A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 2 - I’m Not Interested in You

Chapter 2 I’m Not Interested in You
A sudden silence fell in the car. The vibe was quite depressing.

Qin Shu’s cheek was pinched distorted by the man and turned red, so aching that tears were welling up in her eyes, which made her look like a poor kitten.

Ling Mohan couldn’t bear that scene, so he shook off his hand fretfully.

Qin Shu’s fair tender face now had red marks on it. She simply leaned against the window at ease. With her eyelids down, Qin Shu said casually, “What I’m laughing about… Mr. Colonel, not to speak three months, even if I waited three years, you wouldn’t come back to me. Oh, no, it’s been exactly three years. If I hadn’t had the luck to meet you, a nobleman like you would have long forgotten me.”

Her words irritated Ling Mohan again.

“Little Qin Shu!” His eyes flared up. He suddenly reached out and pulled her into his arms.” Can’t you wait a bit longer for me?”

Wait a bit longer for him?

That sounded ridiculous!

Setting aside their love, for the sake of their friendship that started from childhood, Ling Mohan should have given an explanation, right?

Yet, Qin Shu woke up to see a cold note, asking her to wait three months.

Okay, she waited three months like an idiot, hearing nothing from the man. No one knew his whereabouts. Three months later, the bastard was completely gone!

Today, they met again and he didn’t intend to explain why he left, or why he hadn’t come back to her after three months and even for the past three years.

Was it because he cared little about her that he felt unnecessary to explain?josei

Thinking of this, Qin Shu was so mad that she laughed, and burning with anger, she took a big bite at his neck!

Ling Mohan gave out a hum in pain and then breathed rapidly. He was so annoyed that he wanted to teach a lesson to this little wild kitten seducing him!

Qin Shu was alert all over.

Hold on!

It was not the time for flirting, particularly with a bastard who left her three years ago.

Now he blamed her for not waiting longer? What a huge joke!

Qin Shu wouldn’t allow herself to make the same mistake again.

Besides, she had her pride and decided to refuse this man.

Qin Shu pulled herself together: her eyes meeting his dark deep eyes and her heart racing. But she pretended to be calm and smiling.

“Mr. Colonel, why should I wait for you? Are you still in love with me? No, I remember you never love me, and I’m not interested in you….”

“You’re not interested in me?” Ling Mohan interrupted her coldly and angrily.

Qin Shu grinned and nodded, “Yes.”

A sudden dead silence fell in the car!

One pulling a long face, the other smiling like a flower, their eyes collided, almost causing sparks in the air.

After a long while, Ling Mohan clenched his fists to suppress anger. “You love Ji Chen!” he said in a sneer.

Qin Shu was shocked. He knew what happened three years ago?

No, if he had known it, he wouldn’t have said so.

The thought flashed by. Qin Shu kept her smile bright, “Congratulations, you’re right.”

She rose slightly and approached Ling Mohan. She smiled and whispered by his ear, “Mr. Colonel, now that we finally meet, there’s one more thing you need to know. Three years ago, I drank too much and mistook you as someone else, hope you don’t mind.”

The moment she finished, Ling Mohan had his hand around Qin Shu’s neck!

A vibe of shocking terror filled the car.

Ling Mohan had the Devil’s look. The handsome face with pronounced features was now shrouded with a thick layer of ice. He looked just like a cold-blooded devil that took away lives without batting an eye!

He was the grandson of General Ling and the head of a military industry group, with great power in his hands. No man would hold back the anger when learning about this cruel fact three years later.

Now the Ling Mohan had a fire burning inside and wanted to strangle the girl to death so that she wouldn’t irritate him anymore.

Seeing her pretty face in pain and her eyes brimming with tears yet still staring at him, Ling Mohan’s iron-hard heart just softened.

However furious inside, he couldn’t do it.

Qin Shu wasn’t his tough soldiers. Being choked, she struggled by instinct, her legs kicking and her handcuffed hands bruising when struggling.

She felt so uncomfortable, having less and less air in her chest. Even Ling Mohan’s face looked so terrifying!

The bastard was really going to kill her?

Just when Qin Shu was about to cry due to discomfort, the hand around her neck was gone, and fresh air rushed down her throat into her chest.

She gasped for breath and trembled uncontrollably. For the first time, she felt Ling Mohan was so terrifying!

It seemed that the bastard really cared little about her. She didn’t care either!

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