The Tycoon Inheritance

Chapter 34 34

34 34.

[Congratulations, host! You have been rewarded 20% shares of the Mercedes-Benz Group; 10% shares of Givenchy; a customized

Honqi E-H59 luxury SUV and 10 million Euro in your foreign account. A memorabilia from Star 9501 has been issued. Due to its origin, a spatial warehouse has been assigned to you.]

The four rewards didn't stir any feelings for Chen Kai. It was the memorabilia from Star 9501. In that life, he lived as a fantasy hero - awakening superpowers, fighting invading monsters, questioning humanity over and over, unconsciously climbing to the top to be heard. He was revered as a hero, the first awakened to reach Tier 7 with powers rating at triple S. Rok Naline was a force that no one could suppress.

The end of that life came peacefully. He stayed until there was no threat to that star and to the civilians who had no luck in awakening. Organizations and protocols were created before his death. Humankind grows on greed and power, it would have been a shame to see his work be pilfered by the people who were against him.

Seeing that the system took the risk to gift him an artifact, it means Star 9501 is still stable.

A sigh of relief washed over his body. He didn't realize that he was holding such worries.

This is how it feels when one says, 'He probably saved a planet in his last life!

Highly pleased!

Xiao Wei happened to catch the smile on Chen Kai's face and made a comment fit for a friend. "It's early in the morning, what heightened your mood so quickly?"josei

"I'm just pleased with my purchases. Notify Commander Liu that a few deliveries will arrive today," Chen Kai replied with a cheeky grin. "What purchases? Did you buy something online?" Xiao Wei asked while typing in the chat.

"Only a few shares."

Xiao Wei's fingers froze mid-typing. The driver and bodyguard in front paused for a millisecond when they heard the answer.

"Shares as in ... company shares? Which companies? There hasn't been any news of a change in shareholders amongst the companies." Xiao Wei needed to clarify this. Buying shares is a big move. It can change a company's structure and its future, not to mention the buyer's status, they will be representing that company.
"Not domestic. International. Mercedes-Benz Group and Givenchy." Silence.

No one said a word until they reached a traffic light, waiting for the red to change to green.

Xiao Wei released a breath he was holding. The calculations in his head were giving him a headache.

Givenchy has a very impactful history and catered to many luxury items for both men and women. It takes a lot of work to become a VIP, much less a shareholder. It's a worldwide brand. Who doesn't know of them?

Compared to the other company Chen Kai mentioned, Givenchy is an elite on its own.

Shares in Mercedes-Benz Group. A $400 Billion dollar company with subsidiaries that have their own prestige. How the heck did this guy succeed?

"Ahem. How ... How many?" Xiao Wei asked. Monitoring his boss's assets is part of his job. Its best to get rid of all the shock factors before things are put in place.

"20 in Mercedes and 10 in Givenchy. My presence will be neutral. I'm more for the benefits." The white lies keep coming. Living with the system upgrades your talent in lying. Chen Kai can be graded as a master.

"Brother Kai! Please warn me next time," Xiao Wei commented. He rubbed his temple and created a memo to create the investment sector of the group earlier than planned.

"No problem."

Simultaneously, when Chen Kai and the few reached the Fanrong Building, a video popped up on the local newsfeed of users on numerous social sites. The cover image was eye-catching and the bold caption was even more so.

The six-minute long video with the title of 'How to raise your kids on a few million yuan' drew the attention of many watermelon- eating netizens. When watched after the first minute, the irony of the title was clear. The first clip showed a college-age average beauty bullying a sales clerk. Her words were harsh and became rude when she mixed in violent actions with her bullying.

The second showed the same young lady disturbing patronizing customers of a restaurant to give up their seats because she 'wants' to sit there. "My father owns this building." This was her motto when the manager intervened and it was heard on the other four clips. Each one showed the young woman's lack of discipline and respect, violent outbursts, and nasty personality.

A few viewers recognized the girl and revealed her background along with her deeds not caught on camera.

One bold commenter stated that it was considered normal for this family to act this way - From the oldest to the youngest.

Debates and stories began of dirty behaviors of the rich; the video began a circulation from the layman's social circle, to the business circle. The number of views increased gradually, the caption kept changing on every repost until it was stuck on the young lady's name and her family's company.

It wasn't lunchtime but the internet already found a hot topic.

The same everywhere, most office workers are enjoying their free time before their boss delegates work or a coworker somehow gets sick and needs to be covered. Yu Zheng was currently brushing his newsfeed and eating a quick breakfast when a video popped up after the recent refresh. When he saw the title, the bite he took of his steamed bun became impassable when he gasped involuntarily. His co-workers turned to him when they heard the violent choke and relieved cough. They frowned with concern and disbelief when they saw the man hurriedly drinking his fruit juice and focusing on his phone.

"Brother Yu, pay attention to how you're eating. What got you so distracted?" one asked.

"The young lady. Crap! The boss! If the boss finds out.... oh no," Yu Zheng ditched his breakfast and ran out of the lunch room, leaving his co-workers in a daze.

A few shrugged their shoulders, dismissing the odd behavior, and went back to their phones. "Oh! My! Word!"

"No wonder!"

"This will be hard to clean up."

One by one, the coworkers saw what made the assistant of Han Feng react so violently.

"So does this mean we are working overtime?" someone asked tentatively.

"What does this video have to do with us? We're just a property management company, not their family's bear children agents," someone replied with a heavy grumble. The others heard this small conversation and prayed that the latter was right. It won't be the first time that they have to clean up after the boss's demon children.

Another day the employees of Han Management think hard about switching jobs.

Yu Zheng who rushed to the first floor of the company, slowed down when he approached the door of the chairman.


The loud bellow froze Yu Zheng in his tracks, his heart was beating against his rib cage. He didn't want to enter that hell's den but he's getting paid to do so. "Is it too late to call in sick?" he muttered to himself.

Putting up a brave face, Yu Zheng entered Han Feng's office and stayed silent as the man ranted his displeasure. During the little drama, the assistant reached out to the usual contacts to suppress the flow of the circulation. He moved as far as contacting a local hacker they usually hire to find the original poster. Money was moved, promises were made and the boss was still ranting.

When the office returned to an acceptable quiet, Yu Zheng raised his head with a lost look in his eyes as he focused on his dear boss. Han Feng was heaving mad. Standing behind his messy desk, the middle-aged man was sweating profusely with a face mottled with anger as he looked at the video on his phone. He couldn't think of a person who dared to go against him. He thought of the enemies he made or the rivals in the real estate circle; he thought of the renters who were dissatisfied with him; he went as far as thought of the petty citizens who may complain about rules at the carpark he built. Who will go so far?

His phone rang. (MinMin)

It was his daughter.

He answered the call and his little princess's wails echoed in the large office. Yu Zheng rolled his eyes boldly when he heard this then the complaints.

"Don't worry. Daddy will take care of everything."

Yu Zheng's phone vibrated. When he saw the push notification for the company's social page, he decided to simply let it all go. The replies from his contacts weren't positive at all. Who the hell those brats crossed?

He opened the notification.n༶o༶v༶e༶l༶n༶e༶x༶t༶

Tagged and clear for everyone to see. Han Feng's disgusting deeds were there to see. Each had its own post. To make matters worse, selected posts had businesses tagged, these were the people who were victimized by either Han Feng or his family.

The page refreshed.

A new post came to light.

This post had relevant information pixelated but the content was understandable. It resonated clearly with Yu Zheng because he dealt with the other party's family a few days ago. The bullying conducted by Han Feng's son is exposed. The coverup and the bribery were also there.

Weren't these things confidential? How did they get these documents? It can be faked. The official stamp was clear to see and also the personnel who accepted such things.

The public was once again in an uproar. Commenters spoke their disdain, authorities were tagged and the posts began to circulate at a higher speed. It couldn't be contained.

"Yu Zheng! What are you doing? Find who's behind this and deal with them," Han Feng ordered. His jiggly face trembled when he shouted and slammed his fists against his desk. His overweight body jiggled and rolled like waves when he moved so suddenly.

Yu Zheng looked at the man with the posture and expression of an inexperienced intern.


Han Feng was dumbfounded. He stared at the kid standing in the middle of his office. 'Did this child lose his brain? Why is he asking such a stupid question? He should be doing his job!

"What do you mean, 'How"?" He didn't voice his thoughts, he only said a few words condescendingly.

"I tried already, sir," Yu Zheng said weakly.

His boss was still clueless so he continued. "The people I contacted can't remove the post. When they access the original user's page, they are redirected to a netizen's repost. Also.... another post surfaced on our company's social media page. This time the authorities are involved."

Yu Zheng showed him the activity he was monitoring on his phone. "My son too! Who is this person? Why are they against me? What did I do to them?" Han Feng ignored the authorities who were tagged, he was more concerned about his face. His anger spiked.

He grabbed the phone in that bout of fury and threw the device against the far wall.

Yu Zheng dejectedly watched his phone sail across the office and hit against the wall. His head followed it as it fell to the floor.


"That was 800 yuan,' he complained inwardly.

"Do what you can to get rid of it all. Let the others help you..." Han Feng was about to continue but his phone rang. This time it was his wife. When he answered, her shrill voice came through followed by cries. During her wailing, incoming calls queued on the 'call waiting, things were snowballing. When they couldn't contact Han Feng, the landline in Yu Zheng's office began to ring.

'That should be clients signed their properties under the company; Yu Zheng said inwardly. He went for his phone and returned to his office. He left Han Feng listening to his wife in his office.

"Whose toes did they step on?"

Back at the Fanrong building on the top floor, the signage Shenghuo Group lit up elegantly in its lobby. Identical signage were on the other four floors, with the sector they are specified in at the moment. Everything was in place for the grand beginning of the company. There was no big pomp, no media, it will be low-key as its chairman.

This will be a temporary base for Chen Kai's office, who knows which industry he will step into next?

In his office, he was fielding calls of his own while the storm of the Han family got stronger. Calls from Mercedes and Givenchy were received, the specific representatives were on their way, Commander Liu called for clarification on the deliveries that would happen during the day and a few leisure calls came in.

Xiao Wei was seated before him, talking to a few contacts until Chen Kai was ready to start his schedule for the day.

Both friends ended their calls seconds between and lapsed into a lazy ambiance. It was comparable to the silence of years of friendship.

Xiao Wei opened his laptop and moved to the awaiting emails he created and moved to his phone.

A video and some accompanying posts appeared on his news feed. When he checked for the main points of this blast, he glanced at Chen Kai.

"How long are you going to make him boil?" he asked. His fingers were moving wildly across the screen when he figured out his friend's endgame.

Chen Kai interpreted Xiao Wei's words and flurry of actions. "Three days."

"They will die before the deadline. Their resources are limited and only reached prefecture level."

"Then they should have trained their bear children properly. Do you know how hard I had to work last night on them? It's a waste of energy," he complained.

Xiao Wei shook his head in disbelief. "You were having fun."

"Heck yeah, I was. It's been a while since I mess up someone's morning." The bright smile and chaotic words seem to be harmonious on Chen Kai's face. The guy deserves to be compared to a tiger playing a pig.

"The kid will be pleased. Right?"

"Little brother would have hung them by their... I mean yes. Ahem! Yes, he'll be pleased."

Xiao Wei played deaf for the first half of the sentence and nodded in acknowledgment for the latter.

"The side dish is about to be made," Chen Kai commented raising his hand to watch the last few seconds tick by.

Both men straightened their posture and held their hands above the touchpad of the laptops, waiting for the second hand to move past


Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

The two left clicked on the send button and waited for the fireworks.

On the floors below, assistants to the big bosses received three emails from an unknown company. The instinct to spam such emails was there but the subject in each email caught their attention.

New Ownership of Fanrong Building

Lease Negotiation

New Security Measures of Fanrong Building

No matter how 'hands-off' you are as a secretary, your intuition will scream at you to pay attention to these emails.

Amongst these secretaries who were unsettled, there was one who was visibly panicking. This person was Shi Ziyi, secretary to Zhang Jun.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.