Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 200: Is She My Daughter-in-law?

TL: Etude

After leaving the mall, the pedestrian street was lined with stalls on both sides. There were vendors selling incense, fireworks, date cakes, and cooked food.

The calls of the vendors rose and fell in my ears, filling the air with the rich scent of the New Year.

Jiang Qin put the New Year goods he had purchased into the trunk of his car. Before he could leave the parking lot, he received a call from Yang Shu’an, who said he had brought over half a sheep and was now waiting at their doorstep, exhausted.

“I already said it wasn’t necessary. Your dad is really too polite.”

“It’s the New Year, Uncle. My dad ordered this a month in advance. It’s top-quality Yanchi Tan sheep. We can split it between our two families.”

“Then wait for me at the door. I’ll be right back.”

After hanging up, Jiang Qin turned to the little rich lady, “Do you want to come to my place?”

Feng Nanshu’s cheeks instantly puffed up, her beautiful eyes shining: “Brother, let’s go.”

“I should warn you, my house is small and not very exciting.”

“Then I’ll just play for a short while.”

Jiang Qin was amused by her serious expression, fastened her seatbelt, and drove back to Hongrong Residence.

My parents wouldn’t have their New Year’s Eve holiday until that very night, so the house was empty. Otherwise, Yang Shu’an wouldn’t have been left waiting outside. So, there was no issue in bringing the little rich lady home.

Besides, what’s the big deal if there were people at home?

So what if my parents were there?

It’s normal to bring a good friend home. Why should I feel guilty?

Guo Zihang, that bastard, used to come over every other day in high school. He always sat upright and proper!

However, some people really can’t stop thinking about things. Just as Jiang Qin parked his car at the entrance of the complex, a chubby, dark-skinned kid ran over from across the street.

He was holding a large box of roast chicken, a locally famous brand from Jizhou.

“My distant uncle who sells roast chicken is here again. He brought several boxes, too many to eat.”

“Old Guo, don’t you bring me a box every year?”

“He sends them every year without fail, and I can’t do anything about it.”

Guo Zihang patted the box of roast chicken and followed Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu upstairs. Halfway up, they ran into Mrs. Li, who was out walking with her grandson.

Mrs. Li had been especially busy lately.


Because all the migrant workers had returned home. Those who didn’t bring back a wife, those married for years without children, she was interested in all of them.

Her legs, as if fueled by Harbin Pharmaceutical Factory’s blue bottle of Juvigor Calcium, could easily sprint up six floors without tiring.

As the two groups met at the corner of the second-floor staircase, the atmosphere froze in 0.01 seconds.

At that moment, Mrs. Li looked at Feng Nanshu, her gossip-loving soul ablaze.

“Yo, Jiang Qin, who’s this young lady? And you brought her home?”

“Mrs. Li, let me introduce you. This is Guo Zihang, and this is Guo Zihang’s godmother.”

Guo Zihang: “?”

Mrs. Li: “?”

Jiang Qin held Feng Nanshu’s hand and continued upstairs, thinking to himself how lucky he was to be quick-witted.

Mrs. Li, always running from one house to another, was like the director of the intelligence bureau in Hongrong Residence. If you told her this was my classmate, it would be over.

By tonight, the news that Jiang Qin brought a stunning female classmate home would spread throughout the entire complex and eventually reach my mother’s ears.

But if you say she’s Guo Zihang’s godmother, it’s different.

First off, no one in the complex knows who Guo Zihang is.

Moreover, if she’s a godmother, could she be a young, beautiful girl? This one statement blocks all rumors and gossip.

With such quick reflexes and a clever way to avoid danger, Jiang Qin believed no one else could do it.

Arriving on the fourth floor, Yang Shu’an was already waiting at the door, a large foam box at his feet, labeled with Yanchi Tan sheep.

Jiang Qin took out his keys, opened the door, and invited the three inside.

“Do you need to change into slippers?”

“There aren’t that many slippers; just come in with your shoes. If they get dirty, we can clean up later. We’re not so particular in a small household.”

Guo Zihang had been here many times and was familiar with the place. He casually placed the roast chicken on the table and headed to the living room.

Yang Shu’an followed suit and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

At this moment, Jiang Qin turned to Feng Nanshu and noticed her curiously looking around the house. As soon as she saw him watching, she quickly reverted to her cool and aloof demeanor.

“This is what you call a small household. Quite an eye-opener, huh?”

“It’s small, but cute.”

Feng Nanshu earnestly assessed, then walked in with her little boots, strolling around the living room and dining table. However, she dared not enter the rooms with closed doors, still feeling a bit nervous.

Jiang Qin turned on the TV for them and asked them to make themselves comfortable, while he divided the roast chicken into two portions and picked out a large piece of lamb ribs from the meat.

He planned to let Yang Shu’an take three chickens back home and Guo Zihang take half of the lamb ribs, leaving the rest for his family’s New Year celebration.

After sorting things out and wiping his hands, Jiang Qin left the kitchen and found the little rich lady standing quietly at the door of his bedroom.

“What are you doing?”

Feng Nanshu extended a fair finger and pressed it against the door: “Jiang Qin, I want to take a look inside.”

“No, there are secrets inside. It might bite.” Jiang Qin refused flatly.

“Brother, I want to take a look.”


Some skills, when used in different environments, produce different effects. Like this soft and gentle ‘big brother’, once uttered in his own house, its lethality doubled, almost breaking his pride.

Jiang Qin opened the door, indulging the high-cold little rich lady’s curiosity.

His room wasn’t large, about 20 square meters. Directly opposite was a single bed with a blue and white checkered bedsheet left over from his high school boarding days, and next to the head of the bed was a writing desk.

Actually, his room wasn’t originally so plain. He used to have anime posters and celebrity photos on the walls.

But after his rebirth, Jiang Qin found them too flashy and took them all down, replacing them with a calendar.


“What’s up?”

“I’m hungry. Can we have something to eat?”

Yang Shu’an hadn’t eaten lunch and had been waiting outside for a long time, so his stomach was growling.

“Alright, considering it’s the New Year, I’ll show off my cooking skills.”

Jiang Qin left the little rich lady in his bedroom to play by herself, then rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen. After some time, he brought out four steaming bowls of instant noodles.

“Is this it?”

Yang Shu’an’s face twisted.

“Why did it take so long to make instant noodles?”

Guo Zihang was also puzzled.

“It’s good enough to have something to eat. Don’t be picky. A son returning home after half a month is worse than a dog. Don’t tell me you don’t understand. These noodles are what I scrimped and saved for.”

“No, Uncle, where did your cooking skills go?” Yang Shu’an asked, confused.

“To make noodles, you need hot water. My skill is in boiling water quickly and well.”

Jiang Qin grinned and went to call Feng Nanshu out of the bedroom to eat noodles.

The little rich lady had been out with him all day and hadn’t eaten anything. She must have been hungry.

He opened the door and found Feng Nanshu lying on his bed, flipping through the book “Detective Academy Q” on his bedside table, her eyes lively and cute, her delicate and curled eyelashes trembling slightly.

“It’s time to eat.”


Feng Nanshu obediently got up and walked out of his bedroom, while Jiang Qin stared at the spot where the little rich lady had lain, his mind somewhat dazed.

Bringing a female classmate home, watching her lie on your bed and play by herself, it’s a strange feeling. Without thinking too much, it’s fine, but the more you think about it, the more you feel a tingling sensation.

“Hey, I remember this new brand of instant noodles is supposed to come with a marinated egg, right? Why doesn’t mine have one?”

After eating the noodles for a while, Guo Zihang realized something was missing.

“Mine doesn’t have one either. Did you throw it in the trash?”

After being reminded, Yang Shu’an also searched with his fork but found no trace of the egg.

“Really? I didn’t know. Maybe you two are just unlucky.”

Jiang Qin calmly took a bite of his noodles.

“Jiang Qin, there are three eggs in my noodles.”

Feng Nanshu used her fork to reveal three marinated eggs hidden under the noodles, her eyes shining brightly.

“Isn’t it great that you like marinated eggs? You’re really lucky.”

Jiang Qin casually bit into his own egg, unfazed.

Guo Zihang: “Damn luck…”

Yang Shu’an: “Artificial luck…”

After finishing the noodles, Jiang Qin handed the roast chicken to Yang Shu’an and the lamb ribs to Guo Zihang, signaling it was time for them to leave. His mother, Yuan Youqin, would be off work soon, and it was best they left before she arrived to avoid having to explain the situation and calm her down, especially since she might think he brought home a daughter-in-law.

With Yuan Youqin’s temperament, she probably wouldn’t believe him anyway.

So, the four of them went downstairs, planning to sit at a nearby water bar for a while, chat, and play cards. After all, entertainment is paramount during the New Year.

However, just as they were about to leave, Feng Nanshu suddenly remembered something: “Jiang Qin, I forgot my bag.”

She had brought a pink backpack, which she used to carry her phone and lipstick. It must have been left in the living room.

Jiang Qin told them to wait downstairs while he ran up to get it.

But the world is full of coincidences.

Just as he went upstairs, his mother, Yuan Youqin, arrived at the complex earlier than usual, carrying groceries from her workplace. She recognized Guo Zihang, quickly deducing that the three were visiting Jiang Qin.

“Why don’t you come up to the house?”

“We just came from there, Jiang Qin went up to get something.”

Yuan Youqin nodded and turned her gaze to Feng Nanshu. The little rich lady had put on her down jacket’s hood as soon as she came down, making her cute face hard to see clearly, but Yuan Youqin still found her somewhat familiar.josei

Feng Nanshu, knowing she was Jiang Qin’s mother, nervously waved her hand hidden in her sleeve but wasn’t sure what to call her.

Yuan Youqin didn’t think much of it, as staring too long at someone wasn’t polite. After exchanging a few words, she carried her groceries upstairs.

As soon as she entered the house, she saw Jiang Qin with the bag, ready to leave.

“You’re going out?”

“Mom, why are you back so early?” Jiang Qin was startled.

Yuan Youqin put down her things and changed into slippers. “The office let out early for the holiday. Those three downstairs are your classmates, right?”

“Yes, classmates, absolutely classmates, pure and simple classmates.”


“I’m going out to play. There’s hot water in the kitchen. Have some water, I’ll be leaving now.”

Jiang Qin could tell from his mother’s reaction that she hadn’t recognized Feng Nanshu, so he didn’t dare to stay long and swiftly left the house with the bag.

Yuan Youqin poured herself a cup of water and watched a bit of a soap opera, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.

Thinking back to the girl’s face and then to Jiang Qin taking the bag, her brows furrowed.

“That girl did look familiar.”


“Wait a minute.”

“Is she my daughter-in-law?!”

Suddenly, it all clicked for Yuan Youqin. That girl downstairs was definitely the well-behaved girl from her son’s phone wallpaper. He had said she was a celebrity, but could a celebrity be brought home like that?

It was almost certain, absolutely almost certain!

AN: Spent the whole night typing, please support with a monthly ticket!!!

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