The Dragon Seal

Chapter 2 - Lower Than Dirt


Augustus felt like he was struck by lightning and froze in place.

He suddenly realized that they indeed shared the same last name. When he was in uni, he did hear that Jace's grandfather was a famous doctor in Halmont City!

In other words, it was true!

The doctor was really Jace's grandfather!

"I'm my grandfather's only grandson, and my grandfather dotes on me the most. As long as I ask, my grandfather will definitely save your daughter. Similarly, if I'm not happy, he won't spare a glance at you even if you cry your eyes out! How about it? Still dare to yell at me now?"

The corners of Jace's mouth pulled in mockery, full of triumph.

Augustus was incomparably ashamed and resentful. He never thought that his daughter's life would be in the hands of such scum!

God was deliberately playing tricks on him!

However, right now, Augustus had no choice. In order to save his daughter, he had to bow his head!

"Jace, I… I was wrong. My daughter has to be operated on in two hours. I'm begging you. Please let your grandfather perform the surgery and save my daughter!"

Augustus was bowing deeply, but Jace was still unsatisfied. He sneered at Augustus.

"You're begging me while standing? Kneel down and prostrate yourself before me!"

Augustus frowned.

A man should never grovel!

In his life, the only people he kneeled to were his parents and elders. He would never kneel to anyone else, much less a scumbag like Jace!

"Didn't you hear Jace? On your knees!"

"Yeah, don't you want to save your daughter? Hurry up and kneel!"

Augustus gnashed his teeth, but finally kneeled.

As he said before, as long as Doctor Zander came out, he was willing to give his life. Kneeling was nothing!

Compared to his daughter's life, dignity was worthless.

"Young Master Zander, please ask Doctor Zander to save my daughter! I'm begging you!"

"Hahaha, he's kneeling. He's really kneeling!"

"He's so spineless! Hahaha…"

Jace was still not satisfied. "Your voice is too soft. I can't hear you."

Augustus gritted his teeth and smashed his forehead heavily on the ground.




Thud thud thud, crimson red blood stained the ground where Augustus's forehead smashed the ground.

Andy and the others were overjoyed, and Jace also had a triumphant smile.


Jace slapped Augustus's face.

"You son of a b*tch, I never thought I'd see the day!"


"You wanted to be a f*cking hero, huh?

"You wanted to be the good f*cking guy, huh?

"You f*cking idiot!"

Smack smack smack!

Jace slapped Augustus's face over and over again, causing a burning pain.

Andy and the others knew that Augustus would not dare to fight back, so they also hit him while he was down, raining punches and kicks down on Augustus.

"You piece of sh*t. Be a good samaritan! Report us! You f*cking idiot!"

The punches and kicks fell on Augustus like hail, had him on the ground black and blue.

Then, with a swoosh, streams of ammonia-smelling liquid splashed on his body.

"Do you know how your quilt got wet before? It was because of our p*ss! Hahahaha…"

At that moment, Augustus was filled with humiliation. He was lower than dirt and free to be trampled by others!

Jace used his foot to step on Augustus's face. "How was it? Now, do you understand the consequences of going against me?"

Augustus endured the anger in his heart and the excruciating pain in his body, and said, "I… I understand. Can you ask Doctor Zander to save my daughter now?"

"You still want my grandfather to help you?" Jace spat out a laugh. "To tell you the truth, my grandfather went abroad three days ago and won't be back until tomorrow! Your precious little girl can only wait for death! Hahaha…"

Augustus felt like he was struck by lightning. His monstrous anger surged in his mind like a volcanic eruption.

"You're lying! That can't be! That can't be!"historical

Augustus was unable to accept such a result and charged toward Jace.

However, when he got up, Andy kicked him back to the ground.

"Go to hell, f*cking idiot!"

Then, accompanied by the roar of engines, the sports cars drove into the residential area, and countless globs of spit and ridicule fell on Augustus.

"That can't be…"

In his anger, a mouthful of blood gushed out from Augustus's mouth. His eyes went dark as he fell to the ground.

It went unnoticed but before he fainted, the originally blue birthmark the size of a fingernail on his forehead that was covered by his hair had mixed with his own blood and transformed into a strange pattern of a red dragon!

In the pitch-black darkness, hundreds of billions of golden lights formed a golden dragon and rushed towards Augustus's mind.

Then, a massive amount of data related to martial arts, medical skills, and mystic arts spread to the depths of Augustus's consciousness like a torrent.

Along with this information, there was also a low and resounding voice.

"With the taste of blood, thirty years of latent Yang energy and the sealed hidden dragon is finally awakened, here to claim the Heavens as theirs alone!"

A huge force like a tsunami roared towards Augustus.

"That can't be!"

Augustus woke up with a jolt and found himself in a hospital ward.

Only then did he remember that he fainted at the entrance of Maplewood Villa. Someone probably called 911 which was why he was sent here.

It was the same hospital as his daughter's!

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