Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 389: Too Cute to Let Go!

"What's the problem?" Lian Xi ambled over to Liu Yingying, her voice soft as a whisper.

"You remember, don't you? During the day, Primordial Son Huyan Luo sent us an invitation to his birthday feast. He even mentioned that a top-notch Immortal will be sharing some wisdom on the sword," Liu Yingying spoke, twisting her waist, hands clasped behind her back, looking a tad awkward.

"Oh, right." Lian Xi pondered for a moment. "I've decided against going. No time."

"No time?" Liu Yingying's lips quivered, a hint of urgency in her tone. "An Immortal sharing knowledge is a golden chance. Folks are tripping over themselves for an invite."josei

"Let's pass this golden ticket to someone else then." Lian Xi had already met one of those Three True Immortals today. They were scrambling over the Nine Hells, how could they zip back just to lecture at some great-grandson's birthday? With that, she turned to leave.

"Lian Xi!" Liu Yingying quickly grabbed her arm.

"Yingying!" Lian Xi's voice turned icy as she jerked her arm free. "How many times must I say, don't touch me."

"Oh… sorry, slipped my mind." Liu Yingying withdrew her hand, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"It's fine, it's fine." Lian Xi's heart softened. "I should be the one apologizing. I was too harsh."

Silence fell between them for a moment.

Liu Yingying dabbed at her eyes, asking, "So, you're really not going?"

"Not going," Lian Xi confirmed.

"Alright then, I'll go alone," Liu Yingying said, biting her lip.

"Why go alone?" Lian Xi massaged her temples, exasperated.

"I'd rather not, but dad insists. He wants me to make friends... Given our past, with rumors branding you a disaster, our family made enemies. Now that you've made a name for yourself, he sees this as an opportunity... The Primordial Son's gathering will attract many distinguished gentlemen," Liu Yingying explained, seemingly resigned.

Lian Xi frowned slightly. "But isn't it risky for you to go alone?"

"Risky? The Primordial Son's friends are all respectable. They wouldn't dare cause a scene," Liu Yingying shook her head.

"It's a mixed bag out there, hard to predict," Lian Xi countered.

"You see the world in too grim a light. I'll be fine on my own, trust me. We've been like sisters for years. You know I have good fortune, always bumping into benefactors."

With a forced smile, Liu Yingying waved at Lian Xi. "Well, I better get ready. I'll wear that dress you gave me last time; it's stunning."

"Hold on!" Lian Xi looked up, resigned, "Alright, I'll come with you."

"Really?" Liu Yingying's forced smile blossomed into genuine radiance.

"Well," Lian Xi heaved a sigh, "I did promise to keep you safe, didn't I?"

"Exactly," Liu Yingying huffed, "I thought that pretty boy had bewitched you, making you forget your old sister."

"Don't you talk about him like that," Lian Xi said, all stern.

"Eh?" Liu Yingying gasped, whispering, "Is he still here?"

"Yep." Lian Xi pointed inside the Divine Dawn Pavilion, "He's staying here now. Next time you visit, dress warm!"

"What?" Liu Yingying peeked inside and, sure enough, saw Yun Xiao meditating. Her eyes widened in disbelief, "Lian Xi, are you... living together?"

"Yep," Lian Xi nodded earnestly. "No more separations."

"Have you lost your mind? Who is he, exactly?" Liu Yingying was baffled.

"The celestial brother from my dreams, quite the looker," Lian Xi said with a shy chuckle.

Liu Yingying was speechless. She stewed for a good while before finally leaning in, whispering, "Please, don't let anyone fool you."

"He's not fooling me," Lian Xi said calmly.

"No!" Liu Yingying took a deep breath, her face serious, "Do you realize how esteemed you are now? The line of young men from the Primordial Ruins wanting to woo you could stretch to the Forgotten Demon Seas. From the highborn to the prodigies, the pick of the litter is yours..."

"Stop right there," Lian Xi's pretty face turned frosty, "Say one more word, and I'll be mad."

"Lian Xi..." Liu Yingying was fraught with worry. She glanced at Yun Xiao, her expression turning icy, "I'm saying this for your good. Cultivators don't need partners. You can reach the heavens on your own. It's fine if you don't like men, but there's no need to pick someone at random as a shield. It'll only lower your standing and invite ridicule. It hurts you, and him, causing unnecessary turmoil."

"What are you on about? I really like him. For real," Lian Xi insisted.

"Crazy," Liu Yingying was visibly upset, her chest heaving with anger. She bit her lip, pleading, "Please, can we not be love-blind? What good is he besides his looks? He's not even at the Genesis Spirit Realm, barely in the Heaven Sanctuary Realm. I'm mediocre at best in the Primordial Academy, and he's about my age, yet not even on my level... Don't let a moment's impulse ruin your future."

"Enough," Lian Xi glared at her, her voice icy, "This is the last time. If you keep badmouthing him, don't bother coming around. It's annoying."

Liu Yingying was struck dumb. She stared at the stubborn, obstinate Lian Xi, lost for words.

"I'm sorry," she finally lowered her head, swallowing her confusion and indignation, choking up, "Lian Xi, I was wrong to blabber. Please, don't leave me behind."

Lian Xi took a deep breath, squeezing out a smile, "I won't, sis."

"I truly care about you, wanting only the best. These years haven't been easy for you, your achievements hard-won. You've earned respect and reverence. I fear one wrong step could ruin it all," Liu Yingying lamented.

"Easy now," Lian Xi paused, "Just trust me on this."

"Mm..." Liu Yingying looked at her, her eyes still tinged with resignation. It was undeniable. But she recognized that the girl before her was no longer the scruffy little thing her father had taken in. She had grown up.


Inside the Divine Dawn Pavilion, Yun Xiao was lost in his own world.

"Merge the Dao Heart with the Fate Ocean, and from the Heaven Sanctuary, the Genesis Spirit is born."

The crucial step from the Fate Ocean Realm to the Heaven Sanctuary Realm involved etching the Dao Heart onto the Dantian, elevating its strength.

After half an hour of meticulous work, Yun Xiao had inscribed a tapestry of worldly life onto the inner wall of his Dantian.

This tapestry, drawn stroke by stroke with his own hand, wasn't just an ordinary scene. It depicted not only the common folk but also the sins, abysses, demons, devils, and the dark hearts of men...

The paths he had trodden, the mournful songs of the Seven Prodigies of Azure Spirit, the Forbidden Tower within the Sea of Swords littered with corpses, the demon hordes of the Northern Wastelands, the battlegrounds of the Heavenly Realm, the fierce clashes in the Nine Hells... all were etched into this tapestry.

Each figure, each expression, was brought to life with vivid detail.

This was a part of his Worldly Dao Heart. As his Dao Heart grew, so too did his cultivation transform rapidly.

Blue Star and Red Moon had refined almost one billion Immortal Jades to create countless enhanced Heavenly Dao Sariras!

As Yun Xiao entered a high-energy state, engrossed in inscribing his Dao Heart onto the walls of his Dantian, the sacred power within his Nine Suns Dantian also surged, breaking through and strengthening continuously.

Soon, the inner wall of his Dantian was adorned with a complex tapestry, shining brightly.

"Breaking through three stages in one go, reaching the Late Heaven Sanctuary Realm."

But that was just the realm. With Yun Xiao's current combat prowess, he could take on a significant portion of those in the Genesis Spirit Realm.

"Not relying on my body double or Blood Base, I've got some real strength now."

Despite the rapid advancements, breaking through several stages at once, Yun Xiao understood well that cultivation couldn't be rushed. He was still using the War Princess to keep an eye on those Three True Immortals!

"The resources of the Nine Hells are nearly spent. Next, I'll need to rely on Lian Xi, using the Primordial Ruins as a stepping stone."

Yun Xiao had his eyes on the prize! The Nian, he aimed to conquer! The Immortal Asylum, he sought to claim! Any challenger in his path was asking for trouble. No matter who dared, they were all fair game.

"Intruding on my turf, eyeing my treasures? Don't blame me when I return the favor, raiding your stronghold." He steadied his breath, plotting his next moves.

First off, securing his spot as a disciple at the Primordial Academy was key, allowing him to operate in broad daylight. The upcoming academy examination was crucial.

Still getting the lay of the land in the Primordial Ruins, Yun Xiao wasn't quite sure where he stood with his current might.

While catching his breath, he glanced outside.

"Liu Yingying." He saw Lian Xi chatting with a slender girl in a pink dress, ripe as a peach and just as tempting.

But Yun Xiao, no stranger to such sights, remained unphased. His gaze lingered on Lian Xi's figure… Pure, ethereal, otherworldly, youthful, tender... ahem! Right up his alley!

"How do I bring Chen Xi back?" Yun Xiao murmured.

"Slice open her heart, infuse it with the Transcending Calamity Crystal," Blue Star suggested.

"What?" Yun Xiao blinked, "Slice open her heart? Wouldn't Lian Xi die?"

"Exactly, she's meant to die," Blue Star retorted with wide eyes.

"No!" Yun Xiao clenched his teeth, "I'm serious, no jokes."

"I'm not joking either," Blue Star crossed his arms, "The Transcending Calamity Crystal in your hand is Chen Xi's lifeline. Her revival means the demise of another Transcending Calamity Incarnation, doesn't it?"

Yun Xiao fell silent.

"There's got to be another way, right?" he probed.

"What, got a new flame and forgot the old? Or is it because this one's a year younger, seems cuter?" Blue Star teased, "No need to hide it, you're not some lovestruck fool. Face your worldly heart honestly."

Yun Xiao shook his head. "I just think it's wrong to save one life at the expense of another."

"What if it meant sacrificing Liu Yingying for Chen Xi's return?" Blue Star leaned in, pressing, "Don't overthink it, just answer from the heart."

"I'd do it on the spot." Yun Xiao nodded.

"So, you're just finding this one too adorable to let go." Blue Star chuckled

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