Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love

Chapter 659 The Second Rejection in His Life

Chapter 659 The Second Rejection in His Life 

Yvonne recognized the woman. She was Ariel’s manager, Jodie.

Yvonne only spared one glance at Jodie before looking at the program department staff once more. “Can we change it?”

The staff looked rather troubled. “Ms. Miller, you and Boaz are perfect for our script. If we change it, it will be a great loss to the entire program department.”

Before this, the program department had already had a meeting. They all voted for Yvonne to be paired with Boaz.

Their fame aside, the two were quite a good match Just based on their looks alone.

At that moment, the program staff were naturally reluctant to change it at the last minute.

“Ms. Miller, I’ll be honest with you. We have already cast every character for each episode. The shoot starts in less than two weeks. Changing this at the last minute is really an inconvenience. Could you just do us a favor?”

The staff was just a young lady who looked like she had just started working. If things were to change, she would surely be scolded by her superiors.

Yvonne caved in. “Alright, forget about it. I’ll go and look at the script more in detail. You said that I could make changes to the script. Don’t go back on your word.”

The young lady smiled widely. “Of course you can! Don’t worry! We’ll edit out the parts you’re not happy with.”

Yvonne reluctantly agreed. She planned to go through the script in detail when she got home and edit out the parts that were too intimate.

Boaz smiled when he saw Yvonne agreeing. “It’s my honor to be able to work with you, Ms. Miller.”

Yvonne returned the smile out of courtesy, but she sighed inside. She didn’t know if she was lucky or unlucky to be working with him.

Jodie, who had been outside the door, stunned, finally noticed what was happening.

Boaz was going to work with Yvonne on Nation’s Jewelry! On top of that, Yvonne didn’t seem very happy about it!

Jodie had initially just dropped by to say hello to Boaz. She’d never thought that she would be able to receive such shocking news!

How was Yvonne so lucky? Her first TV program was with a celebrity like Boaz!

On the contrary, Ariel’s chance of being able to be on Nation’s Jewelry was thanks to QT. Jodie couldn’t help but feel defeated.

Jodie only came to her senses after the staff called her a few times.

She finally responded, “N-nothing. I was just here to say hello to Boaz, Ariel wants to treat him to a meal.”

Hearing that. Boaz looked at Yvonne instead. “It’s almost mealtime. Do you have the time to join me for a meal? My treat.”

“There’s no need.” Yvonne found a random excuse. “I’m meeting someone later.”

“What a pity.”

Boaz had been rejected for the second time in such a short time. He truly couldn’t understand whether Yvonne was just bad at people skills or heartless.

Jodie was equally dejected too. Seeing how Boaz’s attention was on Yvonne, Jodie found an excuse to leave. She didn’t need to stay around and humiliate herself further.

Returning to the room next door. Jodie slumped on the chair next to Ariel and recounted everything to her. novelbin

“Don’t you think Yvonne is doing this on purpose? She knew I was your manager and that I wanted to get close to Boaz, so she rejected him to mock us.

“She’s trying to tell us that she could get whatever she wants and reject whoever she wants. Those are the things that we could never get

no matter how hard we tried.”

Jodie had thought that Ariel would be disappointed. She was surprised to see the excitement in Ariel’s eyes.

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