Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption

Chapter 345

Chapter 345

Chapter 345 Lizetta watched them walking side by side, and for a moment, everything seemed eerily familiar.

It was as if she was witnessing the scene from their anniversary night all over again, where Remington hu lake Evelina to the emergency room.

The resemblance was uncanny.

Awave of sorrow and exhaustion swept over her, causing her fingers to tremble slightly as they clutched her phone. She stared at the man but didn’t approach him, instead, she found herself hiding behind a nearby tree.

Remington must have felt the vibration from his phone because he took it out and swiped the screen.

Lizetta’s ears perked up as Remington's deep, familiar voice came through

“Why didn’t you pick up just now?”

He asked, without using any particular form of address.novelbin

Was it because Stella was there, and he didn’t know how to refer to Lizetta in her presence?

Lizetta couldn’t help but wonder

She tightened her grip on her phone and asked him, “Remington, where are you? Why didn’t you come home for lunch? Lizetta thought, if Remington was upfront about being with Stella, then she wouldn't have to believe Evelina’s rumors. She would come out and formally introduce herself to Stella, to clear the air

But if Remington continued to keep secrets.

Lizetta didn’t even have time to ponder what it meant if he was hiding something, or how she should react, when she heard Remington’s cool voice again.

“Got caught up with work, about to head into a meeting, what’s up?”

Lizetta watched from a distance as he walked with Stella, When Stella was distracted by her phone and missed a step, Remington naturally reached out to steady her.

Stella looked up and thanked him with a smile.

Her voice was soft and sweet, filtering through the phone speaker into Lizetta’s ears.

Lizetta couldn’t bear to watch any longer. She tumed away, her voice hoarse.

is someone with y you, Remington?”

“Yeah, did you eat the rose cupcakes and sugar—glazed cheesecake | had delivered from Blissful Bites t this


He answered casually, not mentioning Stella’s presence or offering any explanations

Instead, he diverted the topic to Blissful Bites’ pastries, a clear evasion,

ey don’t forget

Lizetta knew that men who cheat are adept at lying, their hearts seemingly capable of being in several places at once. They to show care for their wives at home while accompanying their lovers, using these gestures of concern as smoke screens. Wives, in their naivety, might believe that their husbands are just busy with work.

But Lizetta couldn't believe that Remington would stoop to such clichés! How could he deceive and manipulate her like this!

Perhaps sensing her silence, Remington added, “I personally went to Blissful Bites to get those pastries for you last time, but you didn’t get to try them because of the incident with Iris March. Today, | sent Cedric If you liked them, we could get more next time.”

Lizetta’s breathing grew heavy. The last time Remington went to Blissful Bites for her, he ended up getting stabbed by Iris, ruining the pastnes

Was he bringing this up to move her? “So, the pastries from Blissful Bites are your way of apologizing for standing me up?”

Spending time with another woman, then thinking a box of pastries would suffice as an apology.

Should she be grateful that he still remembered he had a wife waiting at home?

“You can think of it that way if you like. I've got to headintoa méating nowy take éaré.“The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

His voice cored a hint of amusement, which to Lizetta, felt like a slap in the face. Remington hung up, and Lizetta, still clutching her phone, turned around.

Chapter 345

By then, Remington and Stella were nowhere in sight.

Lizetta sat down on a nearby bench, lifting her head to prevent her tears from falling. Yet, some suppressed, fragmented sobs still managed to escape her throat.

Across the way, in the hospital Plies lot, SSSunllaeh had alse made itt is Bentley Where the dkivel was holding the door open for him. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Turning back to Stella, he said, “I leave the hospital matters in your hands.” Stella nodded with a light smile, “I’ve got everything noted, don’t worry.” Remington didn’t linger, stepping into the car.

Inside, Cedric was ready, handing over a tablet, “We’ epepacd tice cpntingeingy Slaris for you to review” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

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