My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 325: Becoming the Heart of the Formation!

Chapter 325: Becoming the Heart of the Formation!

The speed at which the Thunderous Righteous Qi swept into the sky was incredibly fast. To Qin Feng at this moment, those white life stars seemed to be within arms reach.

According to Master Bailans instruction, Qin Feng activated the Righteous Qi, attempting to attract those white life stars.

What happened next shocked him beyond measure.

Those white life stars emitted an incredibly dazzling light, and then, as if injected with vitality, released their Qi towards Qin Fengs Thunderous Righteous Qi!

What surprised Qin Feng even more was that he had established a connection with all these white life stars!

But how was this possible?

As a cultivator of the Literary Saint Dao Lineage, how could he attract such a large number of fate stars?

This was completely different from what the Master had said before!

In the Divine Sea, the Righteous Qi surged like an ocean, and those white stars rushed into the Divine Sea, adorning the sea of clouds.

Qin Fengs divine consciousness entered the Divine Sea and he sat at the Heart Questioning Platform.

Many fragmented scenes flashed before his eyes like slides.

There was a man plowing the fields.

There was a woman at home taking care of children and weaving cloth.

There was a demon slayer slaying demons. josei

There was a vendor calling out on the street.

These people were familiar yet unfamiliar. After careful contemplation, Qin Feng remembered that these were all people who had once received his favor.

Some were afflicted by the Heart Devouring Gu, some were infected by the Fire Poison of Bi Fang, and some were harmed by the Corpse Poison.

He even saw the son of that honest middle-aged man, holding the book Qin Feng gave him, reading tirelessly under the sparse moonlight during the night.

At the same time, a white light from the sky poured down towards Qin Fengs head, turning the pitch-black night into bright daylight in an instant!

The strange phenomenon didnt last long and returned to normal after ten breaths.

Cang Feilan and Qian Gui, who were still battling in the high sky, looked at him in astonishment.

Breakthrough in cultivation?

Qin Feng withdrew his divine consciousness from the Divine Sea and opened his eyes. A flash of white light passed through them. In that moment, his posture resembled that of a divine being.

He saw the figures in the city battling the corpse demons.

He saw the common people cowering in the shadows, trembling.

The ground littered with corpses, the desperate cries, and the blood-stained earth were all captured in his eyes.

I wonder how I should activate the formation, Qin Feng muttered, as if talking to himself, and seemed to be seeking answers from the countless white destiny stars in the sky.

A faint voice echoed in his mind become the core of the formation yourself!

Qin Feng was suddenly enlightened. After reaching the seventh rank of Righteous Qi as a Literature Sainr, he could be immune to all poisons. And wasnt this Righteous Qi the essence of the Yang?

But turning into the core of the formation would undoubtedly mean enduring the baptism of the entire grand formation, and the pressure it brought was unknown.

Coupled with the erosion of Death Qi, he might not survive.

However, now that things had come to this point, he had no other choice.

Standing at the center of the cave, Qin Feng took a deep breath. The Righteous Qi within him surged, casting a faint purple light that lifted him into the high skies of Shuliang City.

With the guidance of his divine consciousness, the pre-established grand formation began to rotate.

A white light emanated from him, spreading like ripples across Shuliang City, instantly purifying the filthy, pitch-black Death Qi.

Because the formation that isolates Death Qi, was led by Qin Feng, the thunderous Righteous Qi became the nemesis of all evil in the world.

Originally, with his strength, this thunderous Righteous Qi couldnt cause fatal damage to the undead in the city. However, with the support of the formation, it was different.

The undead, under the influence of the thunderous Righteous Qi, turned into ashes, like charcoal burnt by fierce flames, disintegrating inch by inch.

Combined with the formation, those seemingly endless corpse demon disappeared in an instant! This sudden turn of events left the demon slayers and soldiers, who were still battling the undead, dumbfounded.

The terrified civilians in the shadows cautiously peeked outside upon hearing the commotion.

The horrifying undead had turned into ashes, and the white light on the ground rippled like clear water. Looking up, the figure floating in the air and wrapped in purple aura seems like a heavenly being descending to earth to save them.

The Ghost Buddha made a mistake in his calculations. There are variables this time. a voice emerged from the demonic mask of Qian Gui.

Within the white domain, without the support of Death Qi, Yang Mangs wounds couldnt heal rapidly anymore, causing him to roar angrily.

Spear Immortal Sima Kong and Zhou Kai also sensed the anomaly. Looking beyond the domain, they saw Qin Fengs figure.

The latter was obviously in great pain, and the skin on his body was like cracked earth, covered with cracks!

Zhou Kai, having lived for most of his life and being well-versed in various matters, was both shocked and anxious. Hes using himself as the core to activate the formation that isolates Death Qi. Spear Immortal, we must resolve the situation quickly; that lad wont last much longer!

Sima Kong looked at Qin Feng with a moved expression. After all, he was someone who was valued by Fate Master. He was really extraordinary.

He exhaled lightly, his eyes turning translucent like colored glass.

Because of Yang Mangs Death Sacrifices Inntae Divine Ability, he could not unleash his killing moves, which would be useless except for causing fatal damage to him.

But it is different now. The Death Qi in Shuliang City has been isolated, and the other party has lost the capital to resurrect from the dead.

He was going to use his strongest blow to kill Yang Mang instantly!

Step back, Sima Kong said calmly.

Alright. Zhou Kai didnt say anything more, he grabbed Zhu Yans head and escaped from the white domain.

While Yang Mang was still searching for the reason for the lack of Death Qi, a dreadful killing intent suddenly locked onto him.

Following the killing intent, he saw a man holding a long spear. The spear was raised, and the space above the spear tip seemed to blur and tremble.

Yang Mang clearly understood that the power of this spear surpassed imagination, and without the support of the Death Qi, he had no chance of withstanding this attack.

He roared, attempting to break through the domain and escape.

At that moment when he turned around, Sima Kong took action, thrusting forward with a spear in hand.

This thrust ignored space, reaching across a hundred feet, fixing Yang Mang in the void.

The latter looked down in bewilderment; his body pierced by the divine spear. The space around him shattered like a mirror, and his body disintegrated along with it.


That was the sound of space breaking.

Seeing this scene, Qian Gui, who was still battling Cang Feilan, gave up on attempting to snatch the Dragon Beads within the opponents body.

Yang Mang was dead. If he lingered, he would only be captured by the Spear Immortal and others, ruining the overall plan.

He glanced again at the figure in the high sky. He had some impression of this kid; he had seen him rush to the dying Li Yang in Jinyang City.

After some time not seeing each other, he had grown to this extent?

Not a bad talent, but it ends here. Using oneself as the heart of the formation, enduring the pressure of the grand formation, and undergoing the baptism of Death Qi, death is inevitable. Qian Gui said coldly, then disappeared into the vast night sky.

Zhou Kai, seeing Yang Mang being killed, finally breathed a sigh of relief. He hurriedly shouted to Qin Feng, Yang Mang is dead, quickly stop the grand formation!

The voice carried a sense of urgency, echoing through the night sky.

But Qin Feng couldnt hear it anymore. His ears were bleeding, and his vitality was like a candle in the wind, which would be extinguished at any time.

What supported him to continue maintaining the grand formation was nothing but a belief in his heart.

He could no longer hold on. The grand formation stopped revolving, and his body fell from the high sky.

Seeing this, Zhou Kai was about to intervene, but a graceful figure moved even faster.

Cang Feilan, treading on silver light like a meteor, rushed towards the falling Qin Feng, carefully embracing him in her arms.

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freewe(b)nov𝒆l

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