ReLife Player

Chapter 223: [What a Witch Needs (3)]

Evening, personal practice time.

Soobin had reserved the training grounds, even using her points.

This was because there had been a rush of student reservations.

Even now, students outside the glass walls were patiently waiting, hoping that there might be an available slot.

Of course, Soobin had no intention of giving up her spot. She planned to use it until her reserved time was over.

…I couldn’t defeat it.

Soobin recalled the time when she faced the 8th-level monster, Iron golem.

She had been helpless, doing nothing except being thoroughly beaten by Ironman until the instructors came to her rescue.

At that moment, she had experienced genuine fear facing the monster and panicked at the thought that she might die at its hands.

At the same time, her pride had been wounded.

“Soobin, can you please stop now? It’s good to work hard, but you might end up injuring yourself.” “Just one more… please!”

Her assigned instructor tried to dissuade her.

Soobin paid no attention, stood up, and faced the 9th-level monster.

How pitiful.

I knew from the beginning.

Even 3rd place is no different from us.

Being 3rd place was also a matter of luck, wasn’t it?

What if I fail in the midterm exams because of this?

Back when she couldn’t defeat the Iron golem.

She heard laughter mocking her. Sarcastic laughter.

That laughter still echoed in her ears.

Certainly, those observing from outside the glass walls were probably waiting for her to fail.

“Just one more time, please!”

“…Fine. I’ll go check on the other kids, so if there’s any problem, call me.”

She knew it too.

That her social skills weren’t good.

With her sharp tone, people had no reason to think well of her.

But she didn’t want to change herself.

Because she didn’t want to bow down to others.

That’s why she applied to the academy.

To succeed.

To be able to survive on her own.


9th-level monster Unlucky.

Soobin barely managed to knock the puppy-like monster to the ground.

She pressed down on its belly with her knees so it couldn’t escape and held the sword with both hands.

Now, if she just severed its throat, it would be over.


Unlucky whimpered.

Soobin’s trembling hand holding the sword stopped when she saw her own reflection in Unlucky’s round pupils.

Her hand holding the sword shook uncontrollably.

She felt the sensation of the creature’s organs moving beneath her knees.

It sent shivers down her spine.


She couldn’t do it.

She stood up abruptly from her seat. She kicked Unlucky fiercely.

The creature, huddled in a ball, whimpered and then collapsed.

…Is it over?

It was frightening to confirm its death.

Soobin felt the sensation of the coldness in the foot that had kicked it.

She staggered backward, feeling that she needed a break, just as the instructor had mentioned earlier.

“…What are you looking at?”

Soobin forced a stern expression.

The kids outside the glass walls were taken aback.

She chased them away and leaned against the wall, sitting down. She ignored the mockery they were whispering.

“…Why aren’t you looking?”

If she could receive some comfort at a time like this.

She just stared at the never-decreasing PineTalk message: “1 new message.”

Her childhood friend Ban Heyoung, who had always been kind to her.

In fact, when Soobin met Heyoung again at the academy, she thought it might be fate.

Maybe Ban Heyoung thought the same way.

Because he asked her how she was doing every morning and every night through PineTalk.

That made her happy.

Except for her mother, Heyoung was the only person she contacted.

Of course, her social circle was so small that there were only two people on her PineTalk conversation list.

「Me」: Hey, what are you doing? (5:11 PM)

「Me」: I’m training to kill monsters at the training grounds! Did you have dinner? (6:11 PM)

「Me」: Hmm… No response… ㅠㅠ (6:45 PM)

「Me」: Looks like you’re busy… (7:01 PM)

「Me」: I hope I’m not bothering you, Oppa? (7:11 PM)

She sighed, burying her head between her legs.

It felt like she was obsessing too much.

“I didn’t used to be like this…”

She had been someone who could live well without a smartphone.

She never felt lonely by nature.

However, the academy classes were more challenging than she had expected, and she wanted to vent somewhere.

But she couldn’t complain to her mother, who might worry about her.

In the end, there was only Ban Heyoung.

Even to herself, who had a bad temper, he was kind and affectionate.

Can’t you just answer my message once?

I want to talk about what happened today.

Holding her smartphone tightly, she prayed for a text message to come.

Just then.

“If you’re ignoring a monster right in front of you and daydreaming elsewhere, what will you do!?”

An angry voice made her look up.

He must have really lost his mind…

Eunha was getting irritated.

While helping his friends with their training, he had seen Soobin facing a monster nearby.

It seemed like something that happened in the last class had hurt her pride.

Bae Soo-bin was that kind of person.

A person with strong pride who did not like to lose and a burning sense of competition.

Nevertheless, the reason she did not take her own life and lived as a slave until she met him was to kill ‘that bastard.’

Also, to kill all those who had enslaved him and those involved in it.

However, while he was immersed in reminiscing, Bae Soo-bin revealed a gap to the monster, unlike the woman he knew.

I was playing on my smartphone with Unlucky in front of me.

“…I thought I was dead….”

“The monster isn’t dead until the magic gem falls, you idiot!”

“Idiot? But you still talk harshly!”

“I didn’t know the monster was pretending to be dead, and I was just looking at my phone. Are you stupid or something?” “…….”

“Never look away when dealing with monsters. Understood?”


He could have been seriously injured.

Eunha scolded Soobin severely.

She pursed her lips as if she knew what she had done wrong, but was unable to respond.

“Okay, stop now! This is the place I made a reservation for.”

Bae Soo-bin screamed. She forced his back and tried to kick him out of the training room.

There was no way the galaxy could stay still.

“At least say thank you.”

“…….” “If you think about it, it’s like I saved your life.” “Who asked you to save me and when? You saved me on your own!” “Then you shouldn’t have created this situation. Or should you have told me before I saved you?”

“Are you saying that!?”

Bae Soo-bin’s face turns bright red and he gets angry.

Eunha didn’t care. She didn’t like that she had lost her mind fighting the monster.

He was quite angry.

I was annoyed at her for not even saying thank you.

“I’ll tell you a proverb from the player industry: ‘The person who saves is a fool, and the person who is saved is like being caught by a fool.’”

A player industry with strong individualism. In such a world, there is no way for a player to help someone or a colleague without receiving anything in return.

In most cases, it is to create debt.

Even if they did not want to, people who took on debt tended to feel a sense of debt somewhere in their hearts.

Especially if it’s a debt that involves your life.

“You owe me.”

And he knew.

Bae Soo-bin, who has a strong sense of pride, is the type of person who can never live without being indebted to someone.

In fact, she couldn’t even refute it and clenched her hands into fists.

He chuckled inwardly at the sight of her finding a weakness.

In her previous life, <Witch of Massacre> Bae Soo-bin was someone who rarely showed any flaws.

I did have a big debt.

What I bought.

In her previous life, Eunha bought Bae Soo-bin, who was locked in a slave cage.

So she followed whatever he said.

Even if my pride couldn’t tolerate it.


‘… huh.’

‘I thought you told me not to disobey the instructions?’

‘… It was more effective that way. Even the leader knows. As a result… .’

‘I know that you are an irreplaceable caster in my party. That’s why I’m giving you convenience.’josei

‘… … .’

‘But I don’t think I ever said it was okay to disobey my instructions for the sake of convenience.’

‘Lee, leader, what’s wrong… . ‘Yu, Yujeong, please say something.’

‘Sorry, I’m on Eunha’s side… .’

‘This is why I shouldn’t be close to a friend who is blinded by love… .’

‘Hey, Bae Soo-bin. You are talking to me now. ‘Don’t look away.’

‘I’m sorry… .’


‘… … .’

‘Was the relationship between you and I one that would end with me saying sorry?’

‘… Sorry, sorry… bout… you… all… .’

She was truly his slave.

Eunha clearly liberated Soobin, but she had strong pride and could not accept it easily.

As a result, a strange relationship was formed between him and her.

‘… Forgiveness… sun… main… please… .’

A debt that cannot be repaid over a lifetime.

He took full advantage of it.

‘The twins told me the other day. ‘Try that one.’

‘… Leader, you really are like this… ‘Huh?’


‘… … .’


‘… Su, Subin is free now!’

Eunha still remembered Bae Soo-bin’s line as he gritted his molars and trembled.

“The debt is shit. You said it with your own mouth. The person who saved you is a hoggu. You’re just a brat. Do you think I’ll pay you back? Lee, ho, goo, new, talent, hey.”

“Like you said, if you save something for nothing and don’t use it, you’re a hustler. But do you think I’m a hustler?”

“…Hey, what are you doing now….”

Eunha lifted Unlucky, who was lying face down on the floor.

Then he threw it in her face.

“If you’re not going to say thank you, well… you’re going to have to suffer from this guy again.”

“Do you think I’d be scared of something like this!?”

“Why? Can you kill me?” “…….”

Unlucky wakes up.

The guy exposed his sharp teeth towards Bae Soo-bin in front of him.

Bae Soo-bin stiffened as spit fell on his face.

“Just say thank you first.” “…Hey, hey, hey, don’t…don’t do this….”

“Why me? I have nothing to gain from saving you, so why should I do it?”

“Well, you can just tell me. So I’m saying, put this away.”

“What do you mean? Are you talking informally? Still can’t tell the difference between your position and mine?”

“…Chi, please clean it up.”

Her pride reared her head, and she immediately faced Unlucky and fixed her face.

Eunha, who was holding Unlucky, just giggled.

There was something I hadn’t heard yet.

“Isn’t there more to say?”


“What? I can’t hear you very well.” “…thank you.”

“Louder. Because I’m hard of hearing.”

“Thank you!” “What are you thankful for?”

“Thank you for saving me!”

“I don’t like that last word, but yeah, I like it.”

He shrugged his shoulders and casually killed Unlucky.

The magic stone fell to the floor.

“Why are you making a fuss over this?”

“…I’ll kill you. I really will, I’ll kill you.”

“You should say that to me when you can kill a monster.”

Eunha responded to the red-eyed Soobin who couldn’t hold back her anger.

She stomped her foot in frustration.

Oh, this isn’t right….

He realized his mistake a bit late. He had inadvertently irritated her by getting too close to her in a friendly manner.

He had to somehow lighten her mood.

Coincidentally, Seona and Hayang were sticking their heads into the training area.

“What are you guys doing there?”

“Huh? Hey, Soobin. Hello.”

Seona looked at her strangely.

On the other hand, Hayang, who entered the training area unexpectedly, greeted Soobin.

Still not calmed down, Soobin turned her head away with an annoyed sound.

Nevertheless, Hayang seemed unfazed by her attitude.

“Soobin, did you come here to train too?”

“It seems like she killed the monster since there’s a mana stone on the ground.”

“…I didn’t kill it.”

With a stubborn tone, Soobin denied Seona’s speculation.

Hayang, who had just wiped her mouth with her hand, seemed to have figured out what had happened.

Because she was looking at Eunha’s sword.

She was a quick-witted fox.

Hayang noticed the atmosphere between Eunha and Soobin sensitively.

“Eunha, you made a mistake, you know.”

“Hey, Jin Seona. What mistake… It’s not my fault, it’s her…”

“It’s obvious. Eunha must have killed the monster for Soobin and was showing off.”


Eunha couldn’t deny it.

In the meantime, Hayang, who had grasped the situation, laughed cheerfully and clung to Soobin.

She even went so far as to link their arms without hesitation.

“Then do you want to train with me? I haven’t killed a monster yet.”

“Okay. Ask the instructor to create a new monster…”

“The instructor said he had something to do and went outside?”

Hayang’s suggestion, Seona’s observation.

Soobin, who was trying to keep her composure, frowned.

But Hayang didn’t seem to care.

“Soobin, are you coming here to train alone? It costs quite a few points to reserve the training room.”

Even now, she was losing points by the hour as she calculated it.

“Let’s train together from now on.” “Right. You can take turns reserving the training room with points.”

“…Okay, just once.”

Soobin was led away by Hayang.

Whether it was Hayang’s friendly nature or Seona’s sharp perception, Soobin was soon chatting and training happily with the two of them.

“…I also want to learn a thing or two.”

Eunha subtly tried to join his friends’ training.

But then the girls gave him a sharp look.

He had no choice but to watch silently.

“Soobin, can you give me your number?”

“Huh? My number?”

“Oh, me too! Give me your number! We’ll stay in touch for training.”

“Yeah, okay.”

The three of them had become good friends. At the end of their training, they exchanged phone numbers.

Eunha, who had been quietly observing, sighed internally, feeling envious.

“Miss Hayang,, you already have her contact in the club group chat, why exchange numbers?” Eunha said with a teasing tone.

Eunha rolled her eyes in response, and Seona, who had good hearing, chuckled.

“Well, Eunha, you don’t have to exchange numbers with Soobin either. After all, you’ll be in the club group chat anyway.”

“That’s not the point.”

“I don’t want to. Why should I?”

“Hey, guys! Let’s all exchange numbers!”

Eunha intervened subtly.

Despite Soobin’s reluctance, they were swept up in the atmosphere and exchanged numbers.

The next morning.

[Euna: I’m fine!]

It seemed like Euna had sent a text message.

Sitting on his bed, Eunha checked the morning message.


It looked like the group chat among friends had continued through the night, with the last message from Parang indicating 4:37 AM.

Eunha had managed to sleep well.

He congratulated himself.


Then Eunha noticed a text message from Soobin.

Puppy, Hayang, Soobin 4

[Soobin: Hey, guys, wake up quickly~ 07:03]

[Eunha: Sister, Good morning! 07:00]

[Soobin: I’m going to kill you. 06:47]

Foolish Brother, Eunhyuk, Eat… 6



It was a lively morning greeting that woke her up.

(TLN) Man this was a hackjob. These chapters take so long and they get messed up so easily. Notice how the time counts down at the end? Why is that? Thats how it is in the raws. *shrug* And the texts at the end was hella jarbled. I cleaned it to make it readable.

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