Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 374 - 374 Stop Putting Nonsense Into Ralph’s Head!

374 Stop Putting Nonsense Into Ralph’s Head!

When Kinnon Youngshaper returned with Ronan Silverback to the apartment, his son had, for some inconceivable reason, become extremely attached to the babies.

Laughing happily, he spoke and played with them while Lucien and the babysitter watched by their side.

Lucien’s smile disappeared as soon as he caught sight of Kinnon.

The sudden change was rather bone-chilling, coming from Lucien.

The man bent forward to give Ralph a kiss on the cheek. He whispered something to the little boy, who then nodded fervently and even waved at his father cheerfully, unaware that said father was about to face his Mommy’s wrath.

As soon as Lucien closed the balcony door behind him, he scowled at Kinnon.

“Alpha Kinnon Youngshaper, kindly explain why you must put that kind of nonsense into your son’s head.”

Ronan smirked.

Although he would love to watch Kinnon being butchered by Lucien, his Luna did not grant him this pleasure.


“Ronan, leave us please,” Lucien said, ending the show prematurely for Ronan.

The Alpha knew that if he wished to sleep on the bed tonight, he better not go against his Luna. Ronan thus walked over, gave Lucien a loving kiss on the lips, and then walked into the kitchen to get himself something to eat.

“Good luck,” he whispered to Kinnon when he walked past his former rival in love.

Kinnon took a deep breath and tried to explain.

“Look, Lucien. Isn’t it quite obvious? Ralphy is my son. You are not my Luna, so he should not think of you as his mother. It’s just wrong. Besides...”

Kinnon heaved a sigh before he continued.

“Don’t you have your own children? What do you want Ralph for?”

Lucien crossed his arms in front of his chest and shot icy daggers at Kinnon.

“What exactly did I want Ralph for, then?”


“Did I need him to do anything for me?”

“... I didn’t say that.”

Lucien inched forward and shoved at Kinnon’s chest.

“Do you think that I dote on him only because he is your son?”

“Of course! What other explanation can there be???”

Kinnon grabbed Lucien’s wrists and held them up between them.

“Lucien, I understand fully that Ralph was part of your responsibility as my future Luna. But now that it is no longer the case, you have to stop pretending.”

A crisp slap resounded through the room.

Shocked by the sudden slap, Kinnon momentarily went into a daze.

“I think it is ironic,” Lucien slowly said. “I only recently become a parent, so I have yet to understand the full magnitude of raising and nurturing little pups, but there is one thing I can tell you. I will never be able to see my children as something less than they are — two precious pearls that I would give my life for.”

“Unfortunately, all you see in Ralph is nothing more than just a responsibility. Kinnon Youngshaper, you disappoint me.”

Kinnon gritted his teeth.

“What do you know,” he said. “What do you know about the hardship of being a single parent??? Do you think that I am not suffering??? Do you think that I want to be like this???”

Lucien grabbed Kinnon’s collar and hissed at him.

“Then if I were you, I would be grateful to have some help. Didn’t I say yes when you asked me to help you raise your son?”

Kinnon’s lips parted from surprise when he heard Lucien’s words.

It had been such a long time ago that he forgot.

Indeed, he did plead for Lucien’s help to raise Ralph together to be the next Alpha of the Night Prowler Pack.

It turned out that Lucien never forgot. action

Kinnon closed his eyes in an attempt to suppress the turmoil in his heart.

“Listen to me, Kinnon Youngshaper. I was not the one who gave birth to him and I missed out on the first three years of his life, but I do want to be part of his life for the next thirty or sixty years of his life.”

He grabbed Kinnon’s shoulders and gave them a little shake.

“I love him like he’s my own son. Don’t take him away from me.”


“Did you hear what I just said, Alpha Kinnon...?”

Loud and clear.

Kinnon Youngshaper gave an imperceptible nod, but a nod it was.

Lucien straightened the Alpha’s collar afterward.

“My current position prevents me to come and visit your pack without my mate by my side. I hope that you will allow me to take care of Ralph whenever he wants to come here and visit.”

A weak smile appeared on Kinnon’s face.

“How does it look like if my heir keeps coming to the rival pack to play?”

Lucien raised an eyebrow at the foolish man in front of him. Disapproval was written clearly across his face.

“You are the Alpha. You tell me.”


With that one last sentence leaving his lips, Lucien turned around and headed to the balcony.

Kinnon let himself fall on one of the couches and rubbed at his forehead. The heartache that plagued him for a month was gone, replaced by a terrible headache.

Ronan came in with baby Rayden in his arms.

He chuckled when he saw the sorry state that Kinnon was in.

“Isn’t my Luna fierce?” he asked his former rival in love. “I think that his motherly instincts kick in as soon as the babies are born. Naturally, he also wants to claim the missing son.”

Kinnon pursed his lips.

“My son, Alpha Ronan,” Kinnon felt the need to correct the other Alpha. “Ralph is my son.”

“Well, not entirely yours anymore. Hey, it’s not as if I want another Alpha’s son lounging by my Luna’s side day in and day out. Unfortunately, Lucien will loop my head off if I ever say that out loud.”


Kinnon leaned in and observed the little baby in Ronan’s arms.

“He is surprisingly good-looking, being your son.”

“He is also Lucien’s son.”


Little Rayden did look like a carbon copy of Ronan. Kinnon looked up at Ronan and shot him a mischievous grin.

“What will it take for me to get some of Lucien’s seed?”

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