Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 209:

Friction (2)


Chasi-hyun jumped up and down with joy. He had won the prize of 3,000 euros.

He had not been exposed to art for long, but he had guessed quite a lot of works and artists thanks to his diligent study.

He was a smart guy who learned how to connect the works and the artists.

It was a lucky draw after meeting certain conditions, but he was proud of himself.

But what about this trophy?

Marso, who always acted cocky, finished his speech and left somewhere.

The event of guessing the artists was over, and only the party prepared by SNBA was left, but he was not sure if he could meet him there.

He decided to call him later.

“Mr. Go! Please give us a comment!”

“What are you preparing with Henri Marso? Please tell us in detail!”

“Mr. Go Su-yeol! Your grandson won the second prize. How do you feel right now?”

“What are your plans for the future?”

He was startled when the reporters suddenly swarmed in as the event ended.

“Please wait! We will arrange a separate place for the interview. Please ask us then.”

Bang Tae-ho stepped in and stopped the reporters.

“What do you want to do?”

His grandfather asked him.

He was asking if he wanted to go to the party.

His eyes were red from drinking.

“I want to rest today.”

He was tired, whether it was because of the tension or the fight with Marso. He felt sorry for the delicious food at the party.

“Okay. You’ll be busy from now on, so it’s good to rest when you have time.”

“Can I buy pizza on the way home?”

He asked him if it was okay to have a late-night snack, which was bad for his health, but he thought it would be fine on a happy day like this. His grandfather hesitated.

“I don’t know if they’re still open.”


His grandfather chuckled.

“You’ll find one.”

He hugged me tightly with a happy smile.


I hugged him back.

A week after the Art Nouveau competition.

He had a really busy day as his grandfather said.

He was prepared, but he received more attention than he imagined, and he felt like he needed three bodies.

He was exhausted after signing for about two hours today.

If he didn’t enjoy meeting his fans, he would have refused no matter how much money he got.

“Are you tired?”

Bang Tae-ho asked him with concern.

It was understandable, as he had been dragged around by various media outlets, interviews, events hosted by the French National Art Association, radio, and TV programs.

He made money and was able to tell his story enough, but he was so tired that he couldn’t even watch the drama.

He wouldn’t have been able to endure it if Bang Tae-ho hadn’t selected only the important things for him.

“Let’s rest a bit after today.”


He had a pile of work to do from next week.

He only had to fill his spot for the 2028 SNBA Salon, which he participated in as the second prize winner of the Art Nouveau competition, but he also had to film a documentary with Martin Jansen.

And from next year, he planned to study abroad, so he had to take the entrance exam.

He wondered if he could pass the exam, as he hadn’t attended school properly last year and this year.

He would have been able to prepare somehow if he had enough time for three months, but he didn’t know if he had time.

“What about your grandfather?”

“He went after getting a call from Mr. Malo.”

He remembered what Pierre Malo said, that he would recommend a school and a house.

He must have known better than him or his grandfather, since he lived in Paris.

“He said he would be back before the next broadcast.”

He nodded and got in the car.

He was heading to a broadcasting station called TF1 (Télévision française 1: Tééfong), which was said to be the largest in France.

The studio and the headquarters were in a city called Boulogne-Billancourt near Paris, so it seemed to take some time.

He looked at Bang Tae-ho driving next to him, and he seemed a bit tired too.

I had been in Paris for two weeks already, so it wasn’t too bad.

Even Chasi-hyun, who had enjoyed himself without a care, wanted to go home quickly by the time he left.

“Are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“It must be hard to live in Paris.”

I wanted to study abroad and work in a wider place, but Bang Tae-ho would have a hard time working in Paris, leaving his family behind.

It would be exhausting to keep going on business trips, not just once or twice.

Bang Tae-ho smiled.

“I’ve been thinking about it from the start. I didn’t know if it would be Paris, London, or New York. But I didn’t expect it to be this fast.”

I felt uneasy for him, who had quit his stable job to be with me.

“It’s a good thing. There are many writers who shine and disappear. Especially young ones.”

There are many people who get attention for a while because of their youth, but are forgotten as they grow older.

It’s not only because of their personal abilities or burdens, but also because of the volatility of the value of writers and their works in this field.

Writers whose future is uncertain cannot get the interest of those who see their works as investment targets.

Henri Marso was trying to change that environment, and I also hoped that it would improve someday.

“Don’t worry too much. There won’t be any problem. And if I want to work with you, I have to accept this much.”

Grandfather was worried about Bang Tae-ho’s low income.

No matter how passionate he was, he had a family, so he needed some income guarantee.

I calculated that he would get about 34 million won this year.

He had to pay taxes, office expenses, and when he stayed in Paris for a long time, there were a lot of expenses for round-trip transportation, accommodation, food, etc.

It would be hard for a family of three to live on that.

He could do more exhibitions, but he couldn’t produce enough works to exhibit.

And if he increased his external activities, he would get tired and have less time to work, which would be a loss in the long run.

I had no choice but to take care of him separately.

“The traffic is jammed. Get some sleep if you can.”

I was already sleepy.

“Then I’ll sleep for a bit.”


I closed my eyes.

“Hoon-ah, we’re here.”


I felt like I had just closed my eyes, but when I woke up, it hadn’t been long. It only took 30 minutes, considering the traffic jam.

I had to eat a nice dinner after the show today and sleep until lunch tomorrow.

“Thank you for your hard work. You have an appointment to appear on the Alphonse Mendy Show.”

As soon as Bang Tae-ho spoke to the guide, a man ran up to him.

“Huff, huff. I’m sorry. I should have waited for you on time.”

I felt like I was being treated with pressure wherever I went these days.

“We just arrived.”

I smiled and reached out my hand.

TF1 was the world’s first television station, and even in 2028, when one-person media dominated the broadcasting market, it maintained its status with aggressive marketing and solid content.

Among them, the talk show hosted by popular entertainer Alphonse Mendy was a popular program that exceeded 30% of viewership every time.

Today, they welcomed a special guest and attracted more attention than usual.

“You all remember the Arnuvo Contest that made Paris buzz a while ago.”

As the sign fell, host Alphonse Mendy started the show with a comfortable tone.

“Many of you were curious because the work was not revealed until the end of the contest. Today, we will meet Ko Hun, the protagonist of Summer Winter.”

Along with Alphonse Mendy’s introduction, Ko Hun appeared on the set.

The audience cheered enthusiastically and Alphonse Mendy got up from his seat and greeted Ko Hun.

“Please say hello to the viewers.”

“Hello. I’m Ko Hun. I’m a painter.”

“Painter. Painter.”

Alphonse Mendy repeated Ko Hun’s words.

Ko Hun raised his eyebrows and looked puzzled.

“I’ve met a lot of people who do art as a profession. And in the field of art, too. Most of them introduce themselves as artists, but it’s been a long time since I’ve met someone who says they’re a painter.”

Ko Hun understood Alphonse’s words and opened his mouth.

“Art is not just about painting anymore. There are also installation, sculpture, sound, and the use of the whole space, so I guess the expression artist might suit better.”

Alphonse Mendy pointed to the air with his index finger, capturing the important topic.

“So you think that way, but you still say you’re a painter.”

“Yes. I’m not a person who does art, but a person who paints.”

Alphonse Mendy smiled slightly.

“Today’s conversation will be very interesting. We’ll start after the commercial.”

└Ko Hun looks like he gained some weight, but he looks thinner today ㅠㅠ

└He must be very busy. He’s everywhere these days.

└I wonder if he’s not overworking himself. He’s still young.

└Gosuyeol is with him, so he’ll be fine. He’s someone you admire, right?

└Oh, this is crazy. Can you guys understand this? No subtitles?

└What subtitles on a live broadcastㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└Maybe they’ll upload subtitles on the fan cafe later? Someone’s been making and uploading subtitles diligently these days.

└I never thought I’d become a fan of a painter, but I never imagined I’d have to learn French for a Korean kid.

└It reminds me of how the percentage of people who chose German as their second foreign language for the college entrance exam increased because of Baedobin ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└Where are you guys watching from?

Alphonse Mendy leaned his arm on the desk and asked.

“I’m curious about the difference between an artist and a painter.”

Alphonse’s tone was not exaggerated.

It was like a casual conversation in everyday life, so Ko Hun could answer comfortably.josei

“It’s something I discussed with my grandfather. I think art is not something you do, but something you become.”


“If someone calls my painting art, then it becomes art. That’s why I’m not an artist, but a painter.”

“That’s a wonderful thing to say. Do you talk a lot with your grandfather?”

“Yes, I do. Usually we fight over food, though.”

Alphonse’s eyes widened.

“Ha ha. The two best painters fight over food?”

“My grandfather likes salty food. I like greasy or sweet food.”

“Neither of you eat healthy, do you?”

“That’s right.”

“What do you like to eat normally?”

“I usually eat Korean food. Kimchi stew or vegetable salad with meat.”

“Korean food. I’ve tried bibimbap before. Kimchi stew? Did I pronounce that right?”

“Perfect. Kimchi stew.”

“What is kimchi stew?”

“It’s a soup dish made with fermented kimchi. I like it with a lot of pork neck meat.”

“Oh, kimchi. I know that. I thought it was like a salad, but you use it for soup dishes too?”

“Yes. There are many ways to cook it. You can stir-fry it with rice or steam it with meat. It’s a traditional food, after all.”

“So you like traditional food. But I also read an article that said you like potato pizza.”

“Yes. A well-fermented dough topped with mayonnaise, potatoes, cheese, and bacon is like Claude Monet’s clouds.”

“Wait a minute. Potato pizza is like Monet’s clouds?”

“It means peaceful. Perfect.”

Alphonse nodded and smiled.

“Today’s interview will be a bit difficult.”

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