Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 125 - 0125: Sneak (Added 1400, Please request for Monthly Pass!)

Chapter 125: Chapter 0125: Sneak (Added 1400, Please request for Monthly Pass!)

Translator: 549690339

The White Tower Spirit is indeed the arcane consciousness, the treasure of the [Arcanists].

At this moment, the thing they cherish as much as their lives is like a candle flickering in the wind, its light fading incessantly.

Finally, a sound as crisp as shattered glass came.

The light ball was completely dim and exploded into pieces under the sorrowful and despairing eyes of Irin and others.

Countless fragments splashed out, exploding in mid-air, turning into firefly-like points of light. As if attracted by something, they disappeared into the void in a certain direction.

The mysterious aura that once covered the entire White Tower was finally extinguished.

“Arcane…what exactly have you done?”

Incredulity filled Irin’s eyes.

In that indescribable, irresistible assault, darkness came with death, as unyielding as a landslide, the Mechanic Master of the sixth seat was the first to fall. Then came the demise of the White Tower Spirit!

Even the Grand Arcanists next to him lost two of their number!

“The last attack… seems to have an ‘instant death’ effect. Failing the verdict means death…”

Dripping with sweat, Sleydon Watt gasped, “Most of the people in the White Tower survived because the Arcane Tower Spirit blocked this terrifying blow for us! And… the brunt of this attack was directed at the Tower Spirit. Is this what they call divine authority? Even if it’s from an Evil God!”


Inside the White Tower.

Su Lu looked at his Three Leaves badge, shocked to see its light fade


I can sense it… the great power that used to envelop the White Tower… is gone…

With that thought, he wasted no more time and headed for the occupational information bookshelf.

Unexpectedly, the fifth level didn’t have much occupational information. There were only about seven or eight volumes on the highest shelf.

‘If I can’t find it here, I’ll have to go to the sixth level…’

As Su Lu’s eyes scanned the shelves, a book titled “Dimension Walker Notes” caught his eye. He couldn’t help but sigh in relief, “Thank heavens!”

He quickly grabbed the volume. All the barriers inside the White Tower had vanished at this stage.

The White Tower contract and supervision capabilities were founded on ‘Arcane’. Now that the Arcane power is destroyed, it’s natural that there won’t be any reaction.

[Ding! Detected fourth level occupational information- Dimension Walker, occupational prerequisites: Shadow Warrior, Agility 6.0, Constitution 5.0! Agile Steps LV4… condition not met! Cannot take office!]

“Got it.”

After using the attribute panel to record the occupational information to ensure it won’t be lost, Su Lu cast his eyes back at the bookshelf, his gaze flickering.

Without a second thought, he quickly pulled out a few fourth level occupational volumes and recorded the information hurriedly.

[Ding! Detected fourth level occupational information – Master of Combat…]

[Ding! Detected fourth level occupational information – Master of


[Ding! Detected fourth level occupational information – Master of Alchemy…] “Too bad there’s no information about [Dream Master]!”

As he swiftly recorded the information, chaotic noises came from below the Tower. Besides battle cries, there were also heavy footfalls.

“The cultists have invaded the White Tower?”

Su Lu paused his actions, quickly retreated and hid in the shadows. He was a very decisive person.

The [Wanderer] was originally an excellent assassin and could effectively hide his figure with the help of shadows and light.

As he quietly descended to the second floor, he was greeted with a chaotic scene.

Black-robed Black Death Followers mixed with transformed, grotesque-looking demon believers were fighting the original inhabitants of the White Tower who took refuge here.

Although the Inner Circle researchers all had professional levels, they were clearly lacking in combat experience. They could only retreat, some even moving toward the third floor.

“A golden opportunity!”

Seeing this, Su Lu was moved and immediately sneaked over.

[Wanderer] is indeed an advancement of [Soldier], but it leans more towards being an assassin!

This chaotic situation is his best cover.

“Such a pity! I lack one more dagger!”

He slid next to a second-ranker [Doomsayer], a young man with a pale face, who was excitedly cursing a few researchers not far away, oblivious to the looming danger next to him.

“Now is the time!”

Suddenly emerging from the shadows, Su Lu leaped out, his hands reaching for the professional’s throat.

“Spirit oppression!”

At the moment of attack, Su Lu’s inspiration surged, compressed in one direction, and targeted at the Doomsayer youth.

Under this declining oppression, the young man was taken aback, and his curse spell froze in his mouth.

It’s this moment that sealed his fate.

With a punch from Su Lu, the defense field broke, and he grabbed the young man’s neck with both hands and gave it a forceful twist!


Amid the teeth-grinding sound, the [Doomsayer] fell to the ground, his neck twisted back 180 degrees. His eyes were wide open in resentment, but the light in his eyes gradually faded nonetheless.


An experience point emerged in the attribute column.

“Did Esi die?”

“Take down that ambusher!”

Surrounding him, several professionals yelled and surrounded him.

Watching this scene, Su Lu smiled calmly and retreated quickly, naturally joining the White Tower’s professional circle.

Upon his arrival, the leading [Arcanist] even gave him a comforting smile, apparently ignoring Su Lu’s previous absence.

Perhaps, they assumed he was lurking around, looking for opportunities.

Up to now, today’s little adventure could be considered a complete success.

However, Su Lu’s mood was not too cheerful.

‘The Inner Circle…seems to be getting less and less suitable for me.’

Before, he joined the Inner Circle only to find a reasonable power to rely on.

But today’s attack had shattered some of Su Lu’s illusions completely. Even such a behemoth as Green Tree Castle was targeted, in this great era of survival of the fittest, where would there be an absolutely safe place?

‘I previously had some shortcomings in many aspects, which were filled up by the data of the White Tower in the Inner Circle, and the experience gained from reading books is getting less and less…maybe it’s time to go out and travel, collecting experiences!’

Su Lu’s eyelids drooped, his eyes filled with dark light.

Apart from this, the biggest reason he wanted to leave was Beryl!

Previously, a two-way sensing had located his position, and its link with the attack from the Black Death Society this time might not be coincidental.

Without the protection of the White Tower’s Mystic Lock, the Inner Circle might not be safe from assassinations!

After all, he wasn’t any important person and wouldn’t receive any top-level protection.

If he failed in one defense, there would be no future, resulting in a total defeat!

And the continuously upgrading Beryl was pushing Su Lu to improve his professional rank as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once the gap grew too large, he might truly be cursed to death from afar!

‘Perhaps…l should find an opportunity to leave?’

It must be said that the disappearance of the Tower spirit brought a great

opportunity for Su Lu!

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