Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation

Chapter 261 - 253: Elite of the Sect

Chapter 261: Chapter 253: Elite of the Sect

Translator: 549690339

He Song didn’t care about the situations outside.

He didn’t even care about what had happened.

In the VIP room.

As the tea fragrance gradually spread around.

He Song finally met the people he wanted to see.

After Li Yu left and returned, there were already twenty to thirty people following him.

These dozen or so people were all dressed like scholars, looking like knowledgeable individuals.

He Song’s gaze swept over them, and the precautions Meng Guan and Wei Fan had given him when talking about this place flashed in his mind.

He immediately made some requests. “Those with family clans behind them, leave.”

“Those without direct relatives alive, leave.”

“Those with cultivation, leave.”

In just three short sentences, half of the twenty to thirty people in front of He Song disappeared almost instantly.

Only seven to eight people dressed as scholars remained in place, silently waiting for He Song’s next move.

Before coming here.

Meng Guan and Wei Fan had specifically warned He Song that when selecting subordinates, he also needed to evaluate them.

This evaluation had several aspects.

There were family clans, households, and cultivation.

Those with family clans, if recruited, could use power for personal gain, using He Song’s authority to bring benefits to their own clans.

What’s more, they might exploit He Song’s reputation, claiming to be the disciple of the great Foundation Establishment Master and causing trouble outside.

By that time, He Song’s reputation would probably stink.

So as not to allow his good name to become foul-smelling without his Imowledge, He Song had to avoid people with family clans when choosing his subordinates.

Also, to guard against possible problems.

At the same time, if subordinates had a family clan backing them, He Song could easily be dragged into the conflicts between various clans.

Regardless of whether it was a Foundation Establishment Clan or a Qi Refining Clan, they would all try their best to seize various resources for survival.

With a Foundation Establishment Master like He Song as their backer, how could they not seize the opportunity?

In the end, He Song would probably be burdened with a series of troubles.

Next, they needed to have a household.

This household referred to the direct relatives He Song had mentioned earlier.

Having living parents.

Having living children.

Having at least one of these two conditions made them eligible candidates.

People with parents or children alive would be much more cautious in their actions and would not do anything outrageous for minor gains. Even if they wanted to, they would have to think about their families.

As for the last point – cultivation.

Whether or not they have cultivation in their body was the most fundamental difference between cultivators and ordinary people.

Those with cultivation might do anything for their own practice.

Ordinary people, even if they were greedy, how far could they really go?

It would be nothing more than some worldly wealth and material possessions.

Though being without cultivation might make some tasks inconvenient, subordinates would still have to consider their superiors. Who would dare to offend the Qi-refining cultivator who served a Foundation Establishment Master?

Therefore, when selecting subordinates, those with cultivation could not be chosen.

“You should talk about your family members, their status, and why you came here.”

Looking at the few people in front of him, He Song narrowed his eyes and casually spoke.

After eliminating the three types of undesirable people, He Song needed to continue evaluating the remaining candidates.

If any one of them did not match He Song’s preferences, they would be removed as well.

He Song only needed two subordinates.

‘ITO ordinary people to nandle various matters.

With a few more people for errands, He Song wouldn’t need to worry about the matters related to his duties anymore.

After hearing He Song’s words, the people in front of him immediately began to introduce themselves.

In the end.

He Song kept two people and sent away the rest.

These two people, one named Sun Zhen, who didn’t belong to any clan, had parents and a three-year-old son.

In his family, no one had a Spirit Root.

The other named Liu Xiang, also without any clan, had parents and a five-year-old son.

In his family, no one had a Spirit Root either.

These two people met He Song’s criteria for ideal subordinates.

After keeping them, signing a contract, and hiring them as his subordinates, He Song bought several Qi-refining late-stage cultivators at this place.

These Qi-refining late-stage cultivators used to be Evil Cultivators.

However, since they were caught by the Immortal City Law Enforcement Team and had Life Tokens applied to them, they could only obey the command of the tokens and couldn’t do anything improper.

He Song handed the Life Tokens of these late-stage Qi-refining cultivators to Sun Zhen, appointing him as the overall manager, in charge of his duties in Heaven Power Immortal City.

He then secretly told Liu Xiang to watch Sun Zhen and report back to him if Sun Zhen engaged in any misconduct.

By that time, he would let Liu Xiang take his place, managing his duties in Heaven Power Immortal City.

This way, things were settled.

With supervision in place, He Song naturally didn’t need to worry about these trivial matters anymore.

After ensuring that his duties in Heaven Power Immortal City were taken care of by someone else, He Song left this place.

The matters were settled.


After leaving the broker house, He Song looked around. After some contemplation, he decided to return to his mansion first.

Nowadays, focusing more on cultivation and continuously increasing his own cultivation base was the top priority.

As for other things.

They were nothing more than side matters.

Back in his mansion.

He Song quickly entered seclusive cultivation.

It has to be said that the concentration of spirit Qi in Heaven Power Immortal City was much higher than in Herbs Immortal Workshop.

Even the small Spirit-Gathering Array arranged by He Song in his mansion had a denser concentration of spirit Qi compared to when he was in Herbs Immortal Workshop.

Such a rich concentration of spirit Qi allowed He Song to feel that his cultivation speed had increased somewhat during his cultivation.

And so.

The days went by.

He Song gradually settled down in Heaven Power Immortal City.

After his arrival, Master Bai Yun’s duties were transferred to him, and the two hired men, Sun Zhen and Liu Xiang, managed everything in an orderly manner.

In this way, various matters in Heaven Power Immortal City could continue to run smoothly.

However. during He Song’s continuous cultivation

Meng Guan and Wei Fan led the way by gathering He Song, Bai Yun, Xuan He, and others together, deepening their understanding of each other.

As Meng Guan and Wei Fan invited them repeatedly, He Song and the two Masters Bai Yun and Xuan He became more intimate.

At first, He Song didn’t understand why.

But due to his two friends’ invitation, he had no choice but to meet with everyone each time and keep getting to know them better.

Not until later.

After He Song truly understood the identities of Bai Yun and Xuan He, he suddenly realized something.

Master Bai Yun and Master Xuan He were no ordinary Foundation Establishment Masters.

They had been trained in the Thick Earth Mansion, later joined the Thick Earth Sect, and were taken as disciples and carefully cultivated by the sect’s elders.

They each had a background, an apprenticeship, and outstanding talent as Foundation Establishment Masters.

Whether it was He Song, Wei Fan, or Meng Guan.

All three became cultivators halfway through and only stepped into Foundation Establishment due to various chances and coincidences, becoming part of the Thick Earth Sect.

However, as He Song had said before.

The three lacked talent.

The second was a lack of background.

The third was a lack of apprenticeship.

Even though they had already become Foundation Establishment cultivators and were part of the Thick Earth Sect like Bai Yun and Xuan He, there was always a gap between the two groups.

This gap lay in talent, background, and apprenticeship.

Talent referred to one’s Spirit Root.

If they had talent, Meng Guan and Wei Fan would not have been eliminated from the Thick Earth Mansion and sent to Bamboo Mountain Immortal Pavilion.

Background referred to the power of one’s family.

If they had a family background, they would have many resources during the Qi Refining stage, even if they couldn’t quickly increase their cultivation base.

Apprenticeship was the master they worshipped after joining the sect.

If they had a master, not only would Foundation Establishment Elixirs be prepared, but they would also have support whenever they were threatened.

Although the three had become Foundation Establishment cultivators, the gap between them and Bai Yun and Xuan He could never be erased.

According to He Song’s speculation.

The reason Meng Guan and Wei Fan kept gathering everyone together.

Aside from wanting to gather with Master Bai Yun before his departure.

They probably also wanted He Song to communicate more with Bai Yun and Xuan He.

The two Masters Bai Yun and Xuan He had an understanding of the Cultivation World, as well as various skills, incantations, and knowledge of Artifacts, learned through subtle influences.

In terms of apprenticeship and background, the things these two could learn were definitely more than what He Song and the others could obtain.

More communication with them might provide He Song with far-reaching benefits through the analogy with similar subjects.

Indeed, it was true.

As he became more familiar with Bai Yun and Xuan He, He Song heard many things he had never heard before.

Tips on the usage of some skills, some tricks for manipulating Artifacts, some insights during cultivation, and so on.

The appearance of these things.

Though it wouldn’t greatly increase He Song’s cultivation base, it could slightly enhance his strength.

Not much.

But if accumulated over time and eventually applied these little tricks to actual combat, his strength could increase a bit.

In this way.

As He Song continued to communicate with Bai Yun and Xuan He, his strength steadily improved.

Only now did He Song, who knew the good intentions of his two friends, feel a little emotional when he realized that his strength was slowly increasing.

His two friends were indeed meticulous in their work.

It seemed like they didn’t do anything.

But upon closer inspection, they had done everything.

For this, He Song could only thank them in his heart, and each time they invited him, He Song gladly accepted.

Such an opportunity to improve his strength little by little was rare.

When Master Bai Yun left Heaven Power Immortal City, there might not be such a good opportunity again.

As time slowly passed.

As He Song’s strength began to grow day by day, news from outside also began to pour in continuously.

A few months after He Song arrived in Heaven Power Immortal City, the higher-ups of the Thick Earth Sect finally released a piece of heavy news..

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