The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 87:

Baek Gun-seo’s eyebrows twitched. Somehow, he seemed uncomfortable.

Was I not kind enough, or was my kindness out of place? I didn’t understand his reaction.

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re making a lot of fuss in the media. Do I have to recite everything one by one? Just tell it to me face to face.”

“If you don’t feel like it?”

“There are ways to make you talk.”

“You can try.”

Did he think I couldn’t do it? Did he think he’s stronger than me? If he’s delusional, I should correct that.

When the tension in the room became palpable, Lee Se-hee, who had been standing a short distance away, ran over and intervened.


I pretended not to hear and fixed my gaze on Baek Gun-seo.

“I like to see things through to the end.”

“At least you’re consistent.”

Baek Gun-seo chuckled and stood up.

“I don’t like meaningless arguments. There’s nothing to talk about. This place is becoming uncomfortable, so I should leave. If you’re curious, ask Se-hee.”

With that said, Baek Gun-seo left the conference room. The tense situation eased, but the meeting room remained chaotic.

…Did he just run away?

He complained about me, but he refused to talk to me directly.

Even when I asked kindly, he didn’t answer properly.

Lee Se-hee let out a relieved sigh.

“Jun-ho-ssi, I’ll explain everything later.”

“I probably won’t hear it from the gentleman who left the room, right?”

“It’s not a very important matter. It’s not a misunderstanding that would make one feel bad either. Please let me explain it.”


If she said it like that, there’s no choice but to let it pass once.

I couldn’t overlook Lee Se-hee’s earnest attitude.

After the vague and inconclusive small-scale strategy meeting, as we moved to another place, I heared the details from Lee Se-hee.

“Uncle wanted to value the hunting know-how of the Sacred Guild more. It’s an asset that the guild has built up for a long time, and we’ve kept it strictly confidential from outsiders all this time.”

“Is there any special method?”

“There’s nothing extraordinary. As hunting data accumulates, there are rich strategies for dealing with emergencies and methods for handling monsters. We’ve kept the secrets thoroughly with strict rules.”

I mentioned Yoon-hee’s innocence.

“Yoon-hee has never told me.”


Lee Se-hee’s serious expression loosened, and she burst into laughter.

“If you say that to someone else, they might take it as a sign of guilt.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, I know what Jun-ho-ssi meant, but there are many twisted people in the world. They interpret and hear things in a way that suits them.”

“I see.”

I was surprised she’s letting me in on the secret.

I listened carefully to what Lee Se-hee was saying.

“And Da-hyun, who left the guild, is also keeping it an absolute secret. However…”

Lee Se-hee, while acknowledging that Baek Gun-seo was right, reacted noticeably differently than usual.

I wasn’t particularly surprised, knowing that in future succession disputes, he would be on the opposite side of Lee Se-hee. However, from the perspective of the person involved, it seemed quite shocking.

Of course, those were just words.

Lee Se-hee was the one who took control of the Sacred Group in that situation.

“Do you know the real reason?”

“I’m sorry. It’s a family matter.”


She didn’t want to say more, and there was no reason to press her.

I probably roughly knew the reason.

But it would be difficult to resolve from the perspective of the party involved. Then the higher-ups should take responsibility.

“I should have quietly resolved it. It’s all my fault.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s the fault of the person who acted recklessly.”

“I didn’t think deeply. I thought my uncle would be fine with Jun-ho-ssi. I need to reflect.”

If she said so herself, there’s nothing more I could say.

She would handle it well on her own.

But there was someone else who needed to be taken care of besides Lee Se-hee. It’s none other than Lee Young-moon, her father and the chairman of Sacred Group.

“So, what should we do? Should I step down?”

“No, I’ll convince him. Uncle understands my intentions, and I’ll ask him to come as an observer.”


In the end, Lee Se-hee achieved what she wanted.

But it was clear that Baek Gun-seo put a brake on things.

In this case, he put a brake on the rising position of Lee Se-hee within the Sacred Group. Once caught in a hurdle, she would have to be mindful of Baek Gun-seo’s intentions in whatever she did.

Even if Lee Se-hee handled the practical aspects, the symbolic significance of Baek Gun-seo could not be ignored.

There was only one person who can untie this knot.

It’s Chairman Lee Young-moon of the Sacred Group.

I might not know well, but Lee Young-moon was evaluated as a capable person.

He placed his daughter in the Sacred Guild to showcase her talents and gave her strength. However, it’s strange not to rectify the situation when things had become so chaotic.

Was he unwell? That’s why he’s not doing anything? Or was it because Lee Se-hee’s expression was still so bright? In that case, there was a high probability that the other was just observing and letting things unfold.

“I don’t like it.”

“What is it?”

“Just, there’s someone getting on my nerves.”

“That person seems pitiable.”

I couldn’t say it was her father.

I should meet him at least once to understand what he’s planning.

The reason I planned to meet Lee Young-moon was simple.

I was hoping Lee Se-hee became the next chairman of the Sacred Group.

Not only in handling various matters but also as a business partner, Lee Se-hee was better than Lee Se-chan.

Having firmly decided to meet Lee Young-moon, I released the restraints on Lee Se-hee.

“You can move more openly.”

“What do you mean?”

“What you want can’t be obtained by being cautious. Not everyone will like you. It’s the same for people around you, both in the group and guild. So, boldly let go of those who dislike you.”


Lee Se-hee stared at me, expressionless.

Receiving hatred from everyone was possible, but being recognized and loved by everyone was impossible.

That’s because jealousy existed in human beings.

I became the Blood Master because I was unable to overcome the sense of inferiority and jealousy within me.josei

Having regained my sanity, I could now reflect on the emotions I felt during that time.

“If you do well, eventually, others will follow you.”

“That’s true. I guess I’ve been feeling a bit disheartened without realizing it. Thank you, I’ll work hard.”

“I just said what’s on my mind. It’s not something I usually do.”

Certainly, I felt like my sanity had really come back.

If I was still Blood Master, I would have only stood by and watched the situation.

Now that I had regained my sanity, I could offer such normal advice. Not bad.

“It’s easy to work with you.”

“Yes, having someone to trust is surprisingly reassuring.”

Her sparkling eyes made me feel a bit uncomfortable. There’s no point in looking at me like that.

So I changed the subject.

“Let’s do some training in preparation for the hunting.”

“I’ve been waiting for it.”

Since she trusted me so much, I should exert more effort.

…But the harder I trained her, the more Lee Se-hee seemed to like it.

She’s a bit strange.

* * *

After the training, Lee Se-hee went to find Baek Gun-seo.

Before ‘Soye’ appeared, she had decided to clear up any misunderstandings.


“Why are you here?”

“I wanted to talk.”

Baek Gun-seo, sitting alone and sipping whiskey, was joined by Lee Se-hee on the opposite side.

Observing her, who had just showered and appeared fresh, Baek Gun-seo furrowed his brow. She was his niece, someone easygoing and wouldn’t cause trouble. This confrontation didn’t sit well with him.

Locking eyes with Baek Gun-seo, Lee Se-hee raised her glass.

“Please give me a drink too.”

Baek Gun-seo filled her glass.

The scent of whiskey, meeting the air, intensified.

“Ah, it’s strong.”

“That’s why you should drink what suits the mood.”

Regardless of what was said outside, Lee Se-hee and Baek Gun-seo shared a deep bond.

In his younger years, Baek Gun-seo struggled to establish the Sacred Guild on the rocky path, and when Chairman Lee Young-moon faced challenges, Baek Gun-seo was there to provide support and strength.

So, even if she had no fault, she wanted to apologize if her consideration fell short.

Baek Gun-seo responded to Lee Se-hee’s tolerant attitude with a serious expression.


“Yes, uncle?”

“I understand your feelings. So stop. It doesn’t bother me.”

“Uncle, is something wrong?”

“Not really. I just felt a bit empty without even realizing it.”


Lee Se-hee quietly listened to Baek Gun-seo’s words.

“Choi Jun-ho. At first, I thought an outstanding talent had emerged, but the more I see him, the more impressive he becomes. I, too, was a genius beyond comparison. But there was someone even more exceptional above me. It’s not good to compare, I know, but the more I watch, the more disheartening it is. And then, you decided to make him an observer during the hunt without consulting me, which made me unexpectedly irritated.”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

“I feel embarrassed that my narrow-mindedness is revealed. In the end, I’m just a flawed human. It’s okay, even if you’re disappointed.”

“I’m not disappointed. This actually makes uncle relatable.”

“Thank you.”

Baek Gun-seo’s expression visibly relaxed.

“I’ll make sure the hunt goes smoothly. If I happen to encounter Choi Jun-ho again, rest assured, I’ll handle the conversation well. So, don’t worry too much.”

“Thank you.”

“It’s something that should be done.”

Lee Se-hee knew that what Baek Gun-seo said was not the whole story. However, both Baek Gun-seo and Lee Se-hee had chosen not to open their mouths until the end.

They clinked glasses and drank whiskey in one go.

With a slightly tipsy feeling, Lee Se-hee, who had left the room, let out a deep sigh.

“There must be another reason he’s not telling me.”

* * *

I explained the situation to Yoon-hee when I returned home.

Yoon-hee, who rarely showed a serious expression, nodded and sighed.

“I’m glad it’s resolved.”

“Was it serious?”

“Yeah. I heard the director and Unni are close. When two people like them clash, it’s natural for anyone to be on edge. Both of them are crucial to the guild.”

“You don’t know the reason?”

“I don’t know. As far as I know, Sehee Unni is the same as usual. But the director’s pride seemed to be hurt. It doesn’t seem like something that can be smoothly resolved.”

According to Yoon-hee, the pride of a Transcendent was like the sky, and there was no one who dared to touch it.

Upon further reflection, I noticed that a significant number of Transcendent I observed during the International Transcendent Day event appeared lifeless when stripped of their pride. It’s as if they needed a stark reality check to snap back to their senses.

Interestingly, James Reed and the cooking expert Guillermo were the exceptions.

Why did those with mediocre abilities boast about their pride?

Berserker, on the other hand, didn’t flaunt his pride.

Could it be that those lacking in skill tend to assert their pride even more?

“Do you now realize how lucky you are to have me as your older brother?”

“Do you think something like that makes you better?”

“Not really.”

“Huh? You seem surprisingly sane right now. I thought you were being crazy, as usual.”

Choi Yoon-hee, she’s crossing the line.

Still, I did get validation from my younger sister that I was in my right mind.

From an older brother’s perspective, it’s probably normal behavior to guide a younger sibling to grow.

“Don’t think strange thoughts; I’ll die.”

“You won’t die just from some training.”

“The way you do it could really lead to death, you know?”

…I need to observe a bit more and see how this played out.

Training Lee Se-hee, I had realized that humans tend to laugh in extreme situations. If Yoon-hee adopted this mindset, she would likely unlock her Gift soon.

In any case, Yoon-hee thought that Baek Gun-seo’s behavior was strange, and I agreed with her.

If that’s the case, there must be interference from an external force. The only possibilities were the chairman of the Sacred Group, Lee Young-moon, or his son, Lee Se-chan.

The latter was more likely to wish a negative effect on Lee Se-hee.

That left me with one option.

“Has Lee Se-chan not come to the Sacred Guild?”

“The chairman’s son? I’ve hardly seen him in the guild… Oh! I saw him once before. He was with the director at that time.”

As expected. So, Lee Se-chan must have approached Baek Gun-seo then.

“What were they doing?”

“Yeah, they were having a meal together. Perhaps they met due to some issues with the group.”

It could be that or not.

I had to inform Lee Se-hee and I would also investigate it myself.

But before that, I need to see the person who didn’t properly manage things.

* * *

I arrived at the mansion where Lee Young-moon lived.

Interestingly, the Sacred Group family didn’t live in one house. Lee Young-moon, his wife, Lee Se-chan, and Lee Se-hee each had their own residence.

Lee Young-moon lived in Pyeongchang-dong, Jongno-gu, the central area.

As the top figure in the Korean business world and the chairman of a top guild, the Sacred Group, he could be considered more influential than the president in some ways.

While elected positions have fixed terms, money and power were eternal.

So, the government sought to diminish the power of conglomerates, while conglomerates resisted in order to safeguard their possessions.

“Well, what can you do with that? One must be healthy first to enjoy it for a long time.”

Lee Young-moon was exceptionally capable but not in good health.

Therefore, he rarely engaged in external activities and seldom exposed himself to the media.

According to Yoon-hee, that added to his mysterious aura, but it sounded like nonsense. It seemed more like a personality that preferred orchestrating things behind the scenes rather than being in the spotlight.

But when things were beyond control, it would naturally this point.

I didn’t particularly like someone with a sly personality, but still, it wouldn’t be right to kill Lee Se-hee’s father, would it? I had to endure it.

“As expected.”

The mansion where Lee Young-moon lived seemed like a fortress surrounded by walls. Starting from the surrounding mansions, it looked like a place where the long paths and CCTV cameras installed in every direction made it impossible to escape from watchful eyes.

Infiltrating a place like this was simple.

I ascended by stepping through the air where there were no CCTV cameras.

If there were eyes on the ground, then one should go to the sky. Having ascended to a considerable height, I arrived at the mansion.

Even if I were to fall from here, I would be noticed. The security system installed throughout the mansion could detect me.

So, I dropped a coin.


Woof, woof, woof, woof!

The dogs barked, but after a while, they fell silent. I cast Transference before the remaining Force in the coin scattered.

“Quite easy, isn’t it?”

Since I could travel through space, I can break through any security system.

Having penetrated the security network, I entered the mansion. The mansion on this quiet night was shrouded in tranquility.

I arrived at the only bedroom with the light still on.

As I entered, a pale, middle-aged man with a small build, was sitting at a desk reading documents.

This man was Chairman Lee Young-moon of the Sacred Group.

He lifted his head, as if sensing my presence, but there was no sign of surprise on his face.

“Did you come to kill me?”

“Why would I bother?”

Even if I didn’t touch him, it seemed like he wouldn’t last much longer.

“…You must be Choi Jun-ho. What’s going on?”

He recognized my face.

“I have something to say.”

“If you came all the way here, it’s probably not good news. Sit down first.”

I sat on the chair arranged on the opposite side of Lee Young-moon. It felt as comfortable as being at home.

“So, what brings you here?”

“Take care of your child properly. Your son.”

Otherwise, it seemed like he would do something that might make me want to strangle him with my own hands.


[Hi! This is the translator. This will be the last chapters I will upload on this novel. I apologize to everyone who has been reading this novel, but I really have to drop it. Whenever I have to translate a chapter, I always ended up stressed, no joke. It’s not just because the chapters are too long, but the author loved using slangs that I usually didn’t understand and had a hard time translating. Which usually ends with me extremely frustrated.

I was always worried that I wasn’t able to translate it properly and that everything I was delivering was subpar and didn’t capture the true essence of the novel. The long break I took was enough for me to realize that I really can’t continue translating this story anymore. Again, I’m sorry. Maybe some other team will pick this up and deliver a much better translation. Sorry once again, and thank you until now.]

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