The Day I Kissed An Older Man

Chapter 1490

Chapter 1490

Chapter 1490

Sunny pulled out two tissues from the dispenser behind Xante to dry his hands before throwing them

into the trash can. He then turned and walked out of the restroom.

It was as if he found her disgusting.

Xante snickered at Sunny’s retreating figure, thinking, ‘He’s behaving like he’s a forty-year-old man…’

She turned back around to look at herself in the mirror. ‘Has my face really become saggy? Is it really

that obvious that I’ve grown old? But I’m only twenty-six years old this year…’

While going back to her seat, Xante passed through the dance floor and saw Sunny dancing the waltz

with a girl who looked to be around 20 years old.

‘That should be his girlfriend. She’s probably from some wealthy family like him as well. Well, they

certainly make a good match,’ she thought.

“What took you so long? Were you having a secret meeting with a certain someone?” teased Aaron

after Xante got back to her seat.

Xante rolled her eyes at him. “As if! I’m leaving the party now. Are you coming with me?”

Aaron raised his eyebrow. “Why are you leaving so soon? It’s not like we have anything to do at home.

What’s the matter? You jealous that your old flame is dancing with another girl right now?”

Xante could not be bothered to argue with him, so she simply said, “I’m planning to visit the boss and

the kids while the night is still early.”

After that, she picked up her suit jacket and strode out of the room.

Aaron wanted to see Corinne and the kids as well, but he saw Sunny suddenly push away his dance

partner and follow Xante out.

Seeing this, Sunny sat back down in his seat with a knowing smile and continued to drink his wine


Once outside, Xante got into her chauffeured car and was typing out a text message to Corinne when

her driver honked.

She looked up and saw a person standing in front of the car. That person would not get out of the way

no matter how many times the driver palmed the car horn.

Annoyed, the driver rolled down his window and shouted, “Please move aside so we can go through!”

The person walked over to the driver’s side.

Xante thought it was some spoiled rich kid who had drunk too much, so she was surprised when

Sunny’s face appeared at the driver’s side of the window, looking at her.

“Oh, so this is your car, Xante. Why are you leaving so early? Don’t you want to have more fun?” asked

Sunny with a smile.

Xante frowned. ‘I’ve got something I need to do.”

“Then may I trouble you to give me a ride? I drove myself here, but it seems like I’ve had too much to

drink. You know what they say…don’t drink and drive and all that…” said Sunny boldly.

Xante looked at him quietly and calmly before nodding. “Fine. Get in the car.”

Sunny beamed a smile at her. “Thanks!” he said before he quickly got into the car.

“You’re welcome.” novelbin

Xante thought he would sit in the front passenger seat since he acted like he was really repulsed by her

moments ago. Thus, she was surprised when he sat next to her in the backseat instead.

The inside of the car with its window closed was like a secret dark room. It would not be surprising if a

man and a woman suddenly felt the rush of lust overpowering them.

Thus, it was a good thing the driver was with them and the playing music served to lessen the awkward

tension in the air.

“Where do you want to go, Mister Sunny?” asked Xante.

“Anywhere is fine,” replied Sunny.

‘Anywhere is fine?’ thought Xante.

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