The Villainous Celebrity Wife of the CEO

Chapter 80 - A Sloppy Dinner

Chapter 80 – A Sloppy Dinner
Su Jishi thought that she could steal some spare time from the company which was shifting its energy to the new artists. However, she suddenly received a phone call from Fang Xie after lying at home for several days.

“Sister Su, an advertiser invited us to dinner on Tuesday night! I’ll ask Xiao Xia to send you all the clothes and jewellery tomorrow.”

“No.” Su Jishi immediately refused, “You let me take part in movies and variety shows and now, you have arranged a dinner with several strangers.” She asked coldly, “Are you giving me the odd job of chatting and laughing?”

“Oh, where do I dare!” Fang Xie quickly cried foul, “I swear, it is really an ordinary social party! Before, Su Jin worked for a car company and the manufacturers felt the cooperation was smooth so they wanted to renew your contract for another two years. But we can’t renew the contract now, and people just want to talk to you. This manufacturer is very sincere and has raised the price twice. Would it be better if you refuse them politely in person?”

Su Jishi thought about the reasons for the settlement and finally agreed.josei

Before she knew it, it was Tuesday—the day she’d be meeting the manufacturers.

The agreed meeting was in a Chinese private restaurant. It is said that only eight seats are served a day, and the menu is not fixed. The chef determines the dishes according to the fresh ingredients bought on that day.

This private restaurant is reconstructed from an old courtyard, which is shaded by trees and drifting silk curtains. It is also decorated with artificial landscapes of small bridges. When night falls, water mist slowly disperse in the air and when the guests walk on the veranda, it is as if they are stepping into fairyland.

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Ashan specially matched a set of fashionable clothes with Chinese elements for Su Jishi— silk-like buckle and waist-pinching shirt, coupled with a **fishtail skirt which fell to her ankles, outlining the girl’s plump and delicate curves. Her ears, neck and wrists are decorated with delicate pearl ornaments, which glint gently under the light.

**T/N – Fishtail skirt

This dinner, Su Jishi only brought two managers given by her company in addition to Fang Xie and Xiao Xia.

Through the winding corridor, the waiter gently opened the balcony door.

As soon as the door was opened, the shivering cold air rolled out of the room. Xiao Xia, who was walking behind, trembled and goose bumps appeared instantly on her exposed skin.

Su Jishi glanced at the air conditioner displayed temperature, -16 degrees Celsius. Are these staff not afraid of catching cold when their air-conditioner is literally freezing the life out of them?

She had no time to think about it. The people sitting in the room had already called her loudly.

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“Su Jin! The Goddess Su! You’re finally here! You owe me three drinks for being so late!”

The person who welcomed her boisterously was a red-faced man, his clothes were untidy, his suit was hanging carelessly on the back of his chair, his shirt unfastened several buttons, revealing his fat torso. Looking at the table in front of him, the wine bottle was mostly empty. Several cold dishes had been picked up and rummaged. It seemed that he had eaten sumptuously already.

Su Jishi eyebrows wrinkled so discreetly, they were supposed to meet at seven o’ clock in the evening and she specially arrived ten minutes in advance. It was not hard to imagine that the other party had already had his own dinner and booze.

Fang Xie was about to open his mouth when two men sitting next to the drunkard man quickly intervened. “Chief Huang, you should sit properly first! It’s us who came early, not Miss Su who came late. Please be sober, there are things you ought to discuss with Miss Su!”

Su Jishi immediately understood the relationship between the three men: two employees who practically does all the work and a boastful boss who doesn’t lift even a finger to do his job.

At this moment, Su Jishi was uncertain whether it was the employees or their boss who invited her to dinner.

It’s hard to turn around and leave when you’re all here. She could only choke back her disgust and sat opposite the round table, farthest from Mr. Huang.

Fang Xie and Xiaoxia also perceived that the situation was not right and hurried to sit next to her. Fang Xie stretched out her hand and drew the number “20” on her arm, which meant that she would leave as soon as possible twenty minutes would pass.

The two managers in charge of business negotiations were also sweating heavily. This “Chief Huang” was still a relative of the prime boss of the company.

Their car company has only been established for 20 years. Although they have thick wallets, their company culture is not deep. Currently, they are making a lot of noise. Mr. Huang always failed in whatever position he was given and was sent to the marketing department to be a little director.

After being honest for a period of time, he started scampering again and wanted to intervene in the marketing department. Today, he heard that there would be a meeting with the lovely Su Jin tonight so he came straight with the employees!

Goddess Su Jin is supposed to be gentle and has a good temper but Su Jishi could never let herself be taken advantage of by this old man!




The small bridge below was highlighted with lanterns while the water mist gave a dramatic touch to the place.

Yet Mu Xiulun couldn’t appreciate the artificial beauty created in this private restaurant. His secretary followed him and carefully watched Chief Cui and Chief Dong, leading the way in front of them. His heart felt sympathetic.

Cui was the head of a leading steel factory in China. The stainless steel his company produce for cars basically occupies more than 70% of the engine market in the country. Chief Dong, on the other hand, is the commercial representative of the engine manufacturer.

An industrial chain, just like the food chain in nature, will lead to a collapse of the upper layer if it lacks a strong foundation.

Take the automobile industry as an example. Every car is made up of numerous parts. The most important core of the whole car is the automobile engine. Therefore, the enterprise producing the engine is the upstream of the automobile enterprise.

And the enterprise that produces stainless steel is the upper hand of the automobile enterprise.

What is the upper hand of the stainless steel enterprise? That’s Mr. Mu, who has a good quality and cheap nickel mine!

Chief Cui and Chief Dong jointly hosted the meeting and invited Mu Xiulun to have a talk with him, hoping to make a big deal with him.

Mu Xiulun’s expression was bland and he seemed to have little interest in the business. The nickel mine in his hands is an amazing treasure. Minerals will always be the foundation of this industry. Profits are high and competition is small. With this, numerous lower industries come to seek cooperation with him.

They walked along the veranda, their room at the most remote part.

This private restaurant is exquisitely built. The scenery containing the garden and bridges occupied a large area.

Suddenly, when they passed a rockery, a sharp noise was heard from a private room a few steps away from where they were standing.

The man’s hoarse roar nearly overturned the roof.

“Su Jin, how dare you hit meeee?!”

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