The Dragon Seal

Chapter 4 - Unscrupulous Profiteers

Jeanne and her family were away to visit their relatives abroad, and they came back as soon as they got the call from Augustus. However, Augustus did not expect Liane to put all the blame on Augustus as soon as they arrived.

He did not refute. He was already used to being treated like this after staying in the Harrington family for years.

However, his daughter immediately defended him, "Daddy is the best! Don't hit Daddy!"

Liane's expression darkened. "You're just a little brat. What the hell do you know?"

Then, Liane fiercely dragged Skylar to one side. Skylar cried from the sudden pain in her arm.

Augustus was furious. It did not matter how Liane treated him, but he would never allow her to be so outrageous to his daughter.

Before he could speak, Jeanne spoke, "Mom, why are you taking it out on Skylar? Don't forget that she's still a patient!"

Liane's lips pursed as she fell silent.

Jeanne then turned to Augustus, "You called and said that Skylar fainted out of a sudden. What exactly happened?"

"Oh, she was just examined. It's nothing major…"

Augustus knew very well that no one would believe it if he said that he cured his daughter's tumor, so he simply lied and dodged the question.

Liane was instantly annoyed at his answer. "Are you crazy? Why did you call us if she was fine? Do you know that because of your call, I had to rush back before soaking in the hot springs?"

Augustus's expression turned cold.

She was saying that his daughter's life was less important than soaking in a hot spring!

"Alright, Mom. Stop it already. The most important thing is that Skylar is fine."

Then, Jeanne picked up Skylar with a doting expression.

"My baby girl, did you miss Mommy?"

"Of course! Daddy missed you too!"

Skylar said cheekily.

Jeanne's face reddened. Although she and Augustus were husband and wife on paper, it was an arrangement by their families, so they were actually more like strangers.

However, when she heard those words of endearment, it made her a little flustered.

Throughout the years, Liane criticized Augustus relentlessly, but Augustus turned a deaf ear.

Six years ago, he dropped out of college. His mother fell ill and needed a lot of money, and it was the Old Master of the Harrington family who arranged for a marriage between him and Jeanne. Augustus was grateful to the Harrington family, and he felt especially guilty towards Jeanne, who ended up suffering from the marriage.

From the corner of his eye, he secretly glanced at Jeanne in the driver's seat.

The white chiffon blouse outlined her perfect curves, and the black pencil skirt emphasized her slim and delicate waist. The pair of slender and ivory white legs under her skirt made anyone find it hard to tear their eyes away from her.

Furthermore, in addition to such a perfect body, her looks were also truly stunning!

Even though they had been married for six years, Augustus still could not believe that such a beautiful woman was his wife!

"Why do you keep staring at my legs? Don't you have legs too?"

Jeanne rolled her eyes at Augustus with a voice filled with contempt.


Augustus was mortified.

He looked up and was just about to explain himself, but he froze when he saw Jeanne's face.

On her Yintang, he saw a swirling mass of black!

The Yintang was also known as the ophryon. With the black energy swirling on her ophryon, it was obviously an omen of great misfortune!

In other words, Jeanne would be in grave danger sometime soon!

Since Augustus saw this, he could not sit by idly.

He was just about to speak when Jeanne's phone rang.

"Director Harrington, bad news. There are people causing trouble at the company entrance. Even the media are here!"

"What?" Jeanne was stunned. "Manage the scene. I'll be right there!"

The car arrived at the neighborhood entrance. Jeanne let all of them get off before driving away.

"I'll go with you. Maybe I can help!"

The divination from earlier made Augustus very uneasy.

"Stop messing around. Hurry up and get out!"

"Take me with you!"

Jeanne was very annoyed. She did not have time to waste on Augustus.

Half an hour later, the car stopped near the company.

"Jeanne, there's a black mark on your Yintang. It's an omen of great misfortune. You have to be careful!"

Augustus warned her repeatedly.

Jeanne rolled her eyes at Augustus. "What era do you live in? You should use those powers on yourself and calculate when you'll get rich instead."

Then, she got out of the car.

At that moment, many people had gathered in front of the company, the most conspicuous of which was twenty to thirty patients.

These people did not seem to be too nimble and simply sat on the ground, blocking the entrance to the company.

Some people even held up banners that read, "Harrington Corp, unscrupulous profiteers!" and so on.

"What's going on here?"

"Director Harrington, these people said they had symptoms of hemiplegia after taking our company's new drugs, and that they can't even walk now!"

Jeanne's expression turned solemn at that.

If that was true, Harrington Corporation's reputation would definitely be greatly affected.

"Look, that's the deputy director of Harrington Corporation!"

At that time, the patients saw Jeanne's arrival.

"Harrington Corp, unscrupulous profiteers!"

"You produced fake medicine. You'll die a horrible death!"

Jeanne's expression sank. "Everyone, all the drugs made by our company go through strict quality control. There is no way that such side effects could exist…"

"Don't listen to her nonsense! Go to hell, Harrington Corp!"historical

Before Jeanne could finish, countless rotten eggs and mineral water bottles were thrown at her.

At a glance, Augustus saw a fist-sized stone amidst the mess flying straight towards Jeanne's face.

"Watch out!"

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