The False Summoner

Chapter 1 - The First Summon (1)

Chapter 1: The First Summon (1)
Translator: Ma Shaoyi and Pan Junqian
Proofread by Wang Xiaoyi and Peter Gong

It has been snowing heavily for three days till now. The Mayor Town with a population of less than 10 thousand is covered with pure white snow. The small town turns to be quiet. People are trapped at home because of the cold weather, and even with stove fire nearby they still feel a fitful of cold to the bone. It seems that this winter will last longer.

North of the town lies a manor covering a large area. Some cabins have collapsed while others are teetering in the whirling snow. It is difficult to see the whole picture of Wolf Manor shrouded in snow clearly, but one can still feel its dilapidation and desolation.

People call it Wolf Manor as it belongs to the only noble family in the town-the Wolf Family. At this moment, hundreds of people have gathered round the hall. Much as the weather is cold outside, their hearts are just burning like fire.

Excitement shows up on everyone’s face while their eyes are all focusing on a young man in the middle of the hall.

He’s a handsome boy with a slightly indifferent look. The angular face and brimming eyes show his natural charisma that fails to be described clearly. His dark curly hair notably distinguishes him from others.

The young man is tall and slender. He wears a dark black form-fitting robe which brings out his thinness, the only flaw in his figure.

In front of the chest, a-flaming-wolf-like pattern is embroidered on the robe, and the flaming wolf is the family logo of the Wolf Family. Right now, the young man is raising his hands up and squinting upward, while a string of incantations come slowly and coherently out of his mouth, “Creatures from another dimension, I’m Rowen·Wolf and please accept my sincere call.” The incantation was so long that it took three minutes for Rowen to finish.

With his last word “Summon!”, a huge crack appears above the young man; then a giant suddenly comes out of the crack and heavily hits the ground.

“Bang!” There’ s a fit of shocking quake from ground and dust falls from the top of the hall. People of Wolf Manor seems shocked by this new behemoth and wonders what it is on earth.

Rowen is dumbfounded, too. “Is this my first summoning beast?” he says to himself. But it is more like a huge iron box.

Rowen looks up and finds that the iron box is so tall that it almost reaches the top of the meeting hall that is much higher than a normal house. There is no exaggeration to say that the iron box is approximately eight meters high.

Compared with its height, the length and width of this iron box do not appear so conspicuous, but it looks like at least three meters wide, or maybe it is more proper to say that it is a small iron house rather than an iron box. The only problem is that there are no doors in this iron house. Rowen examines the box carefully all around and finds that it is perfectly united and sealed, so he doubts that it is neither an iron box nor an iron house, but a solid block of iron.

Rowen tries to push the huge iron block with his hand, but it doesn’t move as he expects.

“What kind of summoning beast is this?” people starts to discuss in the hall.

“Rowen, what this summoning beast is?” arises a low husky voice. Hearing this voice, people all stops discussing immediately and Rowen also comes to himself from surprise and doubt.

Rowen raises his head and sees an old man with hoary hair. He has a pair of piercing eyes on his weather-beaten face, but he looks hale and hearty. There’s a natural air of stateliness in his words.

This old man named Brian·Wolf is the Patriarch of the Wolf Family.

All the people in the hall are looking at Rowen and no one makes a sound. They are all waiting for Rowen’s response since it’s what they are most concerned with.

“Patriarch, I don’t know,” Rowen answers, which greatly disappoints all. “There are no records in the Summoned Beast Archive.”

Written by Summoner Union, the Summoned Beast Archive is an authoritative book containing detailed information of summoned beasts appearing in Cang Yun Continent in thousands of years. Names, ranks and abilities of different summoning beasts are clearly recorded in the Summoned Beast Archive, but if no records can be found in the book, then there is only one possibility.josei

A summoner cannot wield magical power as much as a wizard nor does he have the strong body or subtle martial art as warriors do. However, a summoner owns a high position as a wizard or warrior on the Cang Yun Continent in that a summoner is able to call out strong summoning beasts. So the power of summoning beasts directly determines the strength of a summoner.

Summoning beasts are usually classified into ten levels, from I to level X. The higher the level, the more powerful the summoning beast will be. However, besides these ten levels, there are two other special levels.

In the past, the most powerful summoning beasts are called 10-level summoning beasts, but people come to find that few of 10-level summoning beasts show much more power than most other 10-level summoning beasts. It is unreasonable to categorize these summoning beasts with higher power into the 10-level class, so the Summoner Union decided to classify these beasts as the Therion- a higher level class.

Likewise, the level-1 summoning beasts were once the lowest-level summoning beasts, but it finally turned out that some first-level summoning beasts were useless and they had no lethality at all. Therefore, the Summoner Union classified these nonlethal summoning beasts into the zero-level summoning beasts class. The zero-level summoning beasts also called the pet beasts which could be regarded as pets only.

Thus, summoning beasts are divided into twelve grades, but in fact, this twelve grades do not contain all summoning beasts as summoners may call out a summoning beast which has never shown before in the Cang Yun Continent. And this kind of summoning beasts are always named mysterious summoning beasts which cannot be classified into any classes before their power is determined by the Summoner Union.

The mysterious iron block that Rowen just called out is a so-called mysterious summoning beast.

Thousands of years before, the mysterious summoning beasts were the most popular among the summoners, for most of the mysterious summoning beasts were finally identified as ones with strong abilities, and many summoners were looking forward to summoning a powerful mysterious summoning beast.

However, this situation has gradually changed as the number of summoning beasts increases. The summoners have discovered that it is difficult to call out new summoning beasts, and some of the new mysterious summoning beasts eventually turn out to have no power. Gradually, the mysterious summoning beasts are no longer summoning beasts what people expect.

A public record issued by the Summoner Union shows that in the past three hundred years, a total of one hundred and thirteen mysterious summoning beasts have been found, but it is finally confirmed that there is a second-level summoning beast, three first-level summoning beasts, and the remaining one hundred and nine beasts are pet beasts with no ability.

Also, it is notable that if this record is slightly studied, then one will find that all mysterious summoning beasts that appeared in the last 150 years have been finally proved to be pet beasts. And this record also makes mysterious summoning beasts completely the last beasts the summoners want to see.

In fact, on today’s Cang Yun Continent, the mysterious summoning beasts are basically regarded as pet beasts.

“Rowen, are you sure that there is no record of this summoning beast on the Summoned Beast Archive?” Patriarch Brian asked again.

Rowen reads the disappointment in the patriarch’s tone, but he can only nod his head and say, ” Patriarch, I remember every single summoning beast in the book.”

“Is it really that God is going to depress our Wolf Family?” Brian sighed slightly.

Everyone in this quiescent hall wears a disappointed face.

“Just go back,” Patriarch Brian waves his hand weakly, and his voice becomes more hoarse. In a minute, it seems that he has grown 10 years older.

The crowd slowly walk out of the hall, with a chill penetrating into the heart and gradually spreading all over the body. The previous excitement has been long gone. This winter night is even colder for the Wolf Family.

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