Reign of the Phoenix

Chapter 101 - A Game of Enthronement and Appointing the Empress

Chapter 101 – A Game of Enthronement and Appointing the Empress
Yan Jing’s tall body inched closer to Murong Zhining. “Princess is truly a legendary figure in Huayan right now. You despise the emperor and insists on following a small general. Is Chiyun Yuexuan’s city bigger than mine, then? That’s kind of interesting. And just so you know, it’s not that difficult for me to hide someone here in the Imperial Capital.”

Murong Zhining cast her eyes down with a faint smile. “I never discuss a hero by the size of their city. What I value is the hero himself. If Your Highness releases me, I’ll tell you a plan to get away with your crime.”

Yan Jing put his face close to Murong Zhining’s. “Let’s hear it. They all say Princess is a clever girl, I want to see it for myself.”

Murong Zhining furtively turned her body put some distance between them. “If Your Highness wants to hear my plan, you must show some sincerity first. I’ve already provoked your two brothers in the Yan family. If I provoke you now, I’m afraid I can’t handle it.”

Yan Jing rudely yanked at Murong Zhining and stared at her. “You mean Chiyun Yuexuan is really the son of the retired emperor? I’ve only heard some far-fetched rumors, and you’re saying they are true?”

Murong Zhining pushed him away. “How do I know if it’s true or not? That is something you must ask the retired emperor.”

Yan Jing pulled Murong Zhining to his chest with a displeased expression. “You’re the first woman who dares to push me away. That’s a big gut you have, and I happen to like unbridled women. What if I promise you the world, how about that? I’ll wipe out those two men who upset you and make you my empress.”

Murong Zhining broke away from him and sneered. “If I wanted to be an empress, I can do it right now. Why would I give up the near to seek the far, waiting on an unreliable promise? You have neither the looks and power of Yan Feng nor the appearance and might of General Chiyun, why on earth would I follow you? And isn’t what you should be anxious about right now how to protect yourself first?”

Yan Jing tightened his arms wrapping around her. “Bold, aren’t you? But I refuse to believe I can’t conquer you. No wonder Yan Feng and Chiyun Yuexuan are both so fascinated by you, you do have the charm. I’ve taken a liking to you too, what to do now? How about… I’ll conquer your body first? Let you know what I rely on to make women follow me.”

Saying so, Yan Jing dragged her towards the bed. Murong Zhining struggled. “If what you want is to belittle this princess, I can use death to show my refusal. If you intend to treat me right, you must show sincerity.”

Yan Jing let go of her and said with a smile, “You still dare to be arrogant in front of me? Although I fancy unbridled women, you’re going overboard. I’m still a man of status. As long as you obediently follow me, I will give you what you want.”

Murong Zhining put on a haughty expression. “What you mean is that you’ve already prepared to replace the emperor?”

Yan Jing laughed loudly. “I never planned to rebel so soon, but General Chiyun just had to dig out evidence of my collusion with Zhuang Cheng and forced me to move my plan up the schedule. I intended to use you against Yan Feng and Chiyun Yuexuan, but it seems I can also make you my empress while I’m at it.”josei

Murong Zhining was shocked, but she couldn’t let the fear show. “Fifth Sage Prince is indeed born with the imperial temperament, and I have to admire that. Since you’re so sure to take over this country, there’s nothing wrong about me going with the flow and becoming the empress.”

Yan Jing lifted her face in satisfaction, “Now that’s the correct mindset. I like how sensible you are, Princess. I will make you empress, hahaha… But first, I’ll accompany you to play a game.”

Yan Jing whispered something to his guard and soon, a group of women dressed in palace maid outfits entered. Yan Jing laughed and left the room. The maids presented a crimson empress dress and forcefully changed Murong Zhining into it, then pulled her to the makeup table and put a phoenix coronet on her head.

Chiyun Yuexuan, dressed in nightwalking clothes, smoothly leapt from roof to roof of the Sage Prince Estate. He had found clues from the torn piece of brocade left by Murong Zhining. After some investigation, he had determined the brocade to be a unique material for guard uniform in the Sage Prince Estate.

Stopping on the roof of the main hall, Chiyun Yuexuan quietly removed several tiles and peered inside. A group of men and women dressed up as maids and eunuchs were busy preparing a banquet. At this sight, Chiyun Yuexuan’s brows tightly knitted.

Yan Jing, dressed in a dragon robe, strode into the hall. All the servants prostrated on the ground and chorused, “Greeting, Your Majesty!”

Yan Jing dusted his sleeves and said in a booming voice, “You may rise. Hahaha… this Huayan will soon be mine!”

Guan Hong, the housekeeper of the Sage Prince Estate, buttered up to him, “Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor. Your Majesty, not only will you assume the throne today, you will also confer the title of Empress on Princess Fengyi. That’s a pair of happy events!”

Yan Jing smiled. “Even I didn’t expect that Princess Fengyi would suit me right down to the ground. I fell in love with her at the first sight, and that’s why I’ve decided to turn against Yan Feng to make her my empress.”

Chiyun Yuexuan ground his teeth. He clenched his fists, trying with all his might suppress his fury. Suddenly, someone shouted in the courtyard, “Her Majesty the Empress has arrived!”

Several maids half pushed Murong Zhining in an empress outfit into the hall.

Yan Jing’s eyes shone as he went up to receive her, “My empress is truly, truly beautiful! My life has not been lived in vain now that I get to marry Princess!”

Murong Zhining took a step back. “So this is the game you wanted to play with me? Not funny at all. Now, I’ll have to live with the fear of being condemned a rebel at one misstep.”

Yan Jing took Murong Zhining’s hand and walked towards the throne they had set up in the hall. “Princess, please rest assured. I promised to make you queen, and I will definitely make it happen. Come, try my throne. In a few days, I’ll fulfill your wish and offer you the real throne in the palace.”

The servants brought wine and dishes to the table in front of the throne. Yan Jing handed Murong Zhining a cup of wine. “Come on, this one is to my beloved empress. The first time I laid eyes on you, I decided to take over Yan Feng’s country.”

Murong Zhining sneered. “I don’t like games. You think that playing this game can make me believe you? I’m not so easy to fool.”

This infuriated Yan Jing. “Empress, can’t you give me some face in front of the servants?” He lifted her chin. “Didn’t I say you’re not allowed to be arrogant in front of me? You really think I can’t do anything to you? I know you are still thinking about that guy Chiyun Yuexuan. I shall kill him first and then deal with Yan Feng.”

Murong Zhining looked calmly at Yan Jing. “The emperor and the general are your brothers, it’s a serious immorality to do so.”

Yan Jing’s eyes gleamed with danger. “So Chiyun Yuexuan is really my brother, that’s all the more reason I can’t let him off. Not only will I take his life, I’ll take away his beloved woman to be my empress. What can he do to me? Hahahaha…” He raised his wine cup and continued, “Will my queen happily accompany me for a drink, or do you want me to force it on you? Be obedient, and I might give Chiyun Yuexuan a less ugly death.”

Murong Zhining turned her face to the side in refusal to drink the cup in Yan Jing’s hand. The latter squeezed her chin in one hand, wanting to force it down, when a woman’s voice suddenly resounded outside the hall, “Out of my way, let me in! I am the mistress of this place. Who is that fox seducing His Highness?”

A seductive woman in pink embroidered gauze gown pushed open the door and burst in. She rushed to the throne and slapped Murong Zhining. “Where is this cheap slave from? You robbed my man and even dare to wear the phoenix robe that was prepared for me for the empress-appointing ceremony?”

Stunned on the spot for a long time, Yan Jing suddenly grabbed the woman’s hair and knocked her to the ground. “Bai Shuang, that’s enough! I have endured you for a long time now, you jealous woman. Just who do you think you’re hitting?!”

Yan Jing cradled Murong Zhining’s face. Seeing a palm print had swollen up on her smooth white cheek, he turned to grab the woman on the floor and dropped a series of violent punches and kicks on her. “You think you can be empress already just because I promised you so? Why don’t you look yourself in the mirror and see if you’re worth it? Princess is my beloved woman, even I can’t bear to hit her.”

Looking at Yan Jing beating his Royal Consort Bai Shuang, Murong Zhining suddenly felt a sense of pity and sighed with emotion upon the bitter fate of women in the imperial family. Grabbing Yan Jing’s sleeves, she said, “Your Highness, if anything, she’s still your wife who shared a bed with you. Even if what she did is wrong, you should sympathize with her.”

Yan Jing stopped and turned around, taking Murong Zhining’s hand in his. “It’s still Princess who is the sensible one here. This woman is worthless and never improves. I’ll have her go away so she won’t affect everyone’s mood.”

Bai Shuang glared at Murong Zhining with hatred. “Don’t be so smug just yet. His Highness only wants to taste something new, he will abandon you in a few days.”

Enraged, Yan Jing kicked her and shoved her out the door. “Bitch, scram!”

Yan Jing then dismissed everyone and returned to the throne, handing the cup to Murong Zhining. Afraid the wine was drugged, Murong Zhining refused to drink it and pretended to be angry. “Your Highness has troops of concubines, yet you promised me the title of Empress. I find your sincerity unreliable. The royal consort just now also said that you only want to try a new taste and will soon abandon me.”

Yan Jing pinched her cheek. “So you’re jealous? I like that. Aren’t Princess and I one of a kind? When you have me, you immediately throw the emperor and Chiyun Yuexuan to the back of your head. The two of us are perfect for each other. How can those concubines compare with your celestial appearance? You’ll make the most suitable empress.” Saying so, Yan Jing tried to kiss Murong Zhining.

Murong Zhining turned away to avoid him, who got impatient and held her still forcefully. “Princess is a naughty kitten, you keep scratching at my heart and make it itch for you so. Come on, let me love you properly tonight.”

Chiyun Yuexuan clenched his fists on the roof. He couldn’t restrain his rage and crushed a tile.

Yan Jing warily looked up at the roof. Chiyun Yuexuan let out a meow.

Yan Jing shook his head with a wry smile. “I’ve been too stressful these days, every bush and tree looks like an enemy! Because of the account book incident, I’ve recently strengthened the security around here. Not a single fly can get in my estate now, so don’t hold on to any hope that someone will come to rescue you, nor scheme any getaway, you hear? Come on, accompany me for a drink. Princess looks so beautiful wearing the phoenix coronet tonight. I can’t wait to favor you.”

Murong Zhining swatted away the cup Yan Jing held to her mouth. “I don’t want to drink wine, don’t you force me.”

Yan Jing smiled coldly snorted. “Princess is truly extraordinary, you must have known that the wine is drugged. I originally wanted to feed you a bit of Ecstasy Drug so that you could enjoy spending the night with me. Since you won’t drink it, I take it you like it rough?”

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