North x Northwest

Chapter 315

She nodded again and walked past Picard to climb the stairs.

‘It’s obvious that Picard will never ‘pretend not to hear’… First, he will ask the surrounding soldiers about the authenticity of the speculations, then he will go out of his way in order to gather opinions from nearby villages. Next, he will post a petition to strengthen the troops stationed here. Nowadays, gathering public opinion isn’t difficult because there are unions and federations everywhere. And if he’s lucky, he might even set dinner with Linhardt and make his anxiety known. It might be possible. Then, just as Linhardt had pre-arranged, all he has to do is seriously recite his suspicions about this certain guy named Maxwell.’

Lil turned to the left and peered into the open living room. As Naneta said, Levi was busy treating patients. As Lil entered, the brown-haired maid next to Levi nodded in acknowledgement. Lil was about to wait for the treatment to be over, when Levi asked first.

“What’s the matter?”

“Oh, I know you’re busy, but…”

Levi, who was stitching a patient’s upper arm, answered.

“Go on, tell me. I’m listening.”

“I want you to give me a diagnosis, but a fake one…”

Levi’s hand moved a few more times before the maid lifted her scissors and cut the thread. After finishing treating her patient, Levi approached Lil. Blood stains decorated the white apron that she wore.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not too complicated, it’s actually quite simple. Please declare someone dead even though he isn’t.”

Levi, noticing that this wasn’t a normal request, lowered her voice.




Clouds flowed and obscured the sun, leading darkness to instantaneously envelop the ground like a veil. Beyond the cliffs of the Great Trade Route, waves crashed into the sea.

Normally, the main street where merchants and passengers came and went had a flow going back and forth between east and west, but now for some reason, people were standing still and not moving at all. They were standing in a circle as if watching an accident or a fight, and everyone was talking on top of the other.

Venua got off his horse and headed toward the crowd gathered on one side of the Great Trade Route.

‘After being released from Roahn owing to the Duke of Mireille’s identity guarantee, I’m now once again moving in pursuit of Liloa… It shouldn’t have taken this long… It occurs to me that Mireille might’ve been buying time to his own advantage by delaying vouching for my identity… Perhaps Mireille has figured out my true purpose…’

Growing impatient, Venua had even abandoned his carriage and continued on horseback.

‘But before Mireille can get his hands on Liloa, I have to make the first move…’

“…However, it won’t be that easy with the Marquess of Roahn next to her…”

He laughed lowly while muttering.

‘It’s even more absurd that I have to put my trust in someone who has been nothing but a thorn in my eye…’

A long line of cigarette smoke came out of Venua’s mouth as he trailed his steps. The closer he got to the passers-by, the more vivid their voices became.

“…Hey guys! Did you hear that the Admiral was injured?…”

“…No, how come?…”

“…I heard he got like that while catching bandits?…”

“…Isn’t it the pirates’ doing?…”

From travellers holding on to the reins of their donkeys, to merchants who abandoned their carts and gathered together, and even the middle class wearing formal hats and outerwear, they all listened intently to the news about the admiral.

Someone shouted something groundless.

“…Since he’s the Admiral, wouldn’t it be more suited for pirates to go after him rather than bandits?”

“…You don’t know that…”

“…What do you mean ‘I don’t know that’? There are already hundreds or thousands of pirates with a grudge against him!…”

The royal guards came up behind Venua and escorted him, who then asked no one in particular.

“What happened to the mercenaries?”

“They don’t exactly know what orders Maxwell received or who gave them. They were only responsible for causing a disruption.”

Venua briefly pondered it over before turning around. When he was some distance away from the crowd he gave his command.

“Make sure Maxwell is dead before coming back.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“If that ungrateful bastard asks for his life to be spared, you know what to do, right?”


Venua looked back at Milo, judging that the answer was somewhat awkward. Milo was now Maxwell’s successor as platoon commander.

“Why, are you worried about your former boss?”

“No, Sir.”

“Yes. It’s good that you got promoted because he left his position vacated. That incompetent bastard…”

Milo said while looking at his master.

“How should I take care of the body…”

Venua, who was on his horse again, looked down at him. The new commander lowered his head as he met eyes that showed nothing but contempt.

“Try not to disappoint me.”

“…Yes, Sir.”

Venua grabbed the reins. As his horse took the first step, five royal guards wearing black robes followed him and turned their horses while a man who was secretly watching them in the crowd rolled back his hood as soon as they turned. Although he had a shabby appearance, his eyes shone sharply.

Jean kept his eyes on Venua and his group until they disappeared from his sight.


Lil waited patiently for Ed to finish writing his letter.

“Are you done yet?”

“Just a moment…”


She tried not to look at the encrypted letter Ed was writing. As a result, her gaze naturally turned to his messenger pigeon. When her eyes met, the pigeon raised its beak and squeaked.

Lil frowned and looked puzzled at that creature’s arrogant gesture, but then shook her head.

‘What does a beast know?’

“All done.”

Ed sealed the letter and motioned, prompting the bird sitting on the red satin cushion to lift its wings gracefully. Ed then tied a communication tube to its exposed leg under its wing.

As he stroked the bird’s head, the beast, which had closed its eyes for a while to savour the touch, stood up. It flapped its wings and circled the ceiling before it flew through the open window.

Lil asked, staring at the pigeon gradually turning into a dot.

“He probably remembers me, doesn’t he?”


“On the Bell Rock… I shot the air around him. It seemed like he was glaring at me earlier.”

“Perhaps he might be smart enough to remember. I’ll provide a venue for your reconciliation next time.”

Lil nodded her head. After all, she knew full well that military pigeons were as smart as pet animals.

Ed said, standing up.

“Let’s get started.”


Facing Ed, Lil held out her hands and let him grab them. According to Levi’s diagnosis, Ed needed some training until he got used to walking on his own again. Lil helped him take his steps, slowly backing away as if she were helping a child take their first steps. She smiled when she saw the expression on Ed’s face suggesting that he wasn’t liking it.

Lil teased playfully.

“This is like childcare.”

Ed, who had been looking down at her legs, glanced up.

“You could’ve come sideways, you’re the one who decided to walk like that.”

“Nah, this is more comfortable.”

“You look like you’re having fun?”

“No way.”

‘Although Ed has a slight limp, it isn’t so much that he can’t walk at all. Should I say that he has great resilience or that I have good patience?’

When Levi had watched Ed, who was walking much better than she expected, she just disappeared like the wind again, only telling them he would be like that for a while, leaving Lil with no one else to ask for advice.

Lil said half-jokingly.

“I wanted to carry you around, but apparently you’re much too healthy…”


After teasing Ed, Lil went to his side and put her arm around him for support, just as he wanted. However, as she got closer and walked with him for a few steps, Ed suddenly let out a laugh.

“Why are you laughing?”

“It reminds me of Panichi*.”

“Ah, even then…”

Lil recalled that dawn. She carried Ed down the stairs, supporting the ‘critically ill patient’, who had been shot in her stead.josei

“At that time, you didn’t want to even touch me longer than necessary. I remember you pulling my arm a bit recklessly after I asked you to support me. I was so grateful that I looked like I would tear up.”

Lil muttered.

“…But I never thought we would end up like this…”

“Me neither.”

“Tell me honestly. Did you throw it on purpose then?”


“The lump of dirt. The lump of dirt that hit me on the head back then.”

Ed drew his eyebrows together as if he felt misunderstood.


Lil widened her eyes before glaring at him.

“Are you for real?”

“I swear it’s true!”

“Why does it sound like a lie?”

“I feel really wronged here!”


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“It reminds me of Panichi.” = chapter 58 = Ed wakes up on Panichi after being shot and thinks he was abandoned. In his search for Lil and the Bell Rock, he ends up on a balcony overseeing the shore line. Losing his temper and clenching the railing too hard, clay clumps grump from the railing, in a fit of anger, Ed throws a clump from the balcony, which coincidentally hits Lil on the head. Lil then heads to the balcony, only to find Ed there. After their banter/scuffle Lil helps Ed back to his room in a similar manner.

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