The False Summoner

Chapter 42 - Fusion Practice II

Chapter 42: Fusion Practice II
Translator: Pan Junqian
Proofread by Peter Gong

After the magic elements have entered his body, they even turn out to be mixed with the breath of the sun and the moon, then follow the meridians, and finally remain in the public region, which is also different from what Rowen knew before. Although the magic elements remain in the body, they deposit not in the public region. In fact, as far as he knows, the magic power is not kept in a specific part of the body, it is reserved in any part of the body. When the magic power needs to be used, it can be mobolized instantly.

However, although the magic power does not remain in the public region, it does not mean that this is not the right place for it to stay. Later, Rowen also finds that although both the magic power and the breath of the sun and the moon stay in the public region, they are not fused together, as if the public region were divided into two parts: one is used to store the breath of the sun and the moon, and the other used to store the magic power. Although it sounds a bit weird, he still decides to continue practice in this way. He cannot guarantee whether his assumption will be successful or not, and only time knows.

Somehow, Rowen has entered the state of emptiness again, in which his spirit seems to be integrated with the authentic Qi of the sun and the moon. But strictly speaking, it is not just the integration with the breath of the sun and the moon, he also seems to be part of the magic elements. He begins to feel clearly how the magic elements change. After these magic elements are absorbed into his body and circulating several rounds in his meridians, they are transformed into magic power, which deposits in the public region.

And at the same time, he finds that the magic power stored in his body, guided by the absorbed magic elements just now, gathers form every part of his body and then enters his meridians and finally deposits in the public region, integrating with this new magic power. In this way, the practice process of the magic power seems to have become completely the same as that of the authentic Qi of the sun and the moon. They both operate at the same time, seemingly mixed together, but working independently of each other.

The magic elements continue to enter his body, and Rowen clearly feels that the magic power is getting stronger, while the authentic Qi of the sun and the moon, on the other hand, continues at its normal speed.

At this moment, Rowen is too excited to control his ecstasy. By this time he is sure that his assumption is successful. Although it has been an odd process with too many things that are difficult for him to understand, there is no doubt that he succeeds in not only practicing the authentic Qi of the sun and the moon and the magic power together, but also accelerating the speed of his cultivating the magic power, which is surely a good thing to him who is a summoner without special talents!

“Ah…” Rowen opens his eyes, jumps to his feet, and lets out a long cry. He needs this way to express his excitement and joy.

The only regret for Rowen seems to be that he could not find anyone who can share his joy.josei

March 4, the day before the official opening of the new semester of the Royal Knight College, is a very important day for all the freshmen because the opening ceremony will be held on this day.

One of the special things about the opening ceremony is that it is presided over by the Emperor who is the President of the College.

The Royal Knight College was founded by the first emperor of the Empire, his majesty Alan-Fox, who was the first President of the College, and it has been a tradition since then that every emperor of the Empire will also be the President of the College.

The present Emperor, Ross Fox, is the twelfth emperor of the Empire, as well as the twelfth President of the Royal Knight College.

Although the Emperor is the President of the Royal Knight College, he will not manage its daily affairs, while the other three vice presidents take the responsibility to manage the schools. Each president is responsible for a school and only in the event that none of the three vice-presidents could decide a certain important issue would they go to the palace and ask the Emperor for instructions.

Usually, the emperor would hardly come to the Royal Knight College, but there are two important ceremonies every year the Emperor will attend: one is the graduation ceremony and the other the opening ceremony for new students.

Although most of the students in the College are from noble and powerful families, not all of them have seen the Emperor. Therefore, for many students, the opening ceremony is a rare opportunity to see the Emperor with their own eyes.

The place where the opening ceremony is held is familiar to Rowen. It is the large playground that could hold tens of thousands of people. The opening ceremony starts at ten o’clock in the morning, but by nine o’clock all new students have assembled here, waiting eagerly.

Rowen arrives earlier, too, and indeed he is looking forward to seeing the Emperor.

However, Rowen soon finds that lots of people are pointing at him, and even many boys are glaring at him. At first he doesn’t understand, but when he sees Diana, he seems to know what happens.

Diana is keeping order with the help of Knight’s Bodyguards and when Rowen looks at her, she looks back as if she received a signal.

Diana utters a few words, and though it is too far for him to see the shape of her mouth clearly, judged from her way of speaking, he guesses that what she says is two words: roast pig. Obviously, she is thinking of turning Rowen into a roast pig.

“Rowen, this way!” Just then, Rowen hears someone calling him, and looks around, he finds it is York, that little fat guy.

“So he’s Rowen!” The call from York draws more attention to Rowen.

“Is he the one who defeated the Enchanted Princess? Impossible!” Some are skeptical of him.

“This boy really has no idea of death or danger, and he even dares to offend Enchanted Princess!” Others are gloating.

“Wow, he’s so handsome! He dares to hit Diana! I love him so much.” This is a girl who is obviously not satisfied with Diana, and there is no doubt that while Diana has become many boys’ dreamlover, she has also been a thorn in many girls’ flesh.

There is no doubt that Rowen has become famous, and whoever has anything to do with Diana will definitely become famous. Additionally, Rowen is the first one who has ever defeated or even humiliated Diana in public.

Diana isn’t too strong to be defeated, and it is just that no one else would defeat her in that way on that occasion, so Rowen has suddenly becomes a special guy.

Ignoring them, Rowen goes up to York and finds that his mentor, Catherine, and the rest of their group are all there, too.

“Rowen, did you really beat Diana?” Catherine is the first to ask the question, and when she did so, the others also look at him. Evidently, they are also interested in it.

“Yeah, but I was lucky.” Says Rowen casually.

“Even if it was a fluke, you are still strong enough to beat Diana.” A girl with a few freckles on her face says, and she is Kate who is a level-1 summoner but with level-4 summoning beasts.

“Yes, but it’s not a good thing to offend Diana!” York says.

“I heard a lot of boys want to fight with Rowen!” It is Ferran who is the only level-3 summoner in his group, a good-looking boy, girl-friendly sort.

“I’ve heard that too. They’re trying to flatter Diana.” Another girl says, and Rowen remembers her name. She is Ailsa, a level-2 summoner with ordinary summoning beasts, but she is the prettiest girl in the group.

“But I’ve also heard that Diana has already declared that no one can come to Rowen’s trouble because she’s going to turn him into… Uh!” York pauses, looking embarrassed. “Rowen, I’m just relaying what Diana says about making you a roast pig.”

“Don’t worry, Rowen, you can make her a big white sheep.” Ferran says with an ambiguous smile.

“White sheep? What’s that?” Kate asks a little strangely.

“Take off her clothes and then she will become a big white sheep!” Ferran says casually.

“Pooh, disgusting!” Ailsa glares at Ferran.

“It’s a piece of cake. If Rowen goes after Diana, then he’ll turn her into a white sheep!” Ferran replies casually, “I tell you, Rowen, although a girl like Diana may seem like a hard nut to crack, if you can conquer her, she will be thoroughly at your mercy, and then you can do whatever you want.”

“Ferran, stop it. You boys can talk about it in private.” Catherine finally stops them.

“Miss Catherine, I’m just giving Rowen a piece of advice. If he’s going to get Diana, he won’t have to worry about Diana bothering him again.” Ferran smiles.

“Thank you for your kindness, Ferran, but I have a fiancee.” Rowen smiles. He could see a part of Carl from Ferran and they two, indeed, look alike, which makes Rowen unconsciously feel good about Ferran.

“It’s nothing to have a fiancee, our President maintains harems of concubines. As the students of the Royal Knight College, we must follow him!” Ferran takes it for granted.

“What?” Alisa snorts. “You’re lecherous, but what does this to do with the Emperor.”

“Here comes the Emperor!” Says Catherine suddenly, and all look towards the entrance.

At the head of the procession is an old man of about sixty years of age, whose imperial robes and crown indicate that he is the present emperor, and whose steady steps show that he is still in good health.

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