Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Why?
On the top floor of more than ten stories building, a woman with a stunning beauty was standing on the edge of the fence.A gust of wind blew passed in her body and it seems that she is shaky. In such a situation, a person will feel scared to see such a scene.However, the woman looks pale but her face doesnt show a trace of panic as if she is just standing on the ground.

In the opposite side of the woman, there were three people. They are a middle-aged couple and a young man.If you will look closely, you will notice that the three people and the beautiful womans face somewhat look similar.

Qingyan, we dont really want to do this. The middle-aged woman looked at the beautiful woman with some guilt on her face, but looks more determine: As long as you are willing to give up your grandfathers Medical Classic Book, then we are still a family.

Rong Qingyan, you dont need to be stubborn. The middle-aged man apparently doesnt feel any guilty on what they are doing, You are a girl, so the family has no future in you.The Medical Classic Book is the familys treasure and should be inherited by Rong Jie.

The young man didnt say anything, but his eyes that have full of disdain were staring at the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman that was looking at them is Rong Qingyan. She couldnt help but show an ironic smile: Family? I didnt know that a so called family will force their loved ones to die. Today is really an eye opener for me!

Yes, the three people that were standing opposite to her is her family.

Thinking about the wordfamily, Rong Qingyan found it funny.

All along, she and her family are not very close. But tToday, she suddenly received a call from her mother and said that she wanted her to go home for dinner.She came, but she didnt think that it was just a trap.They wanted to have the Medical Classic Book that her grandfather left.Unfortunately, they got the wrong person.

We didnt mean to hurt you, The middle-aged woman said, We just want thatMedical Classic Book.

Well, we dont need to reply to her nonsense. The young man is Rong Qingyans younger brother. He impatiently said: Rong Qingyan, if you dont give me theMedical Classic Booktoday, then dont blame for doing this.

Thinking about his deceased grandfather, Rong Jie couldnt help but felt a burst of resentment.Obviously, he is the first-born son of Rong Family. But, Rong Qingyan is the only grandchild in the old mans eyes. Rong Qingyan becomesa world-renowned physician, but not because the old man passed the Medical Classic Book to her.

There is noMedical Classic Book. Rong Qingyan said coldly. Whether you believe me or not theMedical Classic Bookhas long been lost. Even grandfather have not seen it.josei

Whether those three people believe her or not is not important, but what she said is true.Her skill in medicine is what shes learned from her grandfather and not from the so-calledMedical Classic Book.

Rong Qingyan, you better admit it now. Rong Jies eyes turn red in anger, he suddenly took out a pistol and directly pointed it to Rong Qingyan: I tell you, if you dont give it to me then you no longer need to live.

Jie, what are you doing? The middle-aged woman got scared when she look at the gun in Rong Jies hand: We only need to get theMedical Classic Book. Qingyan is still your elder sister.

Mom, dont stop me. Rong Jie didnt even look at his mother.

The middle-aged woman still want to say something, but was stop by the middle-aged man: Let this matter be solved by himself!

Obviously, the middle-aged man agreed with his way.

The middle-aged womans mouth shut and didnt say anything anymore.

Looking at her so-called family, Rong Qingyans eyes flashed a trace of sadness. She didnt expect that her life will justend like this.If shes in a normal situation, she can easily just leave. But now, she was drugged and have no strength. It seems that today is really her last.

Rong Qingyan, you have to think clearly. Rong Jie sneered, If you just tell me, then you dont need to pay with your life. Anyway, thatMedical Classic Bookhave been with you for so long. So, with your excellent memory, you could recite them all, right?

Although his mouth say so, but his heart simply wont let her go. One mountain cannot have two tigers. If he got thatMedical Classic Book he wouldnt let Rong Qingyan continueto live in this world. Otherwise, he wont get a chance to become a popular physician.

No means no. Hearing her words, Rong Jies eyes flash with an intent to kill.

Rong Qingyan really has nothing in her hand, but even if she have it she wouldnt hand it over.

You choose the hard way ah! Rong Jie looked at coldly to the beautiful woman across him and said: Then dont blame me!

Having said that, Rong Jie didnt hesitate to pull the trigger.

Bang -, the bullet quickly pass toward Rong Qingyan.

Rong Qingyan subconsciously wants to avoid it.However, she is standing on the edge of the top floor, but in a flash, she directly fell down.

Finally, she saw the proud look on Rong Jies face, as well the apologetic look with her so-called parents, but didnt even bother to stop him.

Do they really think, that when she diedthey will get everything? Regardless of theMedical Classic Bookor her accumulated properties.These people wont get a single penny.

At this moment, Rong Qingyan didnt notice that the bracelet in her hand flashed a faint light.

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