The Villain Is Too Cute

Chapter 36

Translator: Prakriti Bhatta

He said he wanted to help with Yin Minglu’s homework. So early the next morning, Yuan Feng couldn’t wait to go to the little guy’s home. Lin Shuwu really welcomed him. But then………….she turned his eyes around him when he entered the door and asked curiously: “Yuan Feng, didn’t Xia Ming come with you?”

Yuan Feng’s handsome smile froze slightly. He was slightly jealous because he found that Xia Ming was obviously more popular than him in Lin Shuwu’s mind.

He had just arrived and the little guy hadn’t gotten up yet. After Lin Shuwu woke him up, he rubbed his eyes and walked slowly downstairs. He was still wearing a light blue pajama and the two buttons on his chest were not buttoned. A delicate collarbone and a thin white neck were exposed.

A pair of big, ignorant eyes blinked when Yuan Feng looked over. Yuan Feng’s world once again lit up. Falling in love was never in a plan for Yuan Feng until he realized today that he loved this guy too much. Yuan Feng, who had never feared anything, suddenly at this moment realized that he was really afraid of losing this little guy. And he had thought that Yin Minglu was a fool…………….humph! …..he is the one who is the fool here. He is a fool for this another fool. Yuan Feng didn’t want to wake up but after he realized he was thinking too much, he politely did not dare to look at the little guy again.

The little boy yawned and said softly, “Big Brother Yuanfeng, why are you here?”

Why did he come so early and he had even brought a bunch of exercise books for middle school students. Yin Minglu was silent. He had thought that Yuanfeng was just saying things like I’ll teach you as a joke yesterday. In fact, he really wanted to say that he hates people who come to the door of other people with a bunch of teaching materials on the second day of summer vacation!!! He didn’t know where did Yuanfeng’s enthusiasm suddenly come from? Could it be that brotherly love suddenly overflowed? And even the attitude of this guy seems too strange.

He drank half a cup of milk and half a piece of toast. Then he didn’t want to eat anymore.

Yuan Feng suddenly pushed back the half glass of milk seriously and said in an elder-like tone: “You are still growing up now. You have to drink more milk so that you can grow up earlier.”

Yin Minglu: Grow up earlier? ? ? For what???

He had to drink the milk with a dazed expression. Then Yuan Feng urged him to do his homework quickly and Yin Minglu was even more daunted. Nowadays, no students start doing homework on the second day of summer vacation. Aren’t they suppose to finish the homework in the last week of summer vacation?

He sat on the table reluctantly and took out a set of the latest version of the game console from the desk drawer. He tried to change the subject coquettishly: “Brother Yuanfeng, why don’t we play games~”

The little hand pressed the red and blue keys to skillfully start up a game that was popular on the Internet. Yuan Feng glanced at the interface and said, “Okay, okay.”

It was only half an hour later that Yuan Feng, who was addicted to playing, woke up. He pushed the game console away with a serious face, saying that he can definitely control himself: “No, let’s do our homework.” If Lin Shuwu sees them playing games, maybe she will think he is a bad elder brother who was spoiling her child. When the time comes, what will he do if she won’t give him the hands of her child? NO!!! He is a big person now……he must think of his future!!! If he wants to live happily ever after with his cute guy, he must be responsible.

The young boy narrowed his mouth. He had to obediently pick up the pen, spread out the exercise book, and solve the problems one by one.

Over the years, under Yin Minglu’s ”improving” behavior, Lin Shuwu and others around him feel that he has become “smarter” a lot. They all believe that as he grows with age, his mind is gradually being enlightened. He can also absorb the knowledge that his peers can absorb.

The changes in Yin Minglu also gave Lin Shuwu hope. The other party now speaks simple English conversations, even draws and plays games. Except for his learning ability, which is still a bit slower than ordinary people, he can hardly be seen differently from ordinary children from his words and deeds.

Therefore, as a mother, Lin Shuwu also had great expectations for this. She hoped that Yin Minglu could go to a normal school, take exams like ordinary people, and be able to come into contact with a healthy living environment as an adult and make more enthusiastic friends, even can go to more places to experience different scenery.

What Yin Minglu was doing now was to gradually change the image of the original owner, the “little fool”, from barely leaving home before, to now slowly walking out of a brand new life.

When the little guy was doing the questions, Yuan Feng was not idle either. He had a pile of junior high school teaching aids with him. He was making summaries and notes for the subjects like science, math, social, etc. He was very serious in making notes as if he was a very concerned teacher who was trying to make the little fool get at least two hundred points in the high school entrance examination next year. He himself had not cared about the entrance exam when it was his turn but now he was being a ”concerned” teacher.

While reading a book, Yuan Feng’s fingertips were turning the pen. That pen was turned dazzlingly on his thin fingers. Yin Minglu could see that this unique skill must have been practiced frequently.

The little guy was fascinated. He picked up the pen and turned it, but every time he turned it, the pen fell on the table.

He didn’t get tired of it. He tried it several times. But at last, the pen flew instead of falling down.

As soon as Yuanfeng looked up, he noticed that a pen-like “a foreign object from the sky” hit his chest. It then fell down. He didn’t think much about it and he subconsciously clamped the pen with his legs.

He just wanted to give a smug smile but his smile froze immediately because he found that the pen just fell on an embarrassing part of his lower body. And now, under someone’s pure gaze, he neither could take it out nor leave it there.

Time seemed to stand still. Seeing that he hadn’t moved for a long time, the young boy tilted his head suspiciously.

He said, “Big Brother Yuanfeng, give me the pen.” As he said, he wanted to reach for it. Seeing that tender white hand, he didn’t know what he thought of, Yuan Feng instantly reacted and moved back. He hit the wall and yelled, “Don’t move!” His handsome face was flushed and even his ears were red.

That voice froze Yin Minglu in place. His eyes widened in confusion and his heartbeat gradually accelerated. He had only vaguely suspected Yuanfeng’s series of weird behaviors and concluded that it was just normal behavior of a boy in his growing phase. But the overly intense and agitated reaction of the other party has made him 100% sure that this young man likes himself.

Yuan Feng, who didn’t know what Yin Minglu was thinking at this moment, awkwardly picked up the pen and avoided the other’s eyes. What he thought in his heart was that he finally understood what “surrendered to the innocent boy” was like because, in front of those twinkling eyes, all of his thoughts were polluted. But he wanted to protect this boy in front of him from any kind of pollution, even from himself……………….AHHHHHH  Y U A N  F E N G  Y O U  A R E  A  F O O L!!!!

Forget it!!! let’s study honestly. Let’s wait for three years for this little guy to become an adult. Then he will talk about what “like” is with him.

The next day, the two of them tacitly avoided that particular ”pen”. Anyway, there were many pens with them and they definitely didn’t need to use that same ”pen”.

But after Yin Minglu honestly completed that day’s homework, he turned his head and found that the “pen” he had placed on the shelf was gone. Yuan Feng had just stolen it.

He: “…”

Afterward, seeing his little face in a daze, Lin Shuwu touched his head and asked: “Baby, what’s the matter?”

Yin Minglu wrinkled his nose and obediently complained: “Big Brother Yuanfeng took away my pen.”

“Isn’t it just a pen? If your brother Yuanfeng likes it, just give it to him.” Anyway, they have a lot of pens. Lin Shuwu patted his little face, thinking that her son was reluctant to give away a pen. So she said in an educational tone: “Don’t you want to be generous with your good friends? Your brother Yuanfeng will come to teach you homework tomorrow. He is very attentive to you. In return, you have to study hard, okay?”

Yin Minglu: “…Okay QAQ”

A year later, under Yuanfeng’s guidance, Yin Minglu, who took the Capital City High School Entrance Examination, scored a bit more than 200 points and reached the minimum standard of a normal school. Lin Shuwu was overjoyed and even more firmly believed that as long as they worked hard, sooner or later her child would be like any other ordinary people.

Seeing Lin Shuwu’s eyes being softer while facing him, Yuan Feng also felt that he was a step closer to his goal. So in the next three years, the frequency of him running to the Yin family was abnormally high.

The little guy’s 18th birthday was during the college entrance examination days. Yuanfeng finally realized a day= 86400 seconds and 86400 seconds=thousand lifetimes. He almost went crazy while waiting for the day when Yin Minglu would be turning an adult. Compared to all the high schoolers who were giving exams that year, Yuan Feng was the one who wanted the exams to be finished as soon as possible.

Yin Minglu: “…”

Yin Minglu had also never expected that one day his heart would also be beating faster for this guy. He thought that the two of them had a playful brotherly relationship. Then he realized this guy actually had feelings for him. Yin Minglu hadn’t still avoided Yuan Feng’s approach because he thought he could act he was gradually ”improving” under Yuan Feng’s guidance. What’s more, he originally had thought that this guy was just in his growing phase and was not serious about love. But as time passed, he gradually discovered how important he was for that Yuan Feng donkey.

In the past few years, Yuanfeng had changed a lot. His appearance was even more handsome than before. Maybe because of the training of the military school, his skin color has changed from white to the color of wheat. His temperament has become more and more mature. His appearance in the military school uniform was extremely handsome and chic.

A man in his twenties, with a pair of cold eyes, subconsciously makes people’s hands and feet stiff and unable to breathe when he looks at them.

But when his gaze fell on his sweetheart, the coldness around him melted away magically, as if in this whole world, his warmth and happiness could only be radiated to Yin Minglu alone. So when the other party confessed, Yin Minglu subconsciously agreed. He even obediently raised his face and accepted a kiss. Yuan Feng and Yin Minglu both were inexperienced but it didn’t prevent them from experiencing the magical feeling as if they both were flying with each other. Only two of them were present in their world. They never wanted that moment to end. They longed for each other even more and Yuan Feng was so flattered that he couldn’t help kissing again.

At another birthday party for Yuanfeng three years later, after successfully graduating from the military academy, Yuanfeng, who had already taken the power from his father and held an important position, became the new head of the Yuan family. His capable and heroic attitude attracted the attention of countless unmarried women that were present at the party. Everyone hoped to have a chance to fight for his ”wife” position. But Yuanfeng, as the protagonist, turned a blind eye to this and ordered his servants to roll out a huge cake from the kitchen.

This cake was ten layered high, sprinkled with pink rose petals, and shaped like a delicate and dreamy fairy castle. It was so beautiful that no one could move their eyes. Many guests enviously covered their mouths and exclaimed, but when their eyes moved up, everyone was silent.

Because on the top layer was a small white church. In front of the church stood a pair of grooms wearing wedding suits. One of them looked like Yuanfeng and the other…

Everyone unanimously looked at the other boy at the banquet, who looked like another boy on the cake. The other party was also looking at the huge cake at the moment and a pair of dazzling black jewel-like eyes were shining.

Is someone announcing something? Before, they had heard the story of Young Master Yuan chasing someone for six or seven years. They had thought it was a rumor, but it turned out to be true?

Everyone was amazed and could only look at the young master of the Yin family who was holding a knife and cutting the cake crookedly. Amidst the cake cutting, Yin Minglu found out a beautiful ring from the layer of cream.

Yin Minglu hadn’t reacted yet like how could he find something so casually while cutting the cake when Yuan Feng smiled and took that cream-stained ring from him. He asked for Yin Minglu’s hand. While holding the hand of the person, he kneeled on one knee. He then affectionately dropped a kiss on the back of Yin Minglu’s hand and said the long marriage proposal.

He even added, ”My dear, you could cut out the ring from this huge cake with a single move proves the fate and destiny between us even more.”

It turned out to be a marriage proposal! All the guests exclaimed. In the face of such a scene, some people were heartbroken, but there were others who couldn’t help but clap their hands and could not help but offer their most sincere blessings.

Lin Shuwu and Xia Ming were also at the scene. Lin Shuwu was so moved that her face was full of tears and the beauty shed tears. Many men present could not wait to come forward to show their courtesy, but Xia Ming raised his eyebrows, thinking that there was definitely more than one ring on the cake.

Sure enough, when the cake was divided, some people successively ate the rings with weird faces. When someone finally counted them, more than twenty rings were found. Everyone was fooled by that Master Yuan, who had shamelessly declared his true love saying things about destiny and fate. Everyone was silent.

FORGET IT FORGET IT. They don’t dare to say anything anyway, so let’s just shut up and eat the cake.

God…………..this cake was sweet but their heart was sour. WUWUWUWUWU!!!!!!!!!!!

At the banquet, Xia Wei, who was already twelve years old, looked at the proposal with a pretty little face full of yearning. Her eyes were full of intoxicated little stars. She said to Xia Ming very seriously: “Brother, I too want to be proposed. Do you think I can marry Shen Xinghe in the future?” Shen Xinghe was a member of a three-person idol group that was currently very popular in the entertainment industry. He could sing, dance, rap, and play basketball and was very popular with girls. Her biggest dream was to marry the handsome Shen Xinghe. When she will be an adult, she will order a cake that will be as twice as big as the one in front of her!

Xia Ming patted his little sister’s head and smiled. He said, “Of course, after six years you will be an adult. When you’ll fall in love by then, your brother will help you fight for it.” As long as you don’t like middle-aged men.

“Pinky promise???” Xia Wei happily stretched out her pinky finger.

“Okay, pinky promise.”historical

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