fell silent, and after a long time, only a sigh could be heard, You and your mother are really exactly the same.

The Spear Immortal and Zhou Kai exchanged a glance, and both breathed a sigh of relief.

With things having come to this point, Qin Feng should no longer worry about his life.

Cang Feilan turned around, slowly crouched down, and looked at the man still unconscious on the ground.

She reached out her right hand, brushed through the strands of hair on his forehead, her eyes full of tenderness.

Being able to go to Jinyang City back then was truly wonderful. Cang Feilan said with a smile. Tears of joy welled up in the corners of her eyes, sliding over her silver scales, emitting a heartbreaking radiance.

Because there, she encountered the love of her life.

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