I’m Really Scared

Chapter 12: Hes a good man

Not long ago, a certain residential house not far from Guan Shan’s home had been arranged as a temporary base for the Special Security Group’s operations.

The three members of the first team of the Unitary Brigade of the Special Security Group, the psychoanalyst of the Logistics Department, plus the instructor Xia Lei, a total of five people.

Special Security Group had a total of 22 teams, named after the Heavenly stems and Earthly branches.

Of the twelve brigades of the Earth branch, the first six were special warfare units, and the last six are teams of ability users, with the former responsible for supporting the latter.

The You brigade is one of them. The brigade director was Xia Lei, a B-class ability user.

Each brigade was divided into four teams, the first team was the strongest in combat by default, followed by the second and third.

The fourth team was composed of criminals who had been recruited, each of whom wore a special locator – a black self-destructing collar.

Although simple and a little brutal, the tasks that require these criminals were usually also very dangerous, and the aftermath won’t be a hassle.

This time because the third team collapsed, so naturally, the first team was sent to carry out the task.

Xia Lei was relaying Lin Shuman’s observations to the psychologist.

The latter was a quiet woman with glasses and long dark straight hair. She used a computer to sort the observations into different categories, nodding her head from time to time before finally expressing her own opinions.

Xia Lei pondered: “So from the looks of things, his personality is on the positive side, perhaps even more upright and patient than the average ordinary person.”

The psychologist nodded and said solemnly: “Yes, in today’s test, I applied a total of three pressures, creating a situation that was enough to make a normal person’s anger explode.”

“But he didn’t back down, he didn’t lose his head, nor did he show any signs of using his ability. Instead, he used the photos to prove himself to the other party…Of course, this is just as expected.”

Xia Lei wondered: “Was there no sign of using his ability? But at that time Jiang Siyan obviously had a look of fear.”

The psychologist shook her head and said, “That wasn’t a sign of using an ability, but just a subconscious deterrent.”josei

“But it can be seen from this that he did not suffer from memory loss or personality switching, nor was he replaced. It was indeed him last night.”

“In short, my detailed evaluation report is here. I will upload it later. You can check it out by yourself. After that, we will test his other aspects.”

The psychologist worked on her computer and slid to an evaluation interface.

A gradient color bar that covered all colors from white to black and looked impressive also had a hazard level marked below.

“For now, I think he can be marked as green, his personality is absolutely safe.”

The psychologist made a conclusion.


Xia Lei looked at the green on the screen and smiled bitterly: “He killed 17 people in one-hour last night, even if they were puppets that had been deeply parasitized, before any blood sampling and analysis, just looking at it with the naked eyes. You wouldn’t be able to tell.”

The psychologist nodded: “Indeed.”


Xia Lei waited for a long time, and couldn’t hold back: “Nothing else?”

The psychologist shrugged: “I only speak facts that can be obtained within the scope of my profession. Personality-wise he is indeed normal.”

She has a serious expression: “In short, he’s a good person.”


The psychologist paused, and then added: “He may indeed have schizophrenic tendencies, such as hallucinations, emotional separation, or other cognitive impairments, but the specifics would need to be tested for confirmation.”

Xia Lei nodded, although this was already obvious from the video last night —What normal person can shoot consecutive headshots while looking scared?

But Xia Lei was still inexplicably relieved.

There was no response from the energy level detector. If there are no more problems with the psychological assessment here and someone tells him that the target was an ordinary person, he would punch the wall…

Your family of ordinary people can tear apart D-class ability users?

Ability’s unknown, energy level’s unknown, but there is no problem with his background, and his personality analysis is chaotic…

This Guan Shan is just a big problem that appeared out of nowhere!

Xia Lei’s heart was a little tired: “Anyway, let’s start with that, Thank you for your hard work.”

In contrast to the two people who were “in the heat of the moment”, the three members of the first team sitting next to them seemed extremely silent.

But only on the surface.

In fact, they were conducting thoughtful group chats through the special headsets, and the topic naturally revolved around Guan Shan.

“Impressive, one hour to kill 17 people, and just as good as the previous murderous cultist, right? And yet he’s still considered green?”

Tang Zhi couldn’t help but spit out: “Even those few cannon fodder from team 4 haven’t killed that many people combined, right?”

Chen Pengyun, who was next to him, winked: “Why don’t you try to communicate with him, then we’ll know if he really has any problems or not.”

Tang Zhi said angrily: “Get lost! Do you think I’m stupid?”

Tang Zhi’s ability was of the trait system called “Interpretation”.

As the name suggests, he can communicate with the target and interpret their senses, memory, and emotions.

This kind of intercommunication can be one-way or two-way. The switch is in Tang Zhi’s hands, so he can use this to influence the other party or be affected by the other party.

Once backfired, the consequences are quite serious.

So, before Guan Shan’s energy level and abilities were determined, he would not try it easily.

Gao Ye, a girl with short black hair, who had been closing her eyes, opened them at this moment: “Stop arguing, there’s still a mission tonight, remember?”

Tang Zhi and Chen Pengyun replied immediately: “Yes, captain.”

“Clap clap.”

Xia Lei walked over, clapped his hands, saw all three of them looking over, and said sternly: “You all know why you are here today, right?”

Tang Zhi nodded immediately: “Understood, after the death of Zhao Hong and his wife who were the most complete experimental subject of “Sublimation Sugar”, the “Killer Bee” organization will probably target Guan Shan again.”

“On one hand, it’s for revenge, and on the other, Guan Shan has no energy level response, and is likely to be targeted to be used for experiments.”

Xia Lei nodded: “That’s right. The Killer Bee has been able to create D-class ability users through a drug called Sublimation Sugar, but we only found some fragmentary clues about their strongholds. Which is very unfavorable for us, using this opportunity, we must……”

Xia Lei’s expression suddenly sank: “We’ve lost contact with He Jiang! Vital signs have disappeared at the same time! They’re here!”

The three-person team suddenly changed color, and immediately took action, jumped out of the residence, and dashed towards the direction of the bus.

However, the next moment, they returned to their original place in a blur.

And Xia Lei had unexpectedly disappeared.

Tang Zhi and Chen Pengyun blanked out for a moment, and Gao Ye’s long and narrow eyes erupted with cold light.

“Space-type ability user?!”

Chen Pengyun was shocked: “The energy level detector attached to He Jiang’s collar, the signal that came from it showed that there were two ability users in the bus… a D-class and a C-class!”

【Plot loading completed! 】

【Three, two, one! Toot toot—the last bus departs! Welcome to the bus route ■■. This bus goes from earth to hell. Once the vehicle starts, the living stop. There is no end to this journey. Please sit still and hold on… Guess what will kill you? 】

【*Note: Only by killing the final BOSS will the simulation end! 】

The familiar mechanical voice was cold without ups and downs, and it seemed a little funny when it read the emotional opening.

But Guan Shan couldn’t laugh.

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