Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 145 - A Fierce Battle (6)

Chapter 145: A Fierce Battle (6)
Translator: Sissy That Walk
Seeing that, Murong Xiong walked to Murong Qingyan with a smirk, “Murong Qingyan, as I said earlier, don’t count on the Earth Ore to save your life, look who is the loser now! Stealing family treasure alone made you a traitor in our family, and I can do whatever to a traitor, including finishing her life!”josei

Murong Qingyan didn’t looked defeated, her eyes were sparkled and she replied, “Murong Xiong, don’t get too carried away, mind you I’m a young girl who is only in Melting Level, and you old thing is in Azoth Level. Aren’t you ashamed for what you have done to me?”

“Murong Qingyan, cut it off, I know what you are doing, you are spreading fallacies to deceive people, you are trying to get some sympathy, aren’t you?” Murong Xiong sneered, “It won’t work! How I regret for not strangling you to death when you were born!”

Murong Xiong got so emotional when he spoke of this, “My son Xizhao died because of you, you are a jink to the whole family.”

“No!” hearing what Murong Xiong said, Murong Qingyan raised her head abruptly, “No, my parents are still alive, they are just missing!”

Murong Qingyanwas not sure whether it was her or the original owner of the body, she was so emotional at the moment that she was shaking. Murong Xizhao and Chen Ruoshui are perfect parents, they showed love and care to Murong Qingyan. And Murong Qingyan firmly believed they were still alive, it was just a matter of time before they could reunite.

“I’m afraid you don’t really trust that, do you? You are just saying that to make yourself feel better!” said Murong Xiong coldly, “You know it very well, just like everyone else, they are dead because of you!”

“No, they are still alive!” rejected Murong Qingyan.

“You know what, soon you will meet them in the other world.” was the reply.

Something unexpected happened! Murong Qingyan was oozing overwhelming killing intent, she was glowing..

Murong Xiong did not see that coming, he was pushed back a few steps by the intimidating power.

So did everyone else.

“Amida Buddha, is she… is she advancing?” cried out someone in alarm.

Everyone gasped at that crying, they stared at Murong Qingyan in unison.

They witnessed how this girl who was a spent force already now was advancing continuously.

Initial stage of Heartbeat Level, medium stage of Heartbeat Level, advanced stage of Heartbeat Level … …

She finally stopped at the advanced stage of Azoth Level.

No one had even heard a similar story before, this was absolutely mind blowing, no one could advance continuously! The process was so smooth that it appeared as Murong Qingyan had been inhibiting her real strength, and just now she was merely displaying what she had got.

Murong Qingyan’s eyes were scarlet red when she opened her eyes, hatred filled her eyes. She ascended to the sky, “Murong Xiong, don’t you dare to mention my parents in front of me!”

“From this day on, I’m no longer a Murong, I have nothing to do with you and your family, and vice versa! What happens to your family has nothing to do with me, either!”

She spoke with her Spiritual Power, it rang in the whole capital city.

Murong Xiong and the elders looked resentful.

“Everyone, attack!” Murong Xiong was too desperate to pay any attention to morality and justice, “Kill her today, at all costs!”

Murong Xiong knew if he granted Murong Qingyan a slim chance of survival this day, he would spend every single day regretting about this decision, if he was still alive.

All the spectators joined the fight, they also knew this was no laughing matter, it would be too risky to let Murong Qingyan walk out of the hall alive, so everyone was giving it all in the fight.

Murong Qingyan was clearly provoked by Murong Xiong’s remarks about her parents, she was defending and attacking like a mad person, she was in a killing frenzy.

Murong Qingyan also had no clue why she advanced to Azoth Level, she was going to hide in her space before Murong Xiong mentioned her parents, but right after she heard Murong Xiong said her parents were dead, she felt like she was dominated by a force that was hibernating in her body, and she just kept advancing.

Murong Qingyan was a fierce fighter, but this was an unfair gang fight and Murong Qingyan was losing the upper hand.

Murong Rui, Murong Xin and Murong Li exchanged a look and launched an attack at Murong Qingyan at the same time, Murong Qingyan was hit.

Murong Qingyan felt like she was too weak to fight back, she was even too weak to hide in her space, but she felt like she fell into a warm chest.

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