The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 614: The Finale

614: The Finale

The Demon Ancestor’s strength was greatly reduced once he lost Zi Cheng’s help. Without the shock value of her treasures, the four divine emperors moved more easily. They were the darlings of the world’s consciousness, so it was impossible for the Demon Ancestor to win.

Although the four divine emperors could defeat the Demon Ancestor, they couldn’t completely destroy him. The best course of action was to seal him back in the virtual world. Fortunately, the Demon emperor intervened this time and proposed imprisoning the Demon Ancestor in the Demon realm. It was a good idea. With the Demon emperor involved, it was going to be impossible for the Demon Ancestor to escape to the Human realm and make trouble.

So in the end, the Demon emperor sent this trusted ministers to escort the Demon Ancestor back to the Demon realm.

Everyone who fell under Zi Cheng’s glamour came back to their senses after White destroyed the system.

Caesar, after returning back to his old self, was full of regret. His face was blacker than the bottom of a pot when he thought about every thing he did for Zi Cheng.

“It’s not your fault; you couldn’t help it.” As soon as Zi Cheng died, Zo found Caesar and reached out to convince him to return to the family.

“Did you know Zi Cheng was a problem?” Caesar thought of Zo’s repeated warnings not to trust Zi Cheng too much. It was impossible of course. At the time, he’d been overly confident and couldn’t believe Zi Cheng would do anything to him.

“Yes, I knew it a long time ago.” Zo sighed softly. His eyes were complicated as he looked at his once proud brother. He slowly opened his mouth and told Caesar the future he experienced a hundred years in the future. He hadn’t said it before because he was afraid Caesar would still follow Zi Cheng, and giving him this kind of information would have been detrimental to his mission. He needed to do what he could to save the world. In order to succeed, he hadn’t even told anyone in his family about his rebirth.

“So that’s how it is.” Caesar nodded. It turned out he couldn’t escape Zi Cheng no matter which future he was in.

Fortunately, he and Zi Cheng did not destroy the world this time.

If Zo had told him all this before everything that happened, he knew he wouldn’t have believed it. But he couldn’t deny it now after everything he’d experienced. He recognized the abnormalities in his body better than anyone else could.

Zi Cheng had the power to control people’s hearts, he could believe that. He also believed she wouldn’t return the elemental hearts if she ever got her hands on them because she would need them to ascend to the God realm. Though she appeared kind and gentle, she was, in truth, the cruelest person he knew.

“Brother, it’s all over now. Come back home with me. Father and Mother miss you terribly. Eliza has also been waiting for you this entire time. Come home with me.” Zo looked deeply at his brother. He still harbored a lot of resentment towards Zi Cheng, after all if it wasn’t for her, his brother would never have changed from the apple of everyone’s eyes to this fallen down man. Letting her die as easily as she did felt like a rip off.

Zo thought about it for a while before finally giving up. Everyone was dead, so even if he was dissatisfied and wanted to whip a corpse, there was no corpse to whip!

“I don’t want to go back yet. Too many things have happened and my mind is a mess right now. I need time to sort everything out.” In all honesty, Caesar just didn’t know how to face everyone.

“Brother. . . ” Zo wanted to persuade Caesar again, but Caesar waved his hand, ending the conversation.

“You don’t need to say anything more, I really need time. And about Eliza. . .  I’m really not suitable for her. I know you’ve liked her for a long time. She’s a good girl and you’re a good match. You should go for it.”

“Brother. . .  where will you go?” Zo spoke to his brother’s back, wanting to catch up.

“Don’t come chasing after me. Just let me be alone for a while. Once I’ve figured everything out, I’ll go back.” After saying this, Caesar waved without looking back and left.

Zo quietly stared after his brother’s retreating back and sighed. “Brother Caesar, remember to come back soon. . . ”

Ten Years Later:

Time flew by and many things changed.

Feng Wu finally married Ming Xi and made him the father of her baby, just like she wanted when they first met in the mountain.

Little Bun was still an only child. Ming Xi and Feng Wu didn’t have to worry about having children since they were both cultivators and cultivators aged much slower than ordinary people.

Ming Xi was quite satisfied with their lives. Perhaps in another ten years they could start thinking about having children. After all, he was the Moon emperor and part of his duties was to produce the next generation’s heir.

Maybe because they did such a great job at keeping their secrets, but even after seven years of marriage, no one outside discovered how silly Feng Wu was.

In the hearts of all their subjects, the Moon empress was a cold and noble beauty. It was just an image the made up in their minds though.

Feng Wu adapted well to her new identity. If someone were to ask her what she needed to do as Moon empress, she would say (with her habitual poker face) that she needed to maintain an aloof and noble image in public, but behind closed doors, she could play around and do as she pleased.

A Moon empress’s work was simple anyway. She just had to put in an appearance at special events and receive the noble wives who came to pay their respects.

She could do whatever she wanted the rest of the time.

Ming Xi’s mother grew even more fond of Feng Wu after Feng Wu took over the empress’s seat. The former empress and her husband were living a leisurely life of travel. When they found a beautiful place, they would stay awhile and enjoy the scenery. After they had enough of one place they would move to another place. To say life was comfortable for the former Moon emperor and Moon empress was an understatement.

Tian Ya was still guarding Ming Xi, only now he was the new head of the Moon Shadow guards and in charge of the emperor’s safety.

Jier, still single and not interested in any of the girls, permanently took on the position as Summer envoy at Star Marshall hall.

It took Ink ten years, but he finally achieved his dream and became a member of the Purple team – the highest ranked team at Star Marshall hall.

Several of Feng Wu’s roommates also had good outcomes. Xi went to Star Marshall hall after graduation and in ten years rose up from a novice soldier who didn’t understand anything to a Blue-ranked soldier.

Annika returned home after graduation and married her boyfriend she met at Star Marshall hall. Now the two of them were living happily together after welcoming their first son. Feng Wu was even invited to the baby’s full moon celebration.

But as the Moon empress, it was impossible for Feng Wu to attend such a private event. She still sent an appropriate gift though.

As for Jasmine, she wasn’t the same haughty and untouchable snob she was ten years ago and had changed a lot from the girl who used to always be at odds with Feng Wu. She applied for a transfer to the theology school in her fifth year. After graduation, she took an oath foreswearing marriage and romance and became and saint and honorary missionary for Star Marshall hall. Nowadays she could even visit the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom and chat with Feng Wu calmly in the course of her duties.

Feng Wu’s master, White, became insanely popular after saving the world. It was so annoying to him that he immediately ascended to the God realm to find his buddy Longze after seeing Feng Wu off at her wedding.

The villainous world transmigrator Ai Lin got married three years after graduation to, in a dramatic plot twist, Feng Juntian – Feng Wu’s brother!

The reborn Zo married Eliza four years after Caesar left and became a most enviable couple. He still had no interest in taking over as the family head though.

Caesar disappeared for six years before returning to his family and becoming the new family head. His family knew about Zi Cheng’s role in his behavioral changes and had forgiven him long ago.

Caesar’s genius aura never disappeared; he had recovered his lost strength and then surpassed it. He was still a young genius master that all the younger generation in the family looked up to.

Of course, we can not forget Feng Ye, the Little Bun, who at this point, wasn’t so little anymore.

Feng Ye grew up and was now a fourteen-year-old boy. When he was twelve, a group of elves came to welcome him as the elf king.

Feng Ye had created them in his previous incarnation as the elf king. When he reverted to his original form after saving the world, they reverted back into seeds to await his return.

The elves recovered when Feng Ye was twelve, and although they also lost their original memories, they still instinctively gravitated towards him.

They didn’t inherit strength from their previous lives like Feng Ye did. Without anyone to teach them how to cultivate and develop their powers, the family of elves would have been targeted by unscrupulous people.

Feng Ye returned to the Tree of Life with them, not because he wanted to go back to being the elf king, but because he wanted to teach the elves how to cultivate and use their powers. Once they learned what they needed, he would choose a new king from amongst them before going out to roam the world himself.

Everyone found their own happiness, finding where they belonged and what they wanted to do in life.

Another ten years slipped by and Feng Wu’s first child with Ming Xi came into the world. He was a beautiful boy like his father.

Feng Wu was very interested in her new little bun who was looking around with wide open eyes after just being born. The little guy especially liked the aura around his mother.

“Xiao Wu, thank you for your hard work.” Ming Xi, who had stayed by her side the entire time, kissed her sweaty hair.

“Where is Xiao Ye?” Feng Wu was a little upset her eldest son hadn’t come to see her.

“He’s cooking something delicious for you.” Ming Xi smiled faintly as he nodded at her. josei

Feng Wu’s eyes lit up. She enjoyed Xiao Ye’s cooking the most.

“I miss Master.” Thinking about her master, who she hadn’t seen in a long time, made Feng Wu blink aggrievedly a few times. She never understood why her master abandoned her and ran off to the God realm by himself.

“Be good. You’ll see him again. Your strength is nearing holy level. Once you reach god level, you can go to the God realm and see your master again.” Ming Xi explained as he patted his wife’s head with a doting expression on his face.

“Okay.” Feng Wu felt much better at the prospect of seeing her master again.

The couple leaned against each other enjoying the quiet as they gazed at their newborn son. The years didn’t affect them in the slightest. The people of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom were nourished by the splendor of the moon and aged very slowly because of it. Twenty years had come and gone, and yet the couple still looked the same as when they were in school.

It was a magical world advantage. Life extended as long as there was strength and those strong enough never grew old.

Ming Xi and Feng Wu played with their baby’s hands together, and the little guy giggled very happily, especially liking the breath of his mother.

“Mom, come and have some soup.” Feng Ye had grown into an unforgettably stunning beauty who left a lasting impression on all the women he met.

He walked into the room steadily carrying a pot of soup. Yes, it was a pot, please remember this was for his mother. How could a bowl be enough to satisfy her bottomless stomach?

Feng Wu directly pushed the newborn in her arms into her husband’s hands and brought a small eating tray to her lap before signaling Feng Ye to bring the soup over quickly.

The tiny newborn blinked his eyes, feeling deeply wronged. Were they related?

Feng Ye smirked at his younger brother. “Mother is mine. Don’t even think about monopolizing her attention at your age.”

The newborn was so angry. This bad guy couldn’t be his real brother, definitely not!

Ming Xi: I didn’t see anything. . . 

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