The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 175

Chapter 175

175 Ayla

Hours passed after our lunch without, a word from the Council of Elders. As more time passed by we

were getting convinced that they would not make it to tomorrow. With not being ready to face the rest of

the pack yet. Who all no doubt would be brimming with questions. We had decided to go out and finally

met up with some of Griffin’s humari gamer friends. With not all of them living close by enough it would

not be a full meet-up.

To us, it still was a fun reason to get out of the castle, dress up, and socialize. Without the pressure of

being surrounded by the pack. Who with all their good intentions would more than likely be

overwhelming. It is not like the heat is something that is switched off and on again. Just like the heat

would gradually get worse. It would slowly go down too, humans would not sense my arousal like that.

So they would not respond to me in a way that could trigger Griffin either. All in all this was one of the

few times when hanging out with humans would be the better option.

The fact that we planned to meet at an all-you-can-eat buffet helped too. That way it wouldn’t be so

suspicious for us to eat a meal a normal human wouldn’t manage to eat. They would most likely just

think we wanted to take full advantage of the relatively cheap food. It felt good just to dress up in a

simple dress with booties. Not needing to go all out to appear as the elegant Princess. Griffin seemed

excited too he had known these guys for years but had never actually seen them.

“Wow Griffin, you look way too fit to be a gamer, but I guys you have to with a stunning girlfriend like

that” Hank one of the guys from the game group greeted us.


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I felt Griffin stiffen a bit when I was complimented like that. And I was relieved to find out Griffin realized

compliments like that were far more common amongst humans. Instead of going into an overprotective,

overbearing Alpha mode. He smiled greeted Hank and complimented his wife. Joking that Hank had

some upkeep to do and then he took my hand to show the guys my engagement ring. It was heart-

warming to see these guys we never met before. And who I had only spoken to a handful of times be

so excited for us.

Tom, another one of the guys started playfully asking what the dress code was for the wedding. And if

he could bring a plus one. This brought a problem we hadn’t thought of before. Of course, Griffin’s

gaming friends wanted to be present at his wedding. The men had become close and had been there

for Griffin after I woke up from a coma. But we would just get married on the pack ground close to the

castle. There was no way we would be able to hide being wolves for them if we invited them too. It’s

the reason why most wolves do not really form connections with humans. Both Griffin and I did, so we

needed to find out if we could trust these men with our identities.

“We are just at the very beginning of planning everything since I am still recovering” I smiled at Tom.

Who not knowing as a werewolf I had already healed for ninety percent at least physically. Seemed to

feel guilty for not realizing I was far from ready to marry. With that all remarks and questions about the

wedding were put to rest. Leaving us to enjoy the rest of the evening just getting to know each other a

little better.

All of us had decided to go to a bar for some drinks after having dinner. Of course with the chance of

me being pregnant, I didn’t want to drink alcohol. Blaming it on the medication I told the others I was

taking I could avoid drinking alcohol. It was not like I needed it to have a fun night. Griffin drank a little

but with him being a wolf he



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didn’t even get tipsy from just keeping up with the others. It made me feel safe this was the first time

since I was kidnapped I had gone out without a lot of people or rather wolves around me that I didn’t


“I am sorry guys, I think I drank a little too much I am not feeling well so I am just going to go home and

get into bed okay?” Griffin’s statement shocked me.

He could not be drunk our metabolism is faster and all he had done was keep up with the others. He

had gone to the bathroom I did notice. he was grayish when he walked back to us. like all the color had

drained from his face.

“I received an email, the Council of Elders will be here at 10 AM tomorrow” Griffin reassured me by

mind-linking me as he was looking at his feet.

Acting like he was unable to stand straight or look them in the eyes. Now knowing what it was that

made Griffin want to rush home. I had to hold back fits of laughter as Tom and Hank guided Griffin back

to the car, claiming that an average-sized girl like me would never be able to get that giant of a man in

the car. Little did they know he was an average-sized wolf. And that I even with my petite frame was a

lot stronger than two human men who had admitted not to work on their condition too much.

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“Griffin, before I decide to do anything I need to see Hannah and speak to her” I told him, and one look

at his face showed me he didn’t like what I was asking him.

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