Path of Perfection Immortal

Chapter 5 - Azure Dragon Sect

Azure Dragon Sect
” Little Xuan are you really going to participate in the sect entrance?”

Xuan Long “You already asked this question many times.”

” I don’t want you to go to the Azure dragon sect. That place is filled with arrogant bastards.” said a fat man looking at the skinny youth before him.

Xuan Long didn’t know hot to respond to it, he curved his lips and decided to respond to him patiently “We need someone to check their arrogance. Fatty you already know it is not in my hands. My god father made a special request to me to join this sect.”

Fatty “Your god father! He is another of that jerks , when ever he comes something bad happens. I have seen this for two years. There was always some incident whenever he comes.”

Xuan Long burst to laughter hearing this “He comes when trouble comes to solve them, not the other way round.” in his mind he was just amused at this fatties banter. If any others in this village got to know that Fatty is cursing Long Bao such a way, he would be lynched by them. But it is good that fatty don’t know about the world of cultivators. He is pure and without malice. Xuan Long was living with him for past two years. He is a good brother for him but he lack foundation and talent to become a cultivator. He just runs an inn in the town peacefully. He understood what Fatty is going through. They have been brothers for last two years, but with Xuan Long going to Azure dragon Sect he will miss his best friend and will be alone again.

Fatty ” Why do you always support him that way? He never did anything to you. All he does is bully you whenever he comes.”

Xuan Long “That is actually called sparring.”

Fatty “What ever? Don’t go.”he asked pleadingly “Everything is peaceful here. Our inn is also doing very good. You know I heard that Zhao family is trying to rope you as their son in law. If you marry Zhao Yin , you will have worry free life. I heard, she is most beautiful girl in surrounding ten villages.”

Fatty said trying to tempt Xuan Long with beauty as a bait. Hearing this Xuan Long was struck in panic. Why, well only he knows the reason.

Xuan Long “I am not sure about that. If I really marry her, I can’t estimate the consequences. They would bring a disaster here.” Xuan Long said laughing out loud.josei

Fatty was confused hearing this, “What Disaster ?”

Xuan Long chuckled “It is not time yet. God father would be coming here to pick me up now. If he hear what you said. He will make a bone soup out of you.”

Hearing that Fatty was terrified. “Your god father is coming?”

Long Bao “Why wouldn’t I come? It is such a important event.”

Fatty “Lord Bai,I didn’t say anything. It is Xuan Long who is interested in Zhao Yin.”

Long Bao just frowned his brows and Fatty was already sweating.

Long Bao “Hmm. Go bring her here. I will see what is so great about her. Most beautiful girl in surrounding villages.”

Fatty was dumbfounded hearing this.

Xuan Long “Go an prepare my luggage.”

Fatty just slipped away from there without making a sound.

Both looked at him amused as he sneaked away, bursting into laughter after he was away from their sight.

Long Bao “”Äre you prepared?”

Xuan Long just nodded his head.

Long Bao “You have to be careful in the sect. You are sensible kid . You know how to behave.”

Long Bao “” What cultivation are you preparing to show them? You can’t show your cultivation of 7th stage Qi Refining at the entrance. It will cause complete chaos.”

Xuan Long ” Who are the other geniuses participating.”

Long Bao ” Huang family is sending little white there, Feng Xi is coming. All families are sending their geniuses for this time.”

Long Bao “I suggest you just show cultivation of 1st stage. This can still put you in top geniuses. Also, it will avoid major troubles. There are already few disciples of Long family with same cultivation. ”

Xuan Long “Will i represent Long Family?” asked confused.

Long Bao “No, you will be representing yourself this time. You will have no connection with Long family directly. All the core disciples of Long family know you , they will also maintain it same way. If you have any trouble contact Long Feng.”

Xuan Long “OK. About Attribute?”

Long Bao “Attribute? What were you planning?”

Xuan Long ” Among three, Ice, Lightning and Fire. Ice and Lightning will bring lot of attention they are very rare. I think fire would be best choice. I can also practice alchemy and weapon making.”

Long Bao “Good choice. Be careful.”

Long Bao ” There would be total of 76 long family members joining the sect. 16 core disciples and 60 outer and inner disciples.You know all the core disciples, ignore others. Ten of them have cultivation of 1st Qi refining, other five have 2nd stage and one fourth stage.”

Long Bao “Take care of them in secret. You can attract as much attention you deem necessary.”

Xuan Long “God father you don’t need to say to me.”

As he spoke Fatty came there dragging a huge package. It was too heavy for him to lift. Well that bag was looking different from the packages used there. But any one from modern earth would recognize it. It looks exactly like thee military backpacks used by para special forces. Xuan Long simply lifted it with one hand started carrying it on his shoulders.

Long Bai “Its time to leave.”saying that Long Bao held Xuan long by his shoulder and then they both disappeared from there.

Fatty was dumbstruck seeing this but then curved his lips smiling hiding the pain in his eyes. His only friend in this world is gone again.

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