Reborn into A Slash Game

Chapter 79 - Blade of Vengeance

Chapter 79 - Blade of Vengeance

Smut Warning. Read at your own discretion. To read, please press the dropdown at the [The Birds and The Bees]

The Dragons had no king, but a god would be born every ten thousand years. They would either be born as a god or would be awakened due to some kind of event.

When Samael’s father, Saldor the Black Dragon, died under the joint attack of the Demons that he had taught, the corpse of Samael’s younger brother, Till, had been dismembered.

Thus, the only God of Destruction had been awakened.

The black dragon Launay, because of death, betrayal, and vengeance, became the Dragon God of Destruction. With overwhelming strength, a cold-blooded mind and ruthless means that the previous gods had never had, he instigated a cruel and vicious war of vengeance.

The battle lasted for ten thousand years. The invaders reproduced rapidly, faster than everyone had imagined. Their strong learning ability and rapid growth allowed them to incessantly have fresh blood joining the battle, thus their vanguard were long and endless.

In comparison, the Sylphs’ military power was unable to stand a single blow. The Dragons’ military power was extraordinary but there were too little of them. Facing the invaders who could rapidly reproduce, it required a long time for them to give birth and reach maturity. Although they had a strong fighting ability, their population was slowly dwindling without end no matter how they resisted.

Under these circumstances, Dragons were constantly dying, but there was no fresh blood to make up for the fighting strength of their lost compatriots. The longer the war dragged on, the more disadvantageous it became for them.

The final battle took place in the bottomless abyss.

It was a battle that words couldn’t describe. Both sides suffered heavy casualties. There was no room for negotiation between the two parties. They had dropped all pretense and all that remained was a life-and-death battle.

Suo Fei was looking at the bottomless abyss from above. He saw Samael, a completely unfamiliar Samael.

He was an exceptionally unfeeling man. His purple eyes had become thoroughly dark, without a hint of brightness. His face was ice-cold. The Asura Blade was dispersing an intense red mist due to the blood that it was crazily absorbing. The bright red blood mist was like a heat of fury rising in the air, so intense that it could not be dispelled.

Suo Fei dazedly watched him. At this very moment, he discovered the origin of the Asura Blade. It was Samael’s weapon, only Samael’s.

The pure black blade was formed from countless dragon bones. All the dragons that had been killed... Samael’s family, friends and clansmen...

It was a Blade of Vengeance that served as a reminder of the deep-seated hatred caused by this debt of blood for Samael.

Watching the last scene, Suo Fei’s face turned deathly pale. He saw the last god use his godhood to cast a curse to the entire Yalance, cursing all of his enemies to be trapped in this place until death.

His gaze remained on those purple eyes that were filled with boundless darkness.

Then, everything became dark. It was all over.

Suo Fei stood in a daze, unable to collect his thoughts for a very long time.

After a period of time, his surroundings became bright once again. Suo Fei’s eyes were lacklustre. He merely followed his instinct to look at the source of light where he saw a very beautiful woman. She had silver hair, silver eyes, and skin as white as now. Her mouth was hooked up into a soft and gentle smile.

Suo Fei couldn’t see it clearly so he didn’t know whether what he was seeing was real or just a figment of his imagination.

Vixanne... Is it Vixanne? josei

Suo Fei’s mouth moved as he uttered something softly, “Vi-Vixanne?”

The woman walked over, took Suo Fei’s hands and gently said, “Fey, mother is here.”

Suo Fei could not even sense his own body beforehand, but now, he could clearly feel Vixanne clutching his hands. The soft and warm sensation spread through his palms and flowed straight to his heart, making him move closer to the source of warmth.

Vixanne looked at him with penitence in her eyes, “Fey, the scenes earlier, I’ve also seen them.”

Suo Fei was still somewhat absent-minded so he unconsciously asked, “What were they? Why did I see them?”

Vixanne was silent for a while before she replied, “They were memories, memories of many people. You might have received them indirectly from Sal. There were Sal’s memories, Hull’s memories and the memories of many dragons.”

“The reason why this golden dragon learned to be a puppeteer was to preserve these memories. He had devoted himself to searching for these lost memories, searching for these fragments and saving them in his consciousness. Of course,” Vixanne paused before she continued with great difficulty, “There were also memories that belonged to you.”

Suo Fei was startled.

A trace of distress flashed in Vixanne’s eyes as she whispered, “Fey, I’m sorry.”

Suo Fei was taken aback for a moment. His body went stiff and his voice became tense, “You... You...”

Suo Fei was unable to speak out. In those memories, he had seen Vixanne. He had seen her more than once. She was the daughter of Cindy, a powerful Archmage who had extraordinary healing abilities.

Vixanne didn’t avoid the topic. She softly said, “What I’ve been taught and the ideas that had been instilled in me were completely different from what you’ve seen. Most of our clansmen didn’t know the truth. We have been compelled by our own sense of justice. We didn’t see how the Dragons treated the gods at the very beginning. Ever since we were born, we only saw the Dragons attacking us again and again. It was a vicious cycle. For this reason, we’ve paid a disastrous price.”

Suo Fei could mentally understand what Vixanne had said, but he couldn’t accept it emotionally. When the war had just begun, it was still possible to distinguish right from wrong. However, in the endless chaos of war, countless innocent lives would always be implicated from both sides.

The sins that the invader gods had committed were devoid of conscience. They ruthlessly dismembered the benefactors who had saved them and drove the once warm and kind-hearted race to a corner. Then, they received their retribution.

The Dragons’ God of Destruction was awakened and carried out a crazy massacre, causing the invaders who didn’t know the truth of the matter to be filled with fear, fear of the Dragons’ ruthlessness and fear of dying. Thus, they picked up their weapons and started the never-ending war.

This eternal hatred was deeply rooted within them. In the end, all gods perished, the Dragons were nearly annihilated, and Yalance was almost gripped with deathly silence.

And that curse... When he recalled it, Suo Fei’s mind buzzed, as if it wanted to split open. He endured the pain as he asked, “The last scene... Was it true?”

Vixanne looked at him in the eyes. There was a hint of conflict in her eyes and she whispered after a while, “Yes.”

Suo Fei lightly hummed in response.

The two were silent for a long time. Suo Fei didn’t speak and Vixanne only stared at him. After a while, she softly said, “Fey, the gods of Yalance had disappeared a long long time ago. Those who fought the final battle had left me forever. I already knew a long time ago that I would also die. I’m unable to stop and I didn’t want to stop it. After having you, I wanted to finally end it all.”

“I’m not a qualified mother. I don’t deserve to be one. Fey, I’m really sorry.”

Suo Fei remained silent.

Vixanne paused before she resolutely said, “Fey, you don’t have to do this. You don’t have to worry about this. In fact, all this time, I’ve been in despair. I wanted to make a final attempt, but it wasn’t necessary. There’s no need to...”

Before she could finish speaking, Suo Fei interrupted her, “Mother, live well. I’m well aware of the situation.”

Vixanne swallowed the words that had reached her lips.

Suo Fei took a deep breath and said to Vixanne, “It’s about time. I should go back. Mother, have a quick recovery. I’m waiting for your return.”

There was a flicker in Vixanne’s eyes as she lightly nodded.

Suo Fei closed his eyes and emptied his mind of thoughts. When he opened his eyes again, he was able to genuinely sense his body’s existence.

He was back, back to the real world.

After Suo Fei got his bearings, he turned his head and saw Samael who had been watching over him. Suo Fei didn’t know how long he had slept, but the scene was no longer what it had been before. All the enemies were nowhere to be found. They should still be in the Dragon Valley, in the treehouse. Warm sunlight seeped through the window, gently enshrouding the whole room. It was warm and cozy.

Samael had his eyes closed. He had faint dark circles under his eyes. Suo Fei felt distressed. He could imagine that Samael must have remained by his side after escaping from the battle.

Suo Fei noiselessly sat up and he quietly stared at Samael. The more he stared at him, the more he felt that he liked him. In addition, the more he stared at him, the more disconcerted he felt.

Suo Fei’s hand had just touched Samael’s cheeks when Samael’s eyes snapped open and his purple eyes met with Suo Fei’s.

After a while, Suo Fei’s eyes bent into a smile as he looked at Samael.

Samael was startled. Then, he leaned slightly forwards and dropped a kiss on Suo Fei’s palm.

The smile on Suo Fei’s lips became brighter. His eyes were curved like crescent moons. His palm felt ticklish, and so did his heart.

He and Samael were sitting, but he was slightly shorter. Thus, he knelt on the bed to make up the height difference. He placed both of his hands on his face, somewhat bold but extremely affectionate.

He leaned over and kissed Samael. Such an obvious enticement caused the air around them to simmer with heat.

Samael moved Suo Fei’s hands to wrap around his neck. Then, he embraced his waist and pressed Suo Fei closer to deepen their light kiss.

It was an extremely intense, very long yet short night. Suo Fei indeed cried out. It would be strange if he didn’t because of his actions that were courting death.

The consequence of Suo Fei’s self-indulgence was that he slept for three days and three nights straight. When he tried to stand up after waking up, he gloomily gnashed his teeth.

Can I even walk with these legs?!I can barely even stand!

At this moment, Samael pushed the door open, holding a tray filled with exquisite side dishes and fragrant porridge.

A smile could be clearly seen on Samael’s face. He put down the tray and gently massaged Suo Fei. His voice was doting as he rebuked, “You’re not allowed to be this wilful next time.”

Suo Fei looked at him and thought that Samael was too good-looking. He had a relaxed expression and the smile in his eyes was unabashed. His low voice was so pleasant that no musical instrument in this world could ever compare.

But... Suo Fei felt unbearable pain in his heart which made him cry uncontrollably.

Seeing this, panic flashed in Samael’s usually calm eyes. His voice was anxious as he asked, “What’s wrong? Where does it hurt?”

Suo Fei stared blankly before quickly shaking his head. Then, he smiled and said, “Nothing, I’m probably too hungry. Haha.” Simply glossing it over, Suo Fei lowered his head and started eating.

Suo Fei stuffed everything into his stomach and was fully satisfied.

He leaned towards Samael and softly said, “Samael, I love you.”

Compared with Samael’s forbearance, Suo Fei was the type of person who could not restrain himself. Since he couldn’t restrain himself, it was usual for him to declare his feelings.

Samael’s mouth raised in a faint smile. He liked hearing these words no matter what.

Then, Suo Fei suddenly sat upright and asked while staring at Samael, “Samael, do you trust me?”

This abrupt question was somewhat strange but Samael didn’t think much about it. He stared back at Suo Fei and said, “I do.”

As soon as Samael said these two words, a feeling that he couldn’t explain suddenly rose. When he finally noticed that something was wrong, it was already too late.

Suo Fei motionlessly stared at Samael with unprecedented graveness.

He had never imagined that the first time he would use this ability was at this time and that the person he would be casting it onto was Samael.

Suo Fei struggled to ignore the surprise in Samael’s eyes. He controlled his own emotions with difficulty before he commanded, “Activate the Asura Blade.”

There was a slight resistance from Samael so Suo Fei quickly strengthened his mental power and repeated the command.

The Asura Blade was activated.

Suo Fei’s gaze fell on the graceful, pure black blade. Suo Fei had previously heard that the bones of the dragons were extremely pure black. He had thought that he had never seen it before, but it appeared that he had seen it long ago.

As he stared at the Asura Blade, those memories swept through him and he clearly felt the breath of life within the blade.

He turned to look at Samael. Then, he pointed at his own heart as he gave the last command, “Kill me.”

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