Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 150: Angel



Siriel collapsed on the cold concrete floor, gasping for breath. Her head was so foggy, she didn’t know what to do next.

The cold wind slapped her cheeks. However, she didn’t shiver with cold. This was because a friend, who had approached at some point, had covered her with a blanket from somewhere unknown.


Lying down, Siriel looked up at her friend’s face. The darkening sky gradually brightened, illuminating her friend’s face, but Siriel couldn’t see Lucia’s face properly. As soon as she realized it was all over, her vision became blurry.

“How is, how is brother?”

“…Shiron is fine.”

Lucia turned around and stared at the two who still showed no signs of getting up. Apart from a bit of dust, he was fine. In contrast, Siriel was so battered, it was hard to tell who was worrying about whom.

Her beautiful face had a few scratches, and she had bitten her lip so hard that a trickle of blood flowed. The hand holding the sword was swollen and trembling.

“…Thank goodness.”

But Siriel smiled brightly, as if none of that mattered. Even if pain, as if giant needles were piercing her limbs, washed over her, even if she felt drained as if her energy center was emptied, it was fine.

Her teacher was strong, so it’s okay, but brother was really weak. Lucia was there, but she didn’t want to fade in her light.

If someone asked if she had finally become a meaningful person, she felt confident she could answer. No one could deny that. That fact made Siriel able to smile, albeit slightly.

However, she couldn’t help feeling uneasy at the same time. The fleeting smile disappeared, and Siriel opened her mouth with a gloomy aura.

“I, I won’t get scolded, will I?”

“What are you talking about? Who would scold you?”


“…Shiron? Why would Shiron scold you?”

Lucia widened her eyes and quickly turned her head.

“Shiron would surely praise you… I don’t know why you’re worried about that, but from what I saw, you were truly amazing.”

“…But you could have done it too.”

Siriel said dreamily, breathing heavily. Her words pierced Lucia’s heart.

A fact Lucia vaguely realized.

Siriel felt a kind of inferiority, a jealousy towards Lucia. She had been feeling it unconsciously, but Siriel’s words just now allowed Lucia to etch her friend’s feelings into her mind.

It left a bitter taste. So, Lucia decided to speak honestly.

“No. You were truly amazing.”


“It’s not a lie. I was thinking of where to flee instead of standing and fighting. I’m not a butcher; how could I kill people like squashing ants?”josei

“…It sounds like you’re scolding.”

“It’s not scolding… Anyway, I couldn’t think to stand and fight. There were too many of them. I thought they were not humans but trolls? It’s just that they didn’t regenerate their limbs. It was so disgusting that I… just lost my mind. That’s why.”

Lucia, having blurted out a defense rather than an excuse, slumped her shoulders. Seeing her like that, Siriel chuckled.

Still, to acknowledge that she’s a killer or murderer… Not saying anything about it, she’s an interesting friend in many ways.

“Then did I do something you couldn’t?”


“Lucia isn’t omnipotent, it seems.”

Siriel spoke more comfortably. Maybe because the tension was gone. Or because there was no one but Lucia to listen? Opening her mouth and releasing the thoughts she had been holding back felt somehow comfortable.

“I thought you could do anything. That’s why I didn’t pay attention to you since I entered here. So, um… but it wasn’t like that. Um…”

“…Do you want to say something?”

“It’s about the ancestor.”


“It’s not sudden. The fact that I kissed brother and begged teacher to secretly come here. It was all because I was envious of you. But it seems that wasn’t the only reason I barged in here and wielded a sword.”

Siriel chuckled, seeing Lucia’s flustered face.

“I told you before, right? That I wanted to be like Kyrie. Do you remember?”

“O-Of course, I remember. How could I forget?”

“Right. You were always looking at that fairy tale book.”

“But what does that mean…?”

“I visited the ancestral tomb after coming here.”


“Suddenly, I thought. As long as you are here, I realized I could never become like Kyrie. You became the head of the Prient family. The head of the family said you were the brightest Prient. So, you see? I thought I would always be just a supporting character, unable to become the protagonist of the story.”

Perhaps because she kept opening up about her feelings? Siriel felt her breathing become lighter.

Hugo Prient.

He too had wanted to become like the story’s ancestor since he was young. He had told Siriel several times while reading her fairy tales, and she remembered it. However, he had to give up that dream, as expected.

Although he didn’t say why directly, Siriel could vaguely guess during the decade they spent together.

It was because, not only the position of the family head but also his martial prowess was overshadowed by his younger sibling. Siriel disliked how their situation overlapped with her own.

“Maybe that’s why I forcibly made my way here. I wanted to confirm my worth in this place. I won’t lose to you. I want to become a great person like the ancestor.”


Lucia looked at Siriel, who clenched her fist with her swollen hand, with a bitter look. Because she had heard such a tremendous inner thought… her face felt hot enough to burst.

‘What am I to hear all this…’

Siriel admired her past self and was jealous of her current self. Lucia felt complicated emotions at this irony.


And pity.

The possibility that Siriel could have gone astray because Lucia hid her identity as Kyrie suddenly crossed her mind.

‘I’m a liar… So I can’t even face Siriel’s feelings properly.’

Shame grew stronger. However, this was not because she had directly confronted an adoring heart. It was an emotion that manifested due to the guilt of deceiving pure goodwill with lies.

So, Lucia decided to gather her resolve.

“That… Siriel?”

Suddenly, the thought that she could reveal her identity to Siriel crossed her mind.

“I actually have something I want to tell you.”

“Don’t say it.”

“I… Huh?”

“Don’t say it.”

Siriel spoke firmly. At that, Lucia’s mouth closed, and her eyes widened in surprise. Siriel looked at her with narrow eyes, as if she found her pitiful.

“I don’t want to hear it. Today, I want to be the protagonist. My heart was always uncomfortable because I always felt inferior to you.”

“No, that’s not it… I…”

“Don’t say it!”

Siriel shouted in a clear voice. Lucia bit her lip, showing a troubled expression.

“I’ve finally regained the confidence to stand on the same line as you. I don’t want to ruin this feeling. So, keep your mouth shut.”


“You tend to apologize a lot. Unlike how strong you are.”


“You are Lucia. My one and only best friend. My cousin… and the rival I acknowledge. Stay just as you are.”

The words that came out of Siriel’s mouth were significant. It would have been easy to shut her up and reveal her identity, but after Siriel spoke like that, Lucia had no choice but to seal her lips.

“When you broke through the wall. Your figure. Now that I say it, it looked pathetic. So, I wish you’d keep your mouth shut now.”


“You… I will win against you. Until then, I hope you remain in the most perfect state I know.”

“Okay. I’ll try to do that.”

Siriel didn’t want to ruin this relationship. Lucia understood that and, in reality, felt the same. Siriel hoped Lucia would remain a wall she had to overcome someday and stay as a friend.

Knowing how Siriel fought, Lucia smiled faintly.

“But Lucia.”


“I can’t see well. What should I do?”

“It’s mana exhaustion. If you rest for a few days, it’ll get better.”


“Yeah, I’ve experienced it a few times, so I know it well. So, take a little rest.”

“Then I’ll just, just sleep a little.”

Lucia gently stroked Siriel’s slowly closing eyelids. After a while, as Siriel’s panting breath became regular, Lucia’s body also relaxed.

‘…I’m completely out of it.’

Shiron had collapsed, and Seira, appearing out of nowhere, also collapsed, and armed forces invaded the hotel, and just in time, Siriel joined in.

‘I didn’t know Siriel would speak such thoughts directly…’

With that thought, Lucia sighed deeply.

How many unbelievable things happened today, she couldn’t tell. She pinched her cheek to see if it was a dream, but unfortunately, the throbbing pain forced her to abandon the idea of it being a dream.


Lucia stood up from the concrete floor and dusted off her buttocks. It wasn’t over yet. The debris from the destroyed building and traces of the battle remained, and Shiron and Seira also showed no signs of getting up…

“Over there.”


As she stretched fully, intending to check on Shiron’s condition, an unfamiliar voice sounded from behind her head. A voice reminiscent of a young girl. There had been no sign of anyone approaching. A new enemy? Like Jaganata, appearing at the very last moment…


“…Ah, huh?”

A foolish word that popped out unexpectedly. Lucia had intended to draw her sword and aim it at the newcomer’s throat, heating up the mana in her dantian, but the moment she saw the girl’s figure, she couldn’t do it.


The girl in front of her bore an uncanny resemblance to Yura, who had died 500 years ago… too closely. Black hair. Purple eyes. The spirited aura swirling around her made it seem as if Yura had been miniaturized…

“I’m sorry, but Yura is not my name.”


“I am called [Latera].”

The girl, emitting a brilliant light from her head, introduced herself with confidence.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Uh… Yeah. Hello.”

Lucia responded awkwardly. Right there, Latera kneeled. Lucia couldn’t grasp the meaning behind her action.

“What, what’s this? Why are you doing that?”

Out of nowhere, amidst the building’s debris, a girl she had never seen before kneeled before her. Not just any girl. The ring floating above her head indicated she was not of human origin.

Yes, like the angels she had heard of from ancient times.

As Lucia wore a puzzled look, Latera, having recognized her soul, approached her and whispered.

“It’s an honor to meet you like this. I never dreamed I would meet you as soon as I arrived in this world… Truly, human life is unpredictable, isn’t it?”

After taking a short breath, she then said,

“Lady Kyrie.”

Lucia’s mouth fell open at the words that followed.

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