Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 307: Extra Story 3: Wife Doting and Crazy Devil (Part 1)

After fighting against the Zerg for several months, after returning home, and because Tuanyuanyuan has been occupying Mu Yan's time, Jiang Chenxi has not been intimate with his lover for a long time.

Two months later, he finally couldn't bear it any longer, threw Tuanyuanyuan to his mother, then abducted his lover directly onto the spaceship, and left the central star, no matter where they went, as long as it was the two of them.

"Achen, is it really okay for us to leave like this? Tuantuan and Yuanyuan are still so young!" Mu Yan was a little worried.

The two children are only two months old, and he is really worried about leaving like this.

However, Jiang Chenxi pulled him into his arms, and said with grievance in his tone: "There are so many people in the family who can help take care of them, everything will be fine, but I only have you, you have the heart to leave me alone for so long ?"

It's not the first time Mu Yan has heard Jiang Chenxi's aggrieved voice, but every time he feels it's miraculous and distressing at the same time.

In fact, thinking about it, since he was pregnant with two children, he and Ah Chen spent much less time together, and after he went to the battlefield, the two of them saw even less time.

Now it is different from the past. There are many Jiang family members, and there are more people who have experience in taking care of children. What's more, the two children are already more than two months old. Needless to say, the cubs of the supernatural beings can make a mess everywhere. Run away, although it is troublesome to take care of Yuanyuan, but as long as you are careful, there will be no major problems, and Ah Chen is right, I have really ignored him too many times.

Thinking of this, Mu Yan felt a little guilty, and rarely took the initiative to put his arms around the other's neck, and leaned forward to touch his lips affectionately, as if to comfort him.

Now that he has come out, don't think so much, it's better to concentrate on being with Ah Chen.

Seeing that his words were effective, Jiang Chenxi's deep eyes flashed a hint of cunning and black belly.

Mu Mu is his partner, followed by the children's father, so naturally he should take priority over Bai Ji.

As the father of three children, Jiang Chenxi didn't feel guilty about such a thought, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with being jealous with the three children.

After all, without him, where would the children come from!

"Then where are we going now?" Mu Yan decided to put the children down for the time being and spend time with Chen, and asked.

"Which planet Mumu likes, we will go to that planet." Dai Chenxi replied happily.

Mu Yan thought for a while, he had never been to other planets except Central Star and Blue Star, and he couldn't think of where to go for a while.

"It's up to Chen to decide, I can do it anywhere." Mu Yan said with a smile.

"Then let's go to Green Star, which is the end galaxy of the Federation, but the scenery is very nice, you will definitely like it." Jiang Chenxi quickly decided on the next destination.

"Okay." Mu Yan replied happily, as long as you go out with your lover, no matter where you go, it's fine.

This time, Jiang Chenxi came out quietly with Mu Yan, and did not report to the military department, so he did not bring his Sirius team with him, only brought some necessary personnel to do odd jobs and fly the spaceship.

If it weren't for the fact that manipulating the spaceship by himself would delay the time spent with Mu Yan, he wouldn't even bring those people out.

After four days of driving, Jiang Chenxi and Mu Yan finally arrived at Green Star.

Sure enough, as Jiang Chenxi said, the green star is a very beautiful planet. Looking down in the universe, it is a pure green planet like an emerald. It is as beautiful as the blue star, except that the blue star It looks like a pure blue sapphire planet from the sky.

I have to say that these two planets are still very compatible, but the distance is a bit far away, otherwise they will definitely look better together.

Under Jiang Chenxi's guidance, the driver chose an uninhabited area and landed.

Because they are here for their honeymoon this time, Jiang Chenxi doesn't want too many people to disturb them. Therefore, instead of landing in a residential area, it chose a sparsely populated forest and landed.

The forest is the place where Jiang Chenxi and Mu Yan first met, and it has a very special meaning to them. It is even said that they would rather be close to the forest than living in a residential area.

What's more, with No. 5 here, they can find enough food in the forest, and they won't starve to death.

The green star is also a primitive planet with a sparse population, just like the blue star, and the air quality is much better than that of the central star.

After getting off the spaceship, I took a deep breath, and my lungs were filled with fresh air, which made people feel better.

"The scenery here is really nice, it feels like returning to the Blue Star Forest." Mu Yan said looking at the surrounding plants.

But it's just this kind of feeling. In fact, the plants on the green star are quite different from the plants on the blue star. Probably because of the different geographical locations, there are not many identical plants on the two planets.

This also caused them to rely on No. 5 and Jasper Snake to find food in the next period of time. "If you miss Lan Xing, let's go back to Lan Xing again when you are free in a while." Jiang Chenxi pampered Mu Yan's hair and said with a smile.josei

"Let's go for a walk and see if we can find new food." Mu Yan blushed and said hastily.

When it comes to new ingredients, Mu Yan is always persistent. He has searched almost all the forests on Blue Star, and he has tried everything that can be eaten. It has been a long time since he encountered new ingredients, and now he is very excited to see so many different plants on Green Star.

The forest is a precious treasure of nature, and there are countless types of food in it.

Jiang Chenxi was also willing to pamper and spoil Mu Yan, and told the entourage a few words to let them stay where they were and set up tents, and then went into the forest alone with Mu Yan.

Sure enough, the species in the forest is rich, not long after coming in, with the help of No. 5 and Jasper Snake, Mu Yan has already found several new kinds of food, and he can't wait to try making these, and Taste what it tastes like.

The two walked for about two hours in the forest and found a clearing near the water source, where they decided to have lunch.

"I'm going to see if there are any small animals. You are waiting for me here." Jiang Chenxi said, and told Mu Yan to enter the system farm immediately if he encountered any danger, and then left with peace of mind.

Fortunately, the cheating weapon of the system exists, otherwise Jiang Chenxi would never let Mu Yan out of his sight.

When Jiang Chenxi went hunting, Mu Yan took all the collected food into the river and washed it again, and then took the firewood that Jiang Chenxi picked up before leaving, and lit a fire.

In the picturesque forest, facing the clear stream, breathing the fresh air, cooking delicious food, what life could be more pleasant and comfortable than this moment.

As the smoke rose, the porridge in the pot began to bubble, and the fragrance gradually spread to the surroundings.

The ingredients here are all pure natural, and the scent they make is even stronger, even if they are tens of meters away, they can almost be smelled. What's more, the scents of many foods are superimposed together, so the effect is even more obvious.

"It smells so good." Number five stared at the food in the pot with glowing eyes, almost drooling.

Mu Yan also took a deep breath in enjoyment, as expected the smell of food is the most attractive, but...

The little nose moved vigorously, and most of them sniffed a few times, Mu Yan was a little puzzled.

He knew in his heart what the taste of the Dongmian was, and he had memorized it when it first came out, but the scent he smelled now was obviously mixed with other scents, not the scent of the food he cooked.

However, this other smell is obviously also coming from the food, but it's not from his side, that is to say... there are other people cooking here.

After Mu Yan came to this conclusion, his whole body was on alert, ready to enter the system farm anytime and anywhere.

But he didn't want to do this from the bottom of his heart, it's just that Jiang Chenxi repeatedly told him to be more cautious.

In fact, in Mu Yan's heart, anyone who can cook is a good person, especially in this world where there are only nutritional supplements and nutritional powders, anyone who can cook is a person who is willing to study hard, so naturally they are not bad people .

But those who should be on guard are still on guard.

A sudden sound came from the grass behind him, making Mu Yan tremble with fear, and he turned around suddenly.

It was the first time for him to encounter such a thing when Jiang Chenxi was not employed, it made him very scared, and he really wanted to call Ah Chen's name loudly to embolden Bai Ji.

But he knew that it was not allowed under such circumstances, because it would disturb the other party, and by then, he might not even have the chance to enter the system farm.

The movement in the grass grew louder, Mu Yan swallowed, and decided to enter the farm now.

The moment Mu Yan's figure disappeared, another slender figure came out from the bushes, with obvious doubts in his eyes.

"Huh? Why is there no one?" Gu Xiaoan looked at the situation in front of him in confusion. The firewood was still new, and the food in the pot was still bubbling. It was obvious that someone was cooking here, but he kept Come here, why is there no one?

Originally, he was making lunch in another place not far away, but he smelled a familiar yet unfamiliar fragrance in the air. After he figured out the situation, he was very happy, and he also forgot the urgency. Chong Chong decided to come and find this like-minded person.

As a result, he just came here, but the place was empty, there was no one there, only firewood and porridge in the pot, everything seemed very strange.

"Number 7, number 7, you... Do you think this is the one who is cooking?" Gu Xiaoan was terrified. He was most afraid of things that could not be seen or touched. Now all these scenes are really weird no matter how they look at them. .

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