Night of Destiny Novel by Vanessa K

Chapter 2589

Chapter 2589

Around 2 p.m., a black Bugatti sports car zoomed past, followed by a mysterious container truck.

Everyone rushed over to admire this limited- edition sports car. Many wanted to take pictures, but the director stopped them. The car needed to maintain an air of mystery for now.

From the driver’s seat of the sports car emerged a tall figure. Naturally, it was none other than Ezekiel. Adistinguished man in an exquisite car was a sight to behold.

A female supporting actress standing next to Harmony couldn’t help but express her envy. “Harmony, you're so lucky! Your boyfriend is incredibly handsome.”

“You're absolutely right! If he were to enter the entertainment industry, other men wouldn't stand a chance.”novelbin

“Why would he need to enter the entertainment industry? He’s already a top talent in the business world!”

“That sports car must be expensive! It looks so impressive. Hey! What’s in that mysterious container truck following it?” “It's obvious, isn’t it? It must be for transporting this sports car! They'll need to load it back up

when Mr. Weiss leaves. What if someone steals it?”

“You're probably right.”

Harmony shared the same thought. However, just then, Ezekiel went around to the passenger seat, opened the door, and surprisingly pulled out a bouquet of red roses. Harmony blinked, bashfully wondering if they were for her.

Ezekiel, holding the flowers, started walking toward her. Harmony was still a bit dazed when someone gently pushed her from behind. “Harmony, go to him quickly. Mr. Weiss might be proposing to you.”

Impossible! Harmony thought. She was completely unprepared for this.

However, when Ezekiel was less than two feet away from her, he indeed got down on one knee. Holding the flowers in one hand and a diamond ring the size of a pigeon egg in the other, he raised it up. “Harmony, will you marry me?”

Harmony covered her mouth in shock, incredulous about the fact that Ezekiel was proposing to her. This... This is too sudden!


Just then, Ezekiel snapped his fingers toward the container truck, and the three doors of the tightly sealed truck slowly descended, revealing the contents inside-a massive glass container filled with romantic blue balloons. But what was the most eye-catching was the pink sports car, the same model as the black Bugatti.

Harmony’s eyes widened. She couldn't believe there was another sports car.

Those who were envious before were now even more so. Harmony must have done something extraordinary in her past life! they thought. Not only was Ezekiel wealthy and romantic, but he was also generous, proposing a luxurious sports car.

Harmony was stunned. At this moment, someone behind her said, “Harmony, say yes! Hurry up and say yes!” “Yes! Hurry up and say yes!”

Tears welled up in Harmony’s eyes. How could she not be moved by his elaborate proposal?! She covered her red lips, her slender finger extended toward him. “Yes, | will marry you.”

Ezekiel gently slid the diamond ring onto her middle finger and reverently kissed the back of her hand.

Harmony helped him up and threw herself into his arms hugging hin) tony {hank yeul"’She said gratefully. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Just then, applause erupted from the crowd. Harmony was tight! om embra byEzekich lowered his héad‘and asked, “Do you like this car?” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“Can | sell it?” Harmony blinked and asked, stupefying the man for a few seconds.

Harmony giggled. “Just kidding. | love it. But I've never us ery driver's!

li ngesinoe dat! _ I'm not sure |

can drive it!” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Ezekiel laughed. “Don’t worry, I'll help you tame it.”

Harmony nodded happily. “Okay.”

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