The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings

Chapter 247 - 247: 202: Simulation Again, Double Palm Transformation (5.2K Big Chapter, Please Subscribe)_3

Chapter 247 - 247: 202: Simulation Again, Double Palm Transformation (5.2K Big Chapter, Please Subscribe)_3

Translator: 549690339

To them, the current Pei Xuanjing is their world, and they couldn’t afford any mishap.

Pei Xuanjing waved his hand, signaling them not to worry: “It’s fine, I just had a sudden insight!”

Hearing Pei Xuanjing’s words, though they were puzzled, they didn’t dare to ask more and could only withdraw.

Pei Xuanjing shook his head, he didn’t lie. Indeed, his Taoyun accumulation was sufficient to initiate the next life simulation. As he still had time, it’s a good idea to seize the opportunity for another simulation.

[Taoyun points: 147 ,211.]

[Do you want to use the Life Simulator? One use will consume 100,000 Taoyun points.]

After Pei Xuanjing entered the Training Room, he initiated a new life simulation.

[Life Simulation Begins: ]

At the age of thirty-three: On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, you arrive at Dragon Tiger Mountain to challenge the Old Heavenly Master. This astonishing battle is deemed by many to be equated with the duel between Bahesi and Master Sanfeng six centuries ago.

Countless martial experts from all over the Jianghu gather at Dragon Tiger. In a remarkable duel against the Old Heavenly Master, both of you unleash extraordinary power, ending the match in a draw.

Three months later, you encounter an ambush by the Ghost Emperor of Fengdu while on the way to the True Martial Sect. The enemy aims to kill you and seize the Page of the Netherworld’s Book.

After an intense battle, you slay the Ghost Emperor of Fengdu on the spot.

Having gone through this life-and-death duel, you sustain severe injuries. Your body is invaded by the Ghost Emperor of Fengdu’s strange True Qi, which is utterly unexpected.

In desperation to heal your wounds, under the condition of lacking a lightning rod, you directly use your physical body to summon the Thunder power to temper your body, hoping to expel the strange True Qi invasion.

The formidable Thunder power not only easily expels the strange True Qi but also enhances your palms once more.

Just when you are pleased with the blessing in disguise, you suddenly find that you can’t stop and are compelled to keep operating the skill method. Eventually, your body disintegrates and perishes due to an overwhelming infusion of Thunder power.

[This Life Ends!]

“…” Pei Xuanjing was slightly dumbfounded, an expression of surprise and disbelief spreading across his face.

If he hadn’t remembered wrongly, this lifespan simulated this time almost held the record for the shortest lifespan ever experienced in all his life simulations.

He initially expected that even though this life simulation might not offer any significant breakthroughs, at the very least, it would provide some understanding of his upcoming life trajectory.

However, to his astonishment, he didn’t even surpass the age of thirty-three and directly died at that age.

Keep in mind that after he had broken through to Second-Class, he hardly encountered abnormal incidents like this.


Pei Xuanjing took a deep breath, calmed himself, and began to recall the details of the simulated life he just experienced.

Long after, Pei Xuanjing opened his eyes, repeating a few words under his breath: “Ghost Emperor of Fengdu! Strange True Qi!”

Upon close inspection, the cause of his death traced back to the Ghost Emperor of Fengdu.

In previous life simulations, though the enemy had fought against him, their clashes were not fatal, and thus the enemy did not resort to using the strange True Qi as their ultimate killer move. josei

“If my guess is right, this strange True Qi shares the same origin as the Yin Sha Qi of the Equal King I encountered before. I thought I could be immune to this strange True Qi after dealing with the Yin Sha Qi from the Equal King. However, unexpectedly, I was caught off guard by this strange True Qi once again!” Pei Xuanjing thought quietly to himself.

Seeing this strange True Qi, he naturally thought back to the time he was in Tiandu, when the Equal King cast the Yin Sha Qi. Pei Xuanjing speculated that this unusual True Qi of the Ghost Emperor of Fengdu was probably an upgraded version of the Yin Sha Qi.

“It seems the underworld has many secrets!”

Pei Xuanjing has now grown extremely curious about the underworld. Based on the strange and unpredictable methods that deviate significantly from the martial arts within the Jianghu, they seem to originate from somewhere else.

Given the ancient lineage of the underworld and various rumors, undoubtedly, it contains astonishing secrets.

[Simulation ends. You can choose to retain one of the following rewards.] [First option: True Qi accumulation at the age of thirty-three.]

[Second option: Physical body strength level at the age of thirty-three.] [Third option: Replays of the duel with the Old Heavenly Master.]

Pei Xuanjing, of course, chose the second option.

Although his simulated life this time lasted less than a year and ended with his physical body collapsing,

There is no denying that prior to suffering the backlash from Thunder Forging Body, he had already completely tempered and strengthened his hands in the simulation.

With his left hand already spiritualized, Pei Xuanjing, more than anyone else, was well aware that each step forward in the process of body spiritualization requires countless time and energy. Naturally though, the rewards are incredibly immense.

After making his choice, Pei Xuanjing began to feel a tingling sensation, similar to the one he experienced on Shenxiao Mountain when undergoing Body Tempering with Thunder.

He felt a tingling sensation throughout his body, with purple lightning sizzling on his hands. Pei Xuanjing immediately circulates his True Qi throughout his body, focusing primarily on healing the damage in his hands.

Two hours later, Pei Xuanjing opened his eyes and flashes of electric light seemed to pass through his pupils.

“This time, the rewards are indeed abundant!”

He had made the right choice. Not only had this simulation completed the spiritualization of his hands, but his previously strengthened body had also been slightly enhanced.

He extended his palms and purple lightning appeared out of nowhere, crackling and flickering in his palms.

“The future Shenxiao Thunder Palm will be stronger than ever.”

Initially, when executing the Shenxiao Thunder Palm, it gathered the thunder power between Heaven and Earth in the palm. However, in reality, the user needed to expend some True Qi to isolate the Thunder power to avoid hurting themselves.

But now, with his spiritualized hands, Pei Xuanjing did not need to use True Qi to isolate the Thunder power. His palms could directly bear these Thunder power without suffering any injury.

In the following days, Pei Xuanjing didn’t take any further action. He concentrated on resting and replenishing his spirits, preparing for the forthcoming titan battle.

Based on the information collected from various sources, coupled with several life simulations, it seems that the Old Heavenly Master might possibly be the most formidable opponent he would encounter, apart from Master Sanfeng and Bahesi in the fantasy trials.

“I wonder, how much weaker or stronger the Old Heavenly Master is compared to Bahesi, the Great Yuan Royal Master, and Master Sanfeng?” Pei Xuanjing thought to himself.

With the passage of six centuries, martial arts have undergone continuous revolutions, coupled with the near revival of Heaven and Earth, cultivating is much easier than before.

This Old Heavenly Master, who hadn’t shown his hand for many years, being even more powerful, is not out of the question!

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