Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince [BL]

Chapter 415 - 415 EPILOGUE 1: WU JINHAI'S DREAM


Note: this scene happened after Wu Jinhai used the Ears to Lips ability. It was when he was held in prison by Shao Yaoting. 

Wu Jinhai couldn't feel his whole body. Of course, that was the effect of using too much of his energy to telepathize with Yu Ming. He knew the risks all too well, but he did it anyway, and so it was expected that he would collapse sooner or later. Wu Jinhai had indeed expected that he would pass out after using up too much energy only to show Bai Chen that it was Ma Qiao who had been behind his every misery all along, but he didn't expect that he would go somewhere after he fainted in the prison within Rongyao Imperial Palace. 

He was in what looked like a forest, and without even taking a closer look at his surroundings, he knew that it was no ordinary forest. Instead, it was the Forbidden Forest. 

"I'm pretty sure I passed out in the prison, so why am I suddenly in the Forbidden Forest? And I can even stand on my own two feet now; Wu Jinhai wondered to himself as he glanced at his feet, and indeed, he was able to stand on both of his feet at the moment. 

Of course, it was different from what he remembered before he finally passed out in the prison. He must have remembered that he could only lie helplessly on the dirty floor at that time, so he knew that there was no way he would suddenly manage to stand on his own two feet. 

'This must be a dream,' he once again muttered to himself as he raised his head, and at that moment, he almost jumped in shock when he saw another Wu Jinhai in front of him. 

It was indeed a man who looked just like him. The face, hair, clothes... everything was exactly the same as him. Who is he? Is someone trying to pretend to be mer He once again wondered. 

He was unable to comprehend the situation, but even after he muttered to himself, the man who looked like him didn't show any reaction, and it didn't seem like the man had heard his voice at all. 

That confused him even more, but then he saw another person in the place, and that person was none other than Bai Chen who was standing in front of a man who looked just like him. 

"Bai Chen is also here?' He once again asked a question, but neither of the two men standing in front of him seemed to hear what he said, and that was why they didn't bother looking at him. 

He was bewildered, but then he could hear the person who looked like him suddenly breaking the silence in the forest, "How I told you that I have feelings for you is just a lie. I thought I would be able to use you to get in touch with the Immortal Elder in Dong Lang, but then I discovered that the Immortal Elder had died, and that's why you are of no use to me now, Bai Chen." 

The man did say those words to Bai Chen, but they were enough to make Wu Jinhai's breath hitch. 

"Why... why did you say such a thing to Bai Chen?" In disbelief, Wu Jinhai asked the man who looked like him. 

At this moment, he could also see how that man was acting extremely cold toward Bai Chen, and there was no trace of love at all. On the contrary, Wu Jinhai only saw the annoyance and hatred on the man's face, and that was why his heart constricted when he could imagine that what the man had just said would hurt Bai Chen's heart. 

And maybe he guessed it right because he could see how Bai Chen's face was painted with pain after he heard the man's statement. 

"No, Bai Chen! I absolutely did not lie to you about my feelings! I have to admit that I did have the plan to take advantage of you so I could contact the Immortal Elder, but I had forgotten about that plan after I fell in love with you! My feelings for you are real, so please don't listen to this man, Bai Chen! He's just a fraud, and I'm the real one here!" 

Wu Jinhai looked frantic, and he even stepped forward and was about to cover Bai Chen's ears with his palms so he wouldn't listen to the man's words anymore, but he couldn't do that because he couldn't even touch Bai Chen at this time. When he was about to touch Bai Chen, Bai Chen's body suddenly became transparent, and that was why he failed to touch the man's ears. 

At this moment, Wu Jinhai even stared at his palms in fear. "What's going on here? Why can't I touch Bai Chen?" He asked in disbelief. historical

Wu Jinhai really didn't understand the situation, but then he immediately brought his hand closer to the man who looked like him and wanted to touch him, but he couldn't touch the man either. 

"You won't be able to touch them because they are just shadows from your past life, Wu Jinhai." 

Wu Jinhai finally stopped trying to touch the man when he heard an unfamiliar voice echoing within the forest. He turned his gaze to scan his surroundings but found nothing, and he shouted in alarm, "WHO ARE YOU? YOU'RE JUST A LOSER IF YOU DON'T DARE TO SHOW UP IN FRONT OF ME!'" 

Wu Jinhai spoke very harshly to the unfamiliar voice, but the voice only laughed after hearing what he said. 'You call me a loser, ah? It's true that I also hide some secrets from Bai Chen and even deliberately toy with him, but you're worse than me, young man. You're worse because you betrayed Bai Chen in your past life."

"..." Wu Jinhai no longer answered, but his eyes carefully turned to the two figures in front of him who didn't speak or move anymore, and now they looked like statues. 

Wu Jinhai didn't want to believe what the unknown voice had just said, but somehow his heart ached at the thought of the betrayal said by the voice. Suddenly, in his head played several scenes that he had never seen before. Those scenes had Bai Chen, but it was different from what he had experienced. In those scenes, he mistreated Bai Chen, and he even hurt the Werewolf Prince. And in the end, he betrayed Bai Chen's trust instead. Suddenly, Wu Jinhai remembered everything, and he fell to his knees as tears started to roll from his eyes. "You're right. I'm the loser here. I'm the loser for betraying Bai Chen's love in my previous life! 

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