Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 1: Worldwide Search

A note from BaiSiwa

This is my first novel, the grammar in the earlier chapters may not be of quality.

Inside a room, two males wearing a set of golden armor and several servants can be seen kneeling down with sweats covering their whole body.

They were kneeling in front of two figures.

The first figure is an incredibly handsome middle-aged man.

He has long black hair, sharp eyebrows and a pair of golden eyes.

He was wearing fancy clothes, with the words ‘Celestial’ and ‘Emperor’ on his back.

Next to him is a peerlessly beautiful middle age woman with a frown on her face.

She has long black hair, crescent eyebrows and a mesmerizing pair of golden eyes.

Under normal circumstances, everybody would stare at this couple with awe and respect. However, at this moment, nobody dared to even look at their shoes and had their forehead kissing the Jade floor.

“WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?! REPEAT IT!” The Middle aged man screams at the people kneeling in front of him.

“T-t-this s-servant r-r-reporting to his Majesty, t-this servant was passing by the Young Master’s J-Jade Slip w-whe-w-w-whe… ”

This female servant who was in charge of the Jade Slips was so scared she couldn’t stop stuttering.

“Enough! Take a deep breath and speak!” The Middle-aged man’s forehead was bulging with veins trying not to scare the servant with his loud voice.

“Y-yes your Majesty! ” She took a deep breath.

“When this servant was passing by Young Master’s Jade Slip it– it– IT SUDDENLY STOPPED GLOWING AND HAS BEEN LIKE THAT SINCE!” She still had trouble speaking the last part and had to scream it out of her lungs.

She raised her hands holding a Jade Box with a colorless Jade Slip sitting in the middle of it.


But before she could even lift it halfway, it was snatched by the Middle-aged female.

She inspected the colorless Jade Slip with shaking hands.

“Haaa” She closes her eyes, letting out a relieved sigh.

“The Jade Slip is not broken and has only lost its color.”

“This means that he’s not dead but in a place where this Jade Slip’s sense can not reach.”

“But this is still weird…”

“This Jade Slip can tell even if he’s at the end of this world…”

“Did he tell any of you where he was going or do you have any ideas?” She asks the two in the golden armor.

“T-this subject reporting to her Majesty! This subject has been guarding the front Main Gate for the past 7 Months and has not seen Young Master!” One of the figures in the golden armor was trying hard not to stutter.

“This subject reporting to her Majesty! This subject has been guarding the area of 100 miles around Young Master’s Villa with Divine Sense for 5 months and has not sensed a thing! Even an ant was not missed!” The other man in the golden armor reported.

“This means that boy sneaked out of the Palace by himself…” The Middle aged man sighed.

“Bring me, General Xiang and General Ming, immediately!” He commands.

“Yes Your Majesty! Please excuse us!” The two in the golden armor and the servants all went out in a swift to look for the Generals.

Within an hour, two males in Black Armors came back.

Both of them had an aspiring and dominating aura around their whole body making people sweat just by being near them.

General Xiang, a white haired male in his 50’s and General Ming, a handsome face in the low 30’s with black hair tied into a ponytail.

“This subject greets Your Majesty!” They both kneels down at the same time.

“Good! General Xiang and General Ming, take a look at my son’s Jade Slip.” He shows them a colorless Jade Slip.

“Uuhhh…” Their jaws drop to the floor.

“As you can see, my son is currently missing in a location even the Celestial Jade Slip can not reach!”

“General Xiang, you will command an Army of Ten Million Celestial Soldiers and search every nook and cranny of the Celestial Gods Realm! Question everybody from the servants to the kings!”

“General Ming, you will command an Army of One Million Celestial Knights to search the Forest of Heavenly Beasts! This kid loves to go there and play.”

“Don’t come back until you find a clue!” He orders them.

“Y-yes Your Majesty!”

“We will make sure that even the chickens are not left unsearched! Please excuse us!” They both snap out of their dazed mind and immediately left to begin searching.

“Haaaaa… He sure loves to make us worry.” The Middle aged man sits down and sighs.

“I hope nothing bad has happened to him.” The beautiful female had a worried face like a mother who just lost her kid in a big city.

“Aiya, even if he is strong like a dragon and smart like a sage, he is only 18 Years Old with no life experiences….”

“Not to mention how innocent he is…” He sighs some more and dazes off at a distance.


* * * *


Right after General Xiang and General Ming left the Celestial Palace, they both lead an Army of Ten Million Celestial Soldier and One Million Celestial Knight to search the whole Celestial Gods Realm.

Inside the Sect Master’s Hall of a certain Sect, a meeting was taking place.

“What did you say!? The Celestial Palace had sent out Ten Million Celestial Soldier and One Million Celestial Knights?! Lead by both General Xiang AND General Ming?!” The Sect Master cries out in alarm.

Why the hell are the Celestial Palace making this big of a move? Did somebody slap his beautiful wife or spit in his morning tea?

At this time, many other Sect Master’s Hall had a similar situation played out.

“S-s-sect Master! One of General Xiang’s Platoon is currently at the Front Gate with 10,000 Celestial Soldiers asking for our Sect’s cooperation!” The Front Gate Guard ran inside the Sect Master’s Hall screaming.

He was sweating like he just ran a million miles with no water.

“W-WHAT DID YOU SAY?! What on earth did our Sect do?!?! Hurry up and receive them!” The Sect Master yells.


* * * *


“Seniors! General Xiang’s Company is currently at the Front Gate with 100,000 Celestial Soldiers requesting for our Sect’s cooperation!” Another Gate Guard cried.

“What are you doing?! Hurry up and receive them into the Royal Guest Villa!” The Supreme Elder cries out.


* * * *


“Sect Master!!! General Xiang is here personally to ask for our Sect’s cooperation!” An Outer Court Disciple cried out.

“Why the hell is an Outer Court Disciple reporting this?! Where is the Gate Guard!?!” The Sect Master frowns.

“S-sect Master, the Gate Guard passed out from fear, and this disciple had to report in his stead!” The Disciple said with his whole back drenched in cold sweat.

During this week, the entire Celestial Gods Realm had fallen into disorder and every single Sect from Low ranking to the Highest was investigated, not even the chickens was left untouched.

All the Sects, Families and Loose Cultivators in the Celestial Gods Realm had experienced hell this week.


* * * *


In the Celestial God's Realm where gods and demons can be seen walking in the streets, there is a forest named the Forest of Heavenly Beasts. Within this forest, even Gods and Demons meant nothing to the Heavenly Beasts dwelling inside!

General Ming and his Army were currently searching this entire Forest Of Heavenly Beasts, and not even the rabbit holes were left unsearched!

“General! A fellow comrade has found a clue!” A Celestial Knight came in reporting.

“What! Hurry up and Report!” General Ming showed a beaming smile.

He has been anxious the whole week.

He searched and searched nonstop, yet reality kicked him in the face.

This whole week of hard work and he is still empty handed! He did not know how to face his Majesty.

The Celestial Knight was a bit shocked to see the General Ming who is known for never smiling, to do it right now.

“Yes General! This fellow comrade said that a week ago, an Expert was at the Forest of Heavenly Beasts and a strange thing was happening,”

“The entire Forest of Heavenly Beast was so quiet that not even a fart could be heard for a few days! So he curiously looked around and found this Red Pouch hanging on the Tree of Beginning!” The Celestial Knight hands General Ming a Red Pouch with the word “Yi(一 )” printed on it.

“Good, Good, Good!!” General Ming was in such a good mood that he didn’t even notice saying “Good” three times.

“We need to return to his Majesty right at this moment! Not even a second can be delayed!”

“Yes General!” The Celestial Knight salutes.

General Ming flew back to the Celestial Palace at his fastest speed possible.

After an hour, he finally reaches the Front Gates with a red face like a kid who just got candies from his grandparents.


* * * *


Inside the Celestial Palace, the Emperor’s Room, a middle-aged man is watching his wife pacing back and forth with a worried face.

“Aaiiii…. It has been a whole week without any clues…” He has been feeling tired lately despite having a Cultivation higher than the Heaven itself.


The door in front of him blasts open.

“Who Dares!” He yells.

A handsome man with a ponytail runs in front of him and kneel.

“Your Majesty’s! Pardon this subject’s behavior! This subject has finally found a clue to the Young Master!” General Ming spoke with a weak voice.

“Eh?... Ah! Finally! What are you waiting for?! Report!” The Celestial Emperor dazed out for a bit before recovering.

“Yes, your Majesty! A Loose Cultivator has found the Young Master’s Storage Pouch and reported it to us! It was tied to the Tree of Beginning!” General Ming takes out a Red Pouch.

“Good, let me see—” He tries to grab it, but was surprised to see it disappear into thin air!

He looks at his wife who snatched it at the speed of light.

“I can sense his power in it, this is his, and he even used it recently!” She cries out happily.

“Good, good, good! Reward the Loose Cultivator with an enhanced Top Grade Celestial Weapon of his choice and a set of Top Grade Celestial Armor! Also, reward all of the Celestial Soldiers and Celestial Knights on the search with your judgment.”

“This subject obeys! Thank you for His Majesty’s blessing!” General Ming salutes him.

“Lì’er, hurry and see what is inside!” He urges his wife.

His wife named Feng Lì opens the Red Pouch and takes out a piece of paper.

She begins to read it, “What does it say?!” Her husband is getting impatient.

But she was still dead silent as if she didn’t even hear him speak.

“Ey, let me see!” he snatches it from her hand and begins to read the piece of paper.

[Dear beautiful mother and stingy father, I fell in love at first sight with a young lady in one of the Realms below and decided to go down and chase after her! Mother alway says ‘you can’t blame love,’ so you can’t blame me for my actions! Also, old people like father should not bother the young ones like me! So don’t bother me and go rest for a few hundred years and wait for my return!

Your one and only son, Tian Yi.]

His face twitched after the first sentence.

Now that he finished it, his forehead was bulging with red veins.

He starts breathing heavily and his whole body trembles with rage.

“Tian Yi!!!!” He growls, and an unfathomable power comes out of him like a hurricane.


* * * *


“Haaaaaa….. Can’t blame Emperor Tian Qiang for his actions… If my son had gone missing, I would flip everything over just to find him too.”

A Sect Master was currently enjoying tea after that horrifying experience with General Xiang


Before he could even sip on his tea and relax, the entire Celestial Gods Realm felt a terrifying Spirit Pressure coming down.

“Heavens! What is going on!” The Sect Master cries out in alarm, losing his voice in progress.


The Celestial Gods Realm instantly quiets down, even couples in bed at the climax didn’t dare to move.

After a moment of silence, a mild cough resounds throughout the Celestial Gods Realm.

“Ahem, fellow Sects and Families, this old man has embarrassed himself greatly just now. The problem with my son was resolved, and I apologize for causing a scene this past week.”

Tian Qiang did not care about his face and apologized to the Celestial Gods Realm. A true ruler can accept his wrongs, and face it head on.

Everybody that heard it gasped in amazement but felt wronged the next second.

They went through that living hell for nothing?!

But who would dare to voice it out at this moment?

“Now that is out of the way, I have an announcement to make.”

“Spread my words to your fellow Sects and Families! I don’t care if you are a Servant or an Immortal. The first one to bring me back my son without harming him will receive any one wish from me personally! Wealth? Status? Immortality? Heavenly Treasures? Want to marry off your daughter to my son and join my Imperial family? I don’t care as long as you bring him back! Be it fooling him, dragging him, begging him, I don’t care! JUST BRING HIM TO ME!”


As if struck by lightning, everybody was shaking with excitement.

Be it Servant or Immortal? Joining the Imperial Family that rules the Heaven? Even a Mortal can leap through the Dragon’s Gate and become a God? What kind of reward is this!

Especially when the young females heard this, they screamed so loud that the people near them had to cover their ears.

But no one blamed them.

Who is the son of the Celestial Emperor?

The first time he showed his face in public, chaos spread everywhere!

Girls who saw his face went limp and couldn’t eat for days thinking about his face!

Arranged Marriages around the world became disordered from the females breaking it left and right! Even the Goddess’s and old bones with half a step into their grave was not spared!

The Celestial Palace was surrounded by females on all sides for months asking for marriage.

Even the Mortals asked, not caring for their life.

The males with their eyes red all felt their gums itching, but they didn’t voice it out. No, it was because they couldn’t! Even many of the well known handsome males felt a blow to their pride and had to suck it up.

After that incident, the Celestial Emperor did not dare to show his son’s face in public again. But even after that, it still did not stop the Marriage requests from flooding in.

The following days in Celestial Gods Realm turns chaotic again.

All the Sects and Families from the strongest to the weakest spent all their resources to send as many people as they could to their respective branches in the lower Realms to spread the news.


* * * *


“Dear… Can you just let him have a few years of freedom? He has been locked up in the Palace for his whole life, always looking for something to do out of boredom. If you look at it, it is our fault that he ran away.” Feng Li tries to persuade her husband.

“Hmph! That little troublemaker has no idea what kind of change his power can bring to this world, yet he wants to go down and play with that sort of behavior?! The more he wants me out of his way, the more I will be in it! When I find him, I will teach him properly for a hundred years before letting him go.” Tian Qiang grumbles.

“Even if you find him, will he be willing to let you take him back?” She asks him.

“If he isn’t willing, I will force him to!” He said.

“Even though you can’t do anything about it if he actually tries? Don't get roughed up too much…” She teases him.


He turns speechless. josei

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