The Promotion Record of a Crown Princess

Chapter 81 - A War between Man and Woman (2)

Chapter 81: A War between Man and Woman (2)
Translator: Storm in a Teacup
He had ordered me to do several things that day and as soon as he opened his mouth again for the last time wanting for something, I gave the chamber pot to him and asked, “Is this what you want?”

Qi Sheng remained silent, and neither did he take the pot.

I smiled and withdrew my hands, and then I laid back down onto the sheet.

Seeing Qi Sheng didn’t react at all, I lay quietly on the floor for a while, and deliberately took a turn. I slightly curled up my thigh and turned my back to Qi Sheng, a move which I have practiced over and over again so that I would appear sexually seductive.

Yet still, Qi Sheng didn’t react.

Downcast as I was, I tried to turn over and sleep, but suddenly, Qi Sheng sat up from the bed.

I was startled by his sudden move and subconsciously got up as well, asking, “What’s wrong?”

Qi Sheng fell silent for a while and then said, “Come over.”

Surprised, I gritted my teeth and went over barefooted. As soon as I touched the bed curtain, Qi Sheng quickly grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me in. I fell onto the bed and all I could feel was a fit of dizziness which soon overwhelmed me. By the time I realized what happened, I was firmly pressed down under him.

Qi Sheng grabbed my head by the chin, forcing me to meet his eyes. But the light was simply too dim for me to see his eyes properly.

Deep down, I resented this rather humiliating posture, and wanted to wriggle free of his hands, but in the meantime, I didn’t want to run the risk of angering him and so I simply closed my eyes. After a while, I could feel his breathing drawing near to me, but just when his lips were about to press on mine, he suddenly stopped.

I was a bit surprised by this sudden halt. If the hooked fish were to be free, it would be difficult to catch it again.

With this thought, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed onto his body.

When our lips connected, Qi Sheng paused for a bit and then, as if feeling guilty, he propped up his body with his two arms, ready to leave.

But, I simply couldn’t let him go like that.

Not willing to let go, I wrapped my arms around his neck and sealed his lips with mine. I kissed and sucked, and sometimes even flirted with him by trying to slide my tongue into his closed lips. But just when my tongue was about to enter into his mouth, he suddenly pushed me away.

With heavy breathing, Qi Sheng propped up his body with his arms beside my head and looked down at me from above.

Having hold my breath for too long, I was nearly out of breath and so I could only look at him while panting heavily. The hooked fish, it would seem, was now off the hook. He was still not able to let go of the past. As hard as I tried, he still allowed his hatred to get the better of him.

His heavy breathing gradually eased and he looked at me calmly from above.

Deep embarrassment engulfed me as I subconsciously tried to cover my eyes with my hands. But soon as I did that, Qi Sheng stopped me. He pinched my chin and kissed down on my lips.

It was a kiss far intenser than the last one, and without a trace of gentleness. It was all about conquering me.

My mind went blank for a few seconds and then I responded with fervent reaction by wrapping both my arms and legs around his neck and waist.

I soon discovered that Qi Sheng was a bit like a dominator. He would shake away the arms that I used to wrap him and pinned them beside my body. Then he would use his arms to hold me firmly into his embrace. My legs were also pulled down, so he could prop up my body with his hands and pull me closer to him.

He was like a predator, pinning down its prey under its claws and teasing it in every way possible, while suppressing any resistance made by the prey.

Was he trying to show me that he was the one in control of the situation?

The longer he went about doing this, the stronger the sense of emptiness I felt, like it was spreading from my chest to my limbs. He held me tightly and pinned me down hard on the bed. But somehow, I still felt like I need more from him. Almost instinctively, I started tearing his clothes.

Qi Sheng reacted by tearing my clothes more vigorously and wherever his hand landed, his lips soon followed.

I was suddenly reminded of the fact that he was wearing a robe and that I was wearing more than he did. By logic, I would have been the first to take off all his clothes. But this thought only lasted for a second. My brain was in a state of utter chaos, yet my senses were more acute than ever, as I could feel every touch of his lips, his hand and his firm chest. In a flurry, his lips were back on my neck, moving upwards and eventually landed on my lips.

These lips were so gentle that I was swept right off my feet. In a trance, I felt a sudden fulfillment as he thrust hard into my body.

The feeling was so intense that a fit of horror surged up and spread all over my body, telling me to struggle and escape. I pushed his chest hard, trying to get on top of him, but each time I failed. He was so powerful that he pinned my waist to the bed, which made me unable to move a bit.

As I could not escape or struggle free, I followed my instinct and wrapped myself around him.

After a long while, silence descended into the hall. I had been breathing heavily for a long time before I managed to calm myself down. Then I realized that I was still nestled in Qi Sheng’s arms naked.

Although I had decided to be a woman, I still felt rather uncomfortable laying down like that, especially when I didn’t have any cloth on me whatsoever.

I would be less embarrassed if I had something to cover myself.

I secretly moved my toes and when I received no reaction from him, I tried breaking myself from his embrace. However, as soon as I did that, Qi Sheng held my waist even more tightly.

“What is it?” Qi Sheng said in a hoarse voice, with a touch of laziness typically seen among men who had just had sex.

I paused and thought for a while before answering, “I am tired and need to turn over.”

Qi Sheng hummed his agreement and pulled me over him and to the other side, with me still clinging to his side. Then he asked me, “How about this?”

I reluctantly replied, “Much better.”

Qi Sheng didn’t say anything.

I paused, pulled the quilt over using my foot and then covered myself with it. But then, I looked at Qi Sheng who had nothing to cover himself with and felt rather guilty about leaving him like that. So, I spread the quilt to cover both of us.

In fact, it was better this way, at least I didn’t need to look at the naked body and could pretend that nothing had happened.

Qi Sheng suddenly asked, “Are you tired?”

I paused, wondering what he was referring to.

Without waiting for my answer, he continued, “Was it good?”

Now I understood that he was asking how the sex was for me. If he were to ask any other ordinary woman, she would have thrown herself into his arms and acted all coquettish.

But I tried several times to throw myself into his arms, but each time I failed. Left with no choice, I sighed, “Not bad.”

Qi Sheng turned sideways to face me and asked, “Not bad?”

I took it as his protest and so I changed my comments, “It was fabulous!”

The light in the tent was dim and so I could read his expression. I only saw that his face somewhat froze a bit and then I turned over with my face facing the ceiling..

My answer might have been a bit too straightforward.

I thought for a while and asked him, “Would it surprise you if I say I was planning to sleep on the floor tonight?”

He lifted up his lips and didn’t answer, but his hands kept caressing me on my waist.

I smiled and said, “In fact, I didn’t believe it myself. A man with a woman alone in the chamber. Something is bound to happen.”

But it didn’t matter what I thought. Something needed to be clarified. So I added, “But, I didn’t know that Xie Yi would bring in that robe. I didn’t know.”

Qi Sheng hummed his reply, appearing to be absent-minded.

I sat up and looked at him with a solemn face, “I know wearing that thing will make things spicy for us, but I wouldn’t do such a stupid thing. It would make me look like I was trying to seduce you.”

Qi Sheng slightly nodded, put his hand on my back and pressed me onto his chest, “Are you done?”

I paused and answered, “No, I still have one more question.”

He asked, “Which is?”

I raised his chin up with my hand and said flirtingly, “Would you be able to do it again?”

Following the light, I saw that Qi Sheng’s eyebrows raised and then he turned over and pinned me under him, “We’ll see.”

Surprisingly, that sex lasted to the middle of the night and when everything was over, I was so exhausted that I felt asleep. The next day when I woke up, the day was as sunny and bright.josei

Qi Sheng had already gone, and I was left laying wide spread on the bed, hogging the space all to myself.

I sprang up from the bed and that jerky movement made me felt slightly dizzy. I tried hard but simply couldn’t remember who was the dominator that night. I only felt soreness all over my body, and even the slightest movement was too exhausting for me.

Xie Yi led a group of servants to help me bath and dress. I cast her a look and asked, “Where is the Emperor?”

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