A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 1 - The Colonel Was Beaten

Chapter 1 The Colonel Was Beaten
City Lin, Country A.

In was in June and the scorching sun was high in the sky.

Soldiers of the First Military Industrial Group, however, had cold sweat trickling down their back. Still, no one dared to wipe the sweat.

Adjutant Li swallowed a bit of saliva with difficulty and looked at the man cautiously . “Colonel, how about treating your wound on the forehead now?”

“Shut up!”

The man’s face was gloomy and cold, and he looked even more sturdy in his starched uniform. The two stripes and three stars on his shoulder mark indicated that he was a high-ranking officer.

But some daredevil had assaulted him!

Just a minute ago, the colonel came to the Military Idustrial Group to inspect the anti-terrorism drill.

Nobody had expected that as soon as the colonel got off the military vehicle, a woman suddenly hit him in the head with a mineral water bottle.

The colonel once was a member of the special forces. Needless to say, a mineral water bottle should have caused not even the slightlest trouble considering his skill and swift response.

But it was strange that the colonel was stunned when he saw that woman.

That was why he was hit by the bottle and the woman was able to run away.

Adjutant Li was much puzzled. But his keen instincts told him that the colonel must have known the woman and they must have an unusual relationship.

“Colonel! We caught the woman who had assaulted you!”

Two soldiers grabbed a young woman here, handcuffed and gagged the way a felon was treated.

She should definitely be treated as a felon for assaulting the colonel.

Ling Mohan ignored the wounds on his forehead, and pulled the whining girl into the military vehicle. Then he fiercely kicked the front seat and roared to the driver: “Get out!”

The driver also can’t wait to get away from him. He hurriedly sneaked out as soon as he heard the devilish colonel’s words, and felt sorry for the girl in his heart.

Ling Mohan then looked at the girl’s small, delicate and beautiful face. He felt his temples thudding violently and there was a fire buring in his heart.

That could be a fire of wrath, or of evil element. Anyway, it pissed him off.

If he was pissed off, he would not let anyone else feel better.

Ling Mohan pulled the girl to be closer to him. He smelled a faint fragrance of her body, and his heart got somehow excited.josei

But in just a second, he gnashed: ” Little Qin shu, three years have passed, and you have gotten a nerve!”

Your asshole nerve!

Qin Shu was not grateful at all when hearing that long lost, intimate nickname. She stared at him with firing eyes.

Stuffed with cotton cloth in the mouth, she could not speak but make sounds like wuuu…. She was so angry that she cursed the man over and over again in her heart.

She didn’t want to see this son of a bitch for thirty years, let alone three years.

If she hadn’t been an intern in the Secretary Department of the Military Industrial Group, she wouldn’t have met him and hit him in the head with a bottle, and certainly wouldn’t have been caught now.

What damned bad luck!

Ling Mohan gave a cold hum. He pulled the cotton cloth out of Qin Shu’s mouth and looked at her with cold eyes: “Talk!”

Don’t be so overbearing! I’m not your soldier.

Qin Shu was terribly pissed off. Her teeth clenched, and she couldn’t wait to blow the man’s head.

But since she was caught, and the man was a tough guy, she had to yield a little bit.

“What do you want me to say, colonel? Is there anything else we can talk about?”

She pouted her lips slightly and smiled. Her small face was as delicate as a budding flower, yet her words were full of sarcasm, and her eyes were filled with aversion.

Ling Mohan captured the aversion in her look.

After three years without seeing each other, Little Shu dared to loathe him? Did she forget how she spent that night with him like a slut?

Looking at Qin Shu’s pink lips, Ling Mohan’s face darkened. He grabbed her small face with one hand, and gently rubbed her ruddy lips with his rough thumb.

Soft and delicate as expected.

“I asked you to wait for me for three months. Why did you marry Ji Chen?”

Ling Mohan asked in fury.

Qin Shu snorted with laughter when she heard Ling Mohan’s question, as if it was the biggest joke in the world. She couldn’t stop laughing.

“What are you laughing at?”

Ling Mohan was so pissed off and almost out of control. His look became extremely horrible, and harshly squeezed Qin Shu’s chin.

Her laughter stopped!

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