Yes, I’m Straight. But What Have I Done Wrong?

Chapter 3 - Story 19-27

Chapter 3: Story 19-27
Translator: Sissy That Walk

Straight Guy was also at puberty and attempted to chase after pretty girls in and outside class. He still remembered the class representative of literature and art had once asked him out. This morning, he saw her eating breakfast and slowly he walked up to chat.

“Why do you eat like a bird?”

The class representative of literature and art said, “To lose weight.”

“Are you sure? You are not fat,” Straight Guy said sincerely.

The class representative of literature and art was amused, “Do you think so? Maybe I don’t look fat. But I wanna be thinner.”

Straight Guy earnestly commented, “You look fine. But your waist and legs are a little bit thick.”


Straight Guy was confused why the class representative of literature and art refused to chat with him in the middle of a lovely conversation.

He told his roommates about the episode. They almost burst out laughing hearing what he said. Domineering Guy thought he must demonstrate a perfect answer under such a situation.

Then, Coquettish Guy firstly said, “I think I am getting fat recently.”

Domineering Guy walked towards him and pinched his thin waist, “Nonsense. You are not fat. Plus I’m attracted to you no matter what. I will worry about you when you are too thin.”

What Domineering Guy had said was so sincere. Coquettish Guy even blushed. Straight Guy was petrified. Soon after, he gave a thumb up, “Good! Very Good! Please demonstrate more in the future, otherwise I will piss off girls again.”

Domineering Guy patted his foolish son’s (Straight Guy) head, “Papa is willing to help you.”


Straight Guy had the female classmate that he wanted to pursue, so he made up his mind to change himself from appearance to soul.

This weekend, he wanted to shop for some new clothes. His clothes were bought by his mom, they all looked too good-boyish, not cool at all. Straight Guy was worried about his own taste. Therefore, he managed to persuade his two brothers to come along.

Seeing him enter the fitting room with a pile of clothes, Domineering Guy and Coquettish Guy shivered in the heart.

Straight Guy came out from the fitting room in a bright shirt as they had expected, it was purple, could it be gayer?

Domineering Guy was startled, “Wow.”

Coquettish Guy patted his shoulder, “Chill. It shows that he is indeed straight.”


Straight Guy was hungry at night and was craving for barbecue. His little proposal was firmly rejected by Domineering Guy.

“It is too late to have food now. Moreover, supervisor of dorm will scold us when he sees us getting take-away at such late hour.”

Straight Guy was so aggrieved that he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, “Ok. Forget it.” He did not want to order alone.

After a while, Coquettish Guy said that he was hungry and felt like barbecue as well. That delighted Straight Guy. However, before he proposed that they could order together, Domineering Guy had already promptly taken his mobile phone out, “Let me see which restaurant serves fast.”

Straight Guy was confused, “??? You said you didn’t feel like anything.”

Domineering Guy, “It was just proposed by you alone. Now that you both proposed it, it’s a group activity. As a dormitory leader, I must join.”

Straight Guy said, “That makes sense.” But he still felt that the dormitory leader always demonstrated a strange sense of responsibility.


The barbecue was delivered and they ate together.

Domineering Guy paid no attention to trifles, he gobbled the food up without even seeing what he had put in his mouth. Hmm, something tasted great, “What is it in my mouth?”

“Lamb kidneys,” Straight Guy said, “You ate them up? You didn’t spare me even one.”

“….” Complicated emotions showed up on Domineering Guy’s face instantly.

Coquettish Guy, “?…?”

The more Domineering Guy thought, the more he became sleepless. Restless he felt, so he texted Coquettish Guy, “Honey, I’m feeling uncomfortable.”

Coquettish Guy, “…The child (Straight Guy) is here. Don’t even try.”

Domineering Guy replied with an aggrieved emoji.josei

Coquettish Guy smiled slightly and did not reply back. Domineering Guy went furious. Damn the child (Straight Guy), why did he even order lamb kidneys? Didn’t he know lamb kidney made people horny? Damn!


Domineering Guy was restless for half an hour lying on the bed, furious and horny. He thought this situation must be changed.

A wail.

Straight Guy asked, “Dormitory leader, what’s wrong with you?”

Domineering Guy replied, “I may have developed gastric perforation or appendicitis. Bro, can you help me buy some medicine?”

Straight Guy was almost scared to cry, “On my way! It won’t take long.”

Coquettish Guy frowned at Domineering Guy who was making such a scene and thought secretly, “There is a saying: men cannot repress sexual desire for a long time. This is true.”

Straight Guy no sooner got out than Domineering Guy revived. He hugged Coquettish Guy tightly and fiercely kissed his cheek. “God! I’ve been longing for the kiss. I’m alive. So, let’s….”

Coquettish Guy replied in a clam tone even though his eyes were rippled with longings and his ear tips blushed with shyness, “I offer a hand, and that’s it.”

“Ok,” Domineering Guy said contentedly, “Sure, whatever you say. I’ll save the rest for the future.”

There came a heavy knock on the door when he just took off his pants.

“Big brother, open the door. I brought the teacher! Your illness is severe. Medicine isn’t enough. You must go to the hospital! Open the door. Now.”

Domineering Guy, “Fuck.”


Domineering Guy felt that Straight Guy needed some romance. Anything that could attract his attention was feasible, if not romance.

Then, Domineering Guy rigged a plan.

Therefore, the class representative of literature and art asked Straight Guy out for lunch.

Straight Guy took her to the school canteen, that was okay, though not ideal. But to her surprise, he took her to line up in the ordinary window instead of other windows where fancy food was available.

The class representative of literature and art glanced at Straight Guy in the rear after she ordered. Straight Guy was a little bit confused, “Just pay already! A lot of people are waiting.”

The class representative of literature and art, “….”

She promptly touched on her meal card on the machine and left without looking back.

Straight Guy was totally confused and consulted Coquettish Guy when he came back to the dorm, “We agreed on having lunch together. Why did she leave earlier without speaking to me?”

“Eating together doesn’t only mean sitting together.” Coquettish Guy explained in patience.

“What do you mean?”

“To put it this way, say, someone invites you to sleep with him. What does it mean? Think about it, can you understand?”

“Um…” Straight Guy pondered about it.

Coquettish Guy was about to sigh a relief, thinking he was enlightened when this stupid boy asked, “So, does sleeping together have other meanings?”

Coquettish Guy, “….”


Domineering Guy indulged himself in a passionate love after he confessed himself.

All he could think about was,

Spoiling Coquettish Boy with all the desserts that he enjoyed.

Hugging and kissing Coquettish Boy every day.

Cuddling and sleeping with Coquettish Boy.

Finally, Straight Guy sensed something was unusual and asked, “Why are you always buying Coquettish Guy cute small cakes?”

Domineering Guy silenced for a long time, “His parents are getting divorced. He is in a bad mood.”

Straight Guy understood it immediately, he felt a bit grieved for Coquettish Boy and was ashamed that he pried into other’s privacy.

Then, he followed suits. He also bought a small cake and put it on the Coquettish Guy’s desk. Coquettish Guy, “???”

Straight Guy did this kind of thing for the first time, therefore, he unavoidably blushed. Moreover, he was not good at comforting people, all he did was turning aside and stuttering, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here for you.”

Hearing that, Domineering Guy who was cleaning up the dorm broke the mop.


Compared with collage, being roommates in high school meant living inseparably without much private time.

Domineering Guy fascinated the sweetheart (Coquettish Guy) and always wished to get busy with him, however, he could not neglect Straight Guy. Therefore, he determined to match Straight Guy with the class representative of literature and art.

Domineering Guy instructed him, “Last time, you made her angry. You should surf on the Weibo and Taobao to learn how to make a girl happy. Pay more attention to it.”

Straight Guy nodded and agreed with him.

He searched for gifts on the Internet and immediately ordered one of the best-sellers.

After a few days, the class representative of literature and art received a big pink crystal ball with a carved word “Sorry”, so cheesy.

This was all about Straight Guy’s first love story which ended before it even started.


Straight Guy was a dull boy in general, but he minded that he was cold-shouldered by a girl.

He was spiritless for days.

Coquettish Guy consoled that he could speak out these unhappy things and keeping them in mind was bad.

Straight Guy felt alright digesting this by himself, but he felt aggrieved when he was cared for. Straight Guy pulled Coquettish Guy over and said in a low voice, “I don’t know why girls are so difficult to understand. Anything I did seem to be wrong.”

Coquettish Guy comforted him, “It was just personalities maybe. But you were at least asked out by girls. This is better than me. I’ve never been asked out by girls.”

Straight Guy watched his friend who was so good looking, yet not loved by girls and thought, “He is more miserable than me. I at least have lovelorn experience.”

Then, he secretly met with Domineering Guy and expressed that he intended to help Coquettish Guy to find a girlfriend, “What do you think? His seventeenth birthday is in next month. But he has never yet experienced first love. What a miserable boy.”

Domineering Guy, “Why are you so sure he hasn’t experienced first love?”

Straight Guy, “We have been roommates for so long. I know his love situation.”

Domineering Guy, “Oh. I see”

Straight Guy, “So, can we invite several girls to his birthday party? I think he is too passive. If we create an opportunity, he may, you know, have a girlfriend.”

Domineering Guy, “… I refuse this suggestion.”

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