Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 308: Extra 4: Kazuma Koma (middle)

"Number 7, number 7, you... Do you think this is the one who is cooking?" Gu Xiaoan was terrified. He was most afraid of things that could not be seen or touched. Now all these scenes are really weird no matter how they look at them. .

It's scary, he wants to go back to find Aowu, as long as Aowu is there, all ghosts can be defeated.

Number Seven rolled his eyes angrily, and shouted into the air: "Get out of here! Don't think that if you hide from me, you won't be able to see you."

Gu Xiaoan saw No. 7 yelling at the air, and it was so hairy that he couldn't help but want to run around.

At this moment, another voice of exploding hair followed closely: "Who said I was hiding, which eye of yours saw me hiding?"

"Yo, I didn't expect you to come to this world." Number seven folded his arms and looked at number five leisurely.

"You can come, why can't I come, I'm still here in this world, what can you do to me?" No. 5 said furiously.

It really didn't expect to see this annoying number seven here.

Isn't it just that the legs are longer, the neck is longer and the body is thinner? What's so great about it, can it be so cute and cute?

No. 7 is a rib at all. I really don't understand those people's aesthetics. It's better that No. 5 is beautiful.

"No. 7, what is it..." Gu Xiaoan couldn't help asking, looking at the round ball-like object in front of him.

"It came from the same place as me. I am Chun No. 7 of the God of Cooking Department, and he is No. 5 of the Food System." No. 7 explained faintly.

In fact, it was quite a pleasure to meet a fellow countryman here, but number seven, like number five, is a tsundere, always duplicity, so when the two meet, it must be a happy ending.

"Are you a system elf too? It's so cute, so the one who cooked here just now is your host?" Gu Xiaoan said to No. 5 with a smile.josei

No. 5 was flattered by the praise, looked at No. 7 proudly, and said, "Yes, wait a minute, and I'll let him out."

Since they are acquaintances, there is no danger, so No. 5 immediately flew to the system and called Mu Yan out.

Mu Yan thought it was safe outside, so he came out, but as soon as he came out, he saw a big living person standing in front of him, so scared that he almost entered the system again immediately.

"Yanyan, it's okay, we are all acquaintances." No. 5 hurriedly stopped Mu Yan.

"Haha, your host is a bit stupid." No. 7 sarcastically said mercilessly.

"You're stupid, your whole family is stupid, people like your host who don't know what's ahead and rush forward are stupid." No. 5 returned sarcastically not to be outdone.

Its host is obviously cautious, so as to avoid danger, well, unlike the host on the 7th, who dares to come to investigate alone without knowing what is going on, that is a really silly moon.

"Who said, Xiaoan is obviously very brave, your host is the coward." No. 7 roared not to be outdone.

"Your host is brave and foolhardy, but my host is cautious." Number five also choked back.

The two system elves started to choke each other in mid-air, and almost started a fight, but the two hosts they were talking about chatted below, and during the chat, they looked like they hated seeing each other late.

Because both of them have traveled through time, they both have a series of systems, they are also food lovers, and they are also food advocates in their respective countries. Many similarities make them have endless topics to talk about.

But chatting is chatting, and Mu Yan didn't forget the food that was still on the firewood, and continued to chat with Gu Xiaoan while flipping through the food.

Gu Xiaoan also returned to his camp, and brought all the food he collected in the morning, as if he wanted to cooperate with Mu Yan.

And when Feng Zeshan came back from hunting and looked at the empty camp, what he felt in his heart was another story.

"Yanyan, what kind of porridge are you making? It smells so good." Gu Xiaoan asked happily, looking at the bubbling porridge in the pot.

While stirring the porridge in the pot to prevent the porridge from sticking to the bottom of the pot, Mu Yan answered Gu Xiaoan's question, "I found this in this forest, and it looks delicious."

One of them is a brother from ancient times, and the other is a chef from modern times. They have many topics to talk about in the exchange of ingredients, especially the different food cultures of two different eras. After communicating with each other, they can always gain a lot.

Not long after, Jiang Chenxi came back with two pheasants.

As a supernatural person, his five senses are very sharp and powerful. When he was still a few miles away from the camp, Jiang Chenxi keenly sensed the existence of other people in the camp, and immediately quickened his pace, wishing he could In an instant, he returned to Mu Yan's side.

If it wasn't because he felt that the man didn't have much force, he must have released the mecha.

However, even so, he still didn't dare to take it lightly, after all Mu Yan has no force.

"Yanyan, I'm back."

Hearing his voice before seeing him, Jiang Chenxi's purpose is to frighten that person so that he doesn't dare to act rashly.

Hearing the familiar voice, Mu Yan immediately looked in the direction Jiang Chenxi had left in surprise. Sure enough, not long after, a familiar figure appeared in his field of vision.

"Ah Chen." Mu Yan called happily.

Gu Xiaoan also looked over there, saw that Mu Yan was looking at Jiang Chenxi, and understood the relationship between them.

He just said, how dare Mu Yan, a person without any force, dare to live alone in this forest. It turns out that he came here with his partner just like him.

Feeling Gu Xiaoan's scrutinizing gaze, Jiang Chenxi subconsciously blocked Mu Yan behind him, and then looked at him, "Who are you?"

"Hello, my name is Gu Xiaoan." Gu Xiaoan hurriedly introduced himself.

He knew what the other party's gesture meant, because this gesture and eyes were too familiar, he could often see it from Aowu's eyes, and this also expressed his hostility towards the other party.

In order not to be treated as an enemy, Gu Xiaoan could only hastily introduce himself.

"Ah Chen, Xiaoan also has system elves, and Xiaoan is also good at cooking." Mu Yan couldn't wait to share his Xingchun mood with Jian Chenxi.

Meeting Gu Xiaoan was the biggest achievement of his trip, and he wanted Ah Chen to know all his happiness.

Looking at the smile on Mu Yan's face and listening to his words, Jiang Chenxi's stomach was filled with soreness. Even though he knew there would be nothing between them, he still couldn't bear to hear Mu Mu praise another person like this. Those who live will be jealous.

"I just met two pheasants. Let's eat roasted chickens at noon today, but I didn't know there were other people around, so I only caught two." Jiang Chenxi changed the subject and pointed out something.

Gu Xiaoan is still very smart, knowing the hints in Jiang Chenxi's words.

If it was in the past, he might not understand it, but after listening to Feng Zeshan a lot, he became more sensitive.

However, Mu Yan obviously hadn't cultivated enough yet, so he didn't hear it, and said, "It's okay, I can't eat that much by myself, and there are other foods, Xiaoan and I have enough."

Seeing Jiang Chenxi's painful face, Gu Xiaoan immediately wanted to laugh, but thinking about being in someone else's territory, it's better not to be so arrogant.

However, it turns out that men in this world are all the same, they are too possessive of their own wives, and there is no one else in their eyes except for the only one.

Sigh... It's only been a short time since we separated, and he misses his family so much, I don't know if Aowu will be back soon.

"No need, I'm going hunting too, I should be able to hunt good things later, and we will have enough to eat by then."

In order to avoid being cold-eyed by that terrifying man, Gu Xiaoan said hastily, and showed that he also has a partner.

Sure enough, Jiang Chenxi felt relieved when he heard the words, and took the two pheasants to the river to deal with them.

Gu Xiaoan looked around and waited for Feng Zeshan to come. Calculating the time, it should be too short, but he forgot that he was no longer in the original camp, and he hadn't told Feng Zeshan yet.

"It's so slow." Gu Xiaoan couldn't help muttering.

At this moment, giant noises began to be heard in the grass, as if a large beast was running towards this side.

Jiang Chenxi immediately threw away the pheasant in his hand, and then spread Mu Yan behind him, looking at the direction of the grass with sharp eyes.

He smelled a strange and powerful breath.

"I'll let you into the farm later, and you can just hide in the farm." Jiang Chenxi whispered to Mu Yan while being on guard.

Mu Yan tightly grasped the corner of Dai Chenxi's clothes, and nodded.

The movement in the grass became louder and louder, and it was obvious that the beast was getting closer and closer to them.

Jiang Chenxi directly changed into a beast shape, a huge tiger appeared in front of Mu Yan, its huge body blocked him tightly.

Because Gu Wan'an has her own orcs, she is too embarrassed to hide behind other good people.

The most important thing is that he has an inexplicable feeling about the beast he is about to catch. He always feels that it will not be a bad beast and will not attack them. Although he does not have the keen senses of orcs and supernatural beings, his intuition is It is also very accurate.

He trusts his instincts.

The surrounding flowers and trees began to shake without wind, and soon a giant black wolf appeared in front of everyone.

The size of the black wolf is comparable to Jiang Chenxi's animal shape, and when the two meet each other, they are ready to explode.

"Wow!" Gu Xiaoan said suddenly, and ran towards Hei Lang excitedly, leaving Mu Yan with no time to stop him.

What's strange is that the black wolf that was already ready to go, when it saw Gu Xiaoan, its eyes miraculously softened, and it even lowered its head and rubbed against him affectionately.

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