My Ex-Wife Is A Big Shot In Disguise by Lindsay Lewis

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 1 Divorce

“Let’s get a divorce.” They had been married for three years, and this was the second thing Leo Palmer

said to her.

The first time he spoke to her was on their wedding night.

She had twirled in front of him in a white wedding gown while holding up the wide flared skirt. With a

broad smile on her face, she had asked him if she looked good.

She certainly had not expected his reply.

“The wedding is over. I will have someone send you abroad,” Leo had said.

After that, she was sent overseas alone for three years.

She never expected to receive such a sentence right after returning to the country.

A divorce on their wedding anniversary.

“Must we get divorced?” she asked. Madison Hale didn’t look up. Her long hair covered her face, hiding

all emotions in her eyes and face.

Only her slightly trembling voice could be heard, which carried a hint of tears. “Can we discuss it?” she


Leo stared at her with his dark eyes for a long time. When he spoke, his cool voice was devoid of any

extra emotions. “You know, if it weren’t for my grandfather being critically ill, I wouldn’t have married

you in the first place.”

Three years ago, Leo’s grandfather, Edgar Palmer, fell seriously ill. His dying wish was to see Leo get

married and start a family.

The marriage did not belong to Madison originally. Madison was a girl whom the Hale family had

mistakenly brought back. At eighteen, Madison had been informed that the real heiress, Sally Hale, had

returned to the family. And she, Madison, had been the one who had occupied Sally’s rightful place.

Everything Madison had enjoyed should have belonged to Sally. The love of the parents, the

indulgence from an elder brother, and even the marriage that had been arranged with Leo since birth.

But Edgar said the foundation of marriage is love. Madison and Leo grew up together. Even if her

identity was false, it was still a fact that they had grown up together. Thus, Edgar insisted that Leo

marry her. The marriage arrangement remained true since the Hale family still recognized her as one of

their family.

That was how she and Leo got married.

But Sally was diagnosed with a two-way emotional disorder and couldn’t stand hearing any mention of

Madison. She could not bear seeing Madison even more. After learning about the marriage, Sally

attempted suicide and insisted on Leo accompanying her, or she would kick up a fuss.

To prevent Sally’s condition from worsening, Leo sent Madison abroad on the second day of their

marriage and left her there without contacting her at all. It was only now that she returned.

Leo handed her a contract. “I’ve already had the lawyer draft the divorce papers. Take a look at them. If

you have no objections, just sign them.”

Madison took the papers from him with her head down. “Can you give me some time to think about it?”

she asked.

Leo looked at her. Her thick bangs covered her eyes. Living alone in a foreign country seemed to have

made her personality more reclusive.

“If there’s anything unsatisfactory regarding assets, feel free to mention it. This villa will be transferred

to your name. I’ll give you a week,” he added.

After saying that, he left the master bedroom.

As his fingers grasped the doorknob, he glanced back at the room. The woman’s slender shoulders

trembled slightly as she held onto the divorce papers. She did not move at all.

Leo’s expression darkened as he closed the door.

The room fell completely silent.

After a moment, a burst of cheers erupted.

“Good riddance! I’m finally divorced!” Madison exclaimed.

She looked at the divorce agreement in her hand and was finally unable to hold back her laughter. Her

shoulders shook even more, apparently.

In the three years since she was sent abroad, she received no messages of concern from the Hale

family and not a word of comfort from her husband-in-name.

Even when she was stalked and almost died out there, she still couldn’t get through to Leo’s phone.

Any love she had for Leo was long gone and buried.

After signing the papers happily, she rolled around on the bed. Her bangs fell from her face with her

long hair. There was no trace of grievance on her beautiful face.

Just as she was about to finish tidying up her luggage, the phone rang.

Madison answered the call with a sweet voice. “Hello, Joe.”

The voice on the other end got straight to the point. “Madison, the group of people who tried to kidnap you at the airport when you returned to the country has been caught. It was related to that stalking case from three years ago. Unfortunately, the clues all point to your adoptive parents and also… your husband-in- name.” Chapter 2 Birthday

Madison remained silent for a moment.

After a while, she spoke casually. “Well, thankfully, nothing happened to me, and I’m lucky to have

found you all. Since they raised me, I will let it go.”

She would consider it a repayment to them for years of raising her.


It seemed like the person on the other end still wanted to say something, but there was a sudden knock

on the door.

Madison ignored the person outside the door and continued talking on the phone. “Joe, I know what

you want to say. But I don’t want to stir up trouble now. I just want nothing to do with them in the future!”

Not to mention that nothing came out of the kidnapping incident, even if there were clues, the Hale

family and Leo could easily deny being involved in it. Without substantial evidence, it would be more

trouble than it was worth.

Moreover, considering the character of the Hale family, if they knew Madison’s biological parents

belonged to the Daves family, they would likely use raising her for twenty years as a reason to demand

stuff from the Daves family continuously.

Thus, Madison just wanted to divorce as soon as possible and to sever ties with the Hale family

completely. Even if her identity were known to the Hale family in the future, it wouldn’t cause trouble for

her brothers.

The knocking on the door became urgent.

Madison decided not to speak further on the matter. “Alright, Joe. I have something on. Let’s talk later.”

She hung up the call.

She didn’t open the door immediately. When the knocking became even more impatient, she slowly

combed through her unsightly bangs and walked over lazily.

When the door opened, the man who was standing outside still had his hand raised. His face showed

obvious impatience.

Madison raised her eyes and spoke in a gentle voice, “Is there anything else?”

It was only four words, but it conveyed a sense of distance.

Leo unconsciously furrowed his eyebrows. He dropped his hand and spoke indifferently, “Tomorrow is

Sally’s birthday. There’s a party at the Hale family. Make time. I’ll come back in the afternoon to bring

you there.”

Madison blinked.

‘Sally,’ she thought, scoffing silently. ‘He called her so affectionately.’

She smiled. “Alright. Is there anything else?”

Leo looked at her. Her black hair hid her beautiful face, and he could not detect any emotions from her.

It seemed as though she calmly accepted the decision.

A strange sense of frustration welled up in him. As he was about to turn around, he said, “There’s

nothing else. Rest early.”

“Hold on,” Madison called him.

She entered the room and quickly returned. She was holding onto the divorce papers he had given her

just minutes ago and handing them to him.

“I’ve already signed them. You can take care of the procedures when you have time. As for the papers,

you can send them to me after that. My address is on the last page,” Madison told him.

Leo had been absent on the day that they registered their marriage. With his capability, it should be an

even more straightforward task now that they were getting a divorce.

Leo looked at the documents she was holding out to him. He shifted his gaze to her overly calm face

and saw no sadness or grief.

His Adam’s apple darted. His voice became hoarse. “Didn’t we agree to wait a few days?”

“Whether we wait or not, the result is the same, right?” she asked.

Madison’s hand grew tired from holding up the papers, so she directly thrust them to Leo. “Besides,

tomorrow is Sally’s birthday. She would be happy if she knew about this,” she added.

Leo was caught off guard and slowly took the papers.

Lowering his head, he asked, “What about you?”

“What?” she questioned. His voice was soft, so Madison couldn’t hear him clearly.

“Nothing,” he said.

He put away the documents, regained his composure, and looked at Madison’s face. He said, “Rest


Madison took a step back. “You too,” she replied.

As the words fell, the door slammed shut in front of the man.

Leo looked at the tightly closed door, his expression extremely dark.

Madison’s faint smile still lingered in his mind. He glanced at the document in his hand, then turned and


Madison received a call from the Hale family the next day.

Ramona Hale inquired indirectly about the marriage between her and Leo, trying to be subtle as she

went about it.

Madison didn’t try to hide from the Hale family and straightforwardly stated, “Ramona, Leo gave me a

divorce agreement last night, and I’ve already signed it.”

Since Sally’s return, she had been scolded by the Hale family’s parents for addressing them Dad and

Mum. If it weren’t for the alliance with the Palmer family and the reputation of both families, Madison

might have been kicked out of the family at once.

However, even if she hadn’t been kicked out then, her life during those years had not been easy.

Upon hearing that Madison had already signed the divorce agreement, Ramona’s tone, which had

been cautiously polite, changed instantly. Ramona became arrogant and contemptuous and spoke as

though she was generous, doing Madison a favor. “It’s Sally’s birthday today. Come over in the evening

so you can broaden your horizons.”

Madison lowered her gaze, concealing the coldness in her eyes. She replied, “Alright.”

After giving the order, Ramona should have hung up as usual.

But today, Ramona paused and added sarcastically and with a hint of warning, “Edgar was confused in

the past and made a mistake by insisting you and Leo be together. But now, aren’t we back on the right

track? Madison, don’t be upset over this. Your status is low, and you aren’t compatible with the Palmer

family. If it weren’t for your fortunate adoption by our family for a few years, you probably wouldn’t have

had the chance to step into the threshold of a wealthy family. You might have even died on the street

someday. Moreover, if it weren’t for you, Sally wouldn’t have been wandering out there for so many

years, suffering from illness. You should remember to be grateful. Although her condition has stabilized,

Sally can’t stand any provocation. As her sister, you owe her so much. It’s only right for you to give in to


With these words, Ramona successfully degraded Madison. Madison’s life was threatened, and

Ramona also used their raising her as a means of manipulating her. However, back then, Madison was

just a baby. If it weren’t for the earthquake and being mistakenly carried off by a nurse at the hospital,

she would have been the pampered heiress of the top-tier Daves family.

“I understand,” Madison responded calmly as she finished tidying her suitcase.

There was nothing else of hers in the villa. She entered this place with a single suitcase and would

leave with one as well.

Ramona snorted coldly and hung up the phone.

Outside the villa, a car horn suddenly sounded.

Leo didn’t get out of the car. He directly called Madison. Two succinct and indifferent words came from

him. “Come downstairs.”

Chapter 1101 Getaway motorcycle

This class was the most torturous class Charlotte had ever attended.

The professor teaching the class seemed to be very familiar with Joe, calling on him to answer


Joe confidently stood up and answered all the questions correctly.

As a result, the gazes directed at Charlotte and Joe became increasingly ambiguous. Charlotte glared


Joe in annoyance. novelbin

Joe quickly leaned in and whispered, “You wanted to ride that motorcycle, right? After class, we’ll go.


about that?”

Enter title…

Charlotte’s eyes immediately lit up, “Really?”

Joe nodded and resisted the urge to ruffle her hair.

Finally, when the class ended, Charlotte didn’t give her classmates a chance to gossip and swiftly


Joe out. “They didn’t follow us,” she said, relieved, as they reached a pavilion.

Joe looked at Charlotte with a hint of helplessness, “Do you really not want people to see us together?”

Charlotte rolled her eyes at him, “Don’t you know your own charm? If those who admire you see us

together, I’m afraid they’ll tear down my dormitory bed.”

Joe looked at her for a moment and suddenly asked, “What about you?”

Charlotte looked at him in confusion, “What do you mean?”

“I have many admirers, are you one of them?” Joe asked Charlotte directly.

Charlotte shook her head straightforwardly.

Joe wasn’t surprised by her answer, just smiled wryly and didn’t say anything more.

He handed Charlotte a pink helmet, “Get on the motorcycle.”

Charlotte was surprised that he had prepared a helmet for her, and upon closer inspection, it seemed


be a matching couple’s helmet.

“What’s wrong?” Joe raised an eyebrow at her.

His teasing look was too obvious, so Charlotte gritted her teeth and put on the pink helmet.

What’s the big deal about a couple’s helmet?

Joe’s lips curved into a faint smile as he revved the motorcycle and sped off.

Charlotte, wearing the pink helmet, sat on the back of the motorcycle, feeling the wind rushing past her


As the motorcycle weaved through traffic, Charlotte silently held onto Joe’s waist, feeling the muscles

beneath her palms.

A mischievous glint flashed in Charlotte’s eyes as her fingers unconsciously moved around Joe’s waist,

but she was quickly caught by Joe.

“That’s dangerous!” Joe warned sternly.

Charlotte quickly straightened up and behaved herself.

The two of them quietly savored the wind and the feeling of freedom.

“What are you thinking?” Charlotte couldn’t help but ask.

Joe smiled slightly, “I’m thinking, what’s the use of so many people’s admiration? As long as I have one

person’s heart, that’s enough.”

Although he didn’t specify, Charlotte knew he was referring to her.

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