Super Card System

Chapter 513: Dilemma

As Trafalgar Law explained, Ian immediately understood.

It was the consequence of the sin committed by Doflamingo in the past.

Doflamingo’s family was originally part of the Celestial Dragons, but for reasons unknown, his father, a well-established World Noble, unexpectedly expressed the desire to live as a commoner. Eventually, he departed from Mary Geoise with his family, choosing to live among regular people. This decision sparked intense hatred among those who despised the Celestial Dragons, providing them with a target for their pent-up anger.

The later life of Doflamingo’s family was incredibly tragic. For Doflamingo, whose temperament was naturally rebellious, ruthless, and domineering – traits seemingly inherent in the nature of the Celestial Dragons – this was simply intolerable. Consequently, he resorted to killing his own father in a bid to present his head, hoping to earn an opportunity to rejoin the ranks of the World Nobles. 

However, the identity chip of the Donquixote family had been retrieved. Without this chip, how could the Celestial Dragons allow Doflamingo to return?

Consequently, Doflamingo was left to wander the seas, becoming a pirate. Nonetheless, his wild nature led him to undertake any venture and showcase extraordinary strength, eventually propelling him to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Doflamingo’s younger brother, Rocinante, had witnessed his brother killing their father. Though he remained with Doflamingo’s pirate crew, deep inside, he could no longer recognize him as his brother.

Rocinante held the position of “Corazon” within Doflamingo’s pirate crew, signifying “Heart,” but he never considered himself a member of the crew. Instead, he eventually found an opportunity to join the Marines, becoming a disciple of a high-ranking Admiral, and infiltrated Doflamingo’s pirate crew as a Marine spy, secretly monitoring his own brother on behalf of the Navy.

Trafalgar Law, on the other hand, had an unfortunate history. He hailed from a place called White City in the North Blue. However, misfortune befell this city due to excessive excavation of a mineral known as “Amber Lead,” causing the accumulation of trace toxins carried by this mineral in the bodies of the city’s inhabitants. When the toxins reached a critical point, an outbreak ensued, afflicting the entire city’s population.

Originally, this illness was neither contagious nor an epidemic, and a cure seemed plausible. However, because the World Government concealed this information, neighboring countries remained unaware. Consequently, they feared the disease like a plague, not only blockading the city but also shooting anyone attempting to flee in search of a cure.josei

Trafalgar Law’s parents, both doctors, were actively seeking a solution to treat and save the city’s people. Tragically, they were mercilessly shot by the government’s cleansing squads. Even Law’s young sister, lying in the hospital, perished tragically as the building was set ablaze.

Alone and orphaned, Law escaped, surviving amidst piles of corpses. The collapse of his family, the callousness and indifference of people’s hearts transformed him. As someone constantly on the brink of death, Law’s personality contorted. Carrying a heart filled with vengeance against humanity, he joined Doflamingo’s pirate crew.

However, within Doflamingo’s crew, Law encountered Rocinante. Compassionate towards Law’s tragic past, Rocinante felt sympathy and sought ways to cure Law.

He traveled the world with Law, seeking renowned doctors, enduring mistreatment and misunderstanding, yet never giving up.

Young Law witnessed everything, and Rocinante’s unwavering dedication gradually thawed his once icy heart.

Unfortunately, at this juncture, Rocinante received news about the “Ope Ope no Mi” (Operation Operation Fruit), a Devil Fruit capable of performing miraculous surgeries. It was Doflamingo who informed him about this fruit, hoping Rocinante would consume it and cure Law’s illness.

Of course, this was a superficial pretext. In reality, Doflamingo’s aim was for Rocinante to eat the Devil Fruit and then perform the “Eternal Youth Surgery” on himself, thereby gaining immortality.

However, Rocinante, being an undercover Marine operative and already a Devil Fruit user, couldn’t consume another Devil Fruit for its abilities. Doflamingo’s plan was doomed to fail. During the attempt to seize the Operation Fruit, Rocinante was unfortunately discovered by Vergo, who was originally Doflamingo’s undercover agent within the Marines. Upon uncovering Rocinante’s true identity, Vergo informed Doflamingo.

Ultimately, Rocinante was killed by Doflamingo’s own hands. At that time, Law, who was hidden in a box by Rocinante, heard their entire conversation, including the sound of Doflamingo killing Rocinante.

Sobbing and traumatized, Law managed to escape by deceiving Doflamingo. From then on, driven by the desire for revenge for Rocinante’s death, he regarded Doflamingo as his ultimate enemy, constantly plotting his demise.

Had it not been for Ian’s intervention, Law might have continued advancing into the New World. Eventually, by using extremely brutal methods, he would have offered the hearts of a hundred pirates to the World Government, thus earning the title of one of the Seven Warlords.

He would have teamed up with Luffy to devise a plan against Doflamingo, aiming to strip him of his Seven Warlords title and sever his ties with the Marines before seeking vengeance.

Rocinante understood Doflamingo’s true strength very well. He knew that even if he became a user of the Operation Fruit, he would have no chance against Doflamingo.

However, Ian’s appearance changed many things.

Initially, with a group of Seven Warlords, Ian chased Doflamingo away, causing him to abandon Dressrosa and exposing Doflamingo’s misdeeds to the public, resulting in the revocation of his Seven Warlords title.

Despite the intervention of the Beast Pirates and Big Mom Pirates aiding Doflamingo’s escape, the moment this news spread worldwide through newspapers, Trafalgar Law knew that his hopes for revenge had now shifted to this individual known as “Black Dragon,” Ian.

He formed the Heart Pirates and set sail on the Grand Line with the sole intention of finding Ian.

Currently, Law was still a novice pirate, albeit with a substantial bounty. However, in front of Ian, he held no notable status.

Historically, even after becoming one of the Seven Warlords, Law was willing to ally with Luffy to confront Doflamingo, showing his willingness to use any means necessary for revenge.

Facing Ian now, he couldn’t possibly propose an alliance on equal terms. Thus, he chose a different approach: requesting to join Ian’s crew, the Dragon Hunters Pirates!

In other words, if there were wine present, Law would even drink a cup of brotherhood with Ian, becoming Ian’s subordinate!

As a transmigrator, Ian understood the reasons behind Law’s actions. However, Luffy and Hawkins were oblivious to this, leaving them baffled by Law’s mention of the idea of defeating Doflamingo.

In a moment, Ian understood why Law made this choice. Honestly, he was quite surprised because during the fight against Doflamingo, he never anticipated this scene with Trafalgar Law now.

The butterfly effect wasn’t a mere coincidence; there was a cause for its consequences.

“Since you seek revenge against Doflamingo, do you know where he is now?” Ian asked Law in a serious tone.

“Yes,” Law nodded, replying, “He has now joined the Beasts Pirates and become one of the Four Emperors’ subordinates. I know I’m not strong enough to challenge a massive entity like a Yonko, so I can only seek refuge under your leadership, Ian!”

Ian nodded. He was also aware of Doflamingo joining Kaido, the Beasts Pirates. However, he understood that he wasn’t currently a match for the Beasts Pirates. Therefore, he had temporarily set aside the idea of confronting Doflamingo and was discreetly vigilant against the Beasts Pirates.

“Since you know that Doflamingo is now under Kaido, you should understand that even if you join the Dragon Hunters Pirate Crew, revenge won’t be immediate!” Ian cautioned Law.

“I understand,” Law nodded. “Please rest assured, since joining the Dragon Hunters Pirate Crew, I will devote myself wholeheartedly. I only hope that you, as the leader, will remember your promise to me!”

Promises. Ian couldn’t help but be lost in thought. Indeed, many members of his crew had joined for the promises he made. Robin, for example, was promised to help her find the true history through all the Poneglyphs, and Enel was promised to be released with the Arc after six years. Though the promises varied, to Ian, they all carried a sense of responsibility.

For Ian to be a captain worth following, he needed to fulfill these promises.

After some contemplation, Ian extended his hand, resting it on the sheath of the Kikoku that Law held. “I promise you that one day, you will personally take down Doflamingo. Starting today, your Heart Pirates will merge into my Dragon Hunters Pirate Crew!” 

This fulfilled Law’s request to join Ian’s crew. And for Ian, adding Urouge, the “Mad Monk”, then another Supernova wouldn’t make much of a difference.

Watching Law join Ian’s crew, Hawkins pondered over his next steps. After witnessing the strength of Admiral Kizaru, he realized his own abilities were lacking. Should he also seek an alliance with a faction? Ian, at present, seemed to be a good choice.

However, before Hawkins could come to a conclusion, Drake took his leave, expressing gratitude to Ian for his assistance and promising to repay the favor if the chance arose.

Ian nodded without saying much. Drake departed, and Scratchmen Apoo, hesitating for a moment, also thanked Ian before leaving.

Observing Hawkins’ uncertain expression, Ian understood his thoughts. “If you want to leave, go ahead…” Ian said.

He was well aware of the mentality of these Supernovas. While Law and Urouge might be exceptions, the rest were all high-spirited individuals aspiring to navigate their own paths. Aspiring to become the Pirate King was a dream they hadn’t abandoned. Only when they truly entered the New World and comprehended its cruelty would their attitudes potentially shift.

Hearing Ian’s words, Hawkins stopped hesitating and nodded expressionlessly, bidding his farewell and departing as well.

“So, it’s just you guys left now!”

Ian looked at the Straw Hat Pirates and couldn’t help but feel a severe headache. Uncle Kuma, you’ve left me quite a puzzle…

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