I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce

Chapter 1: Life Swap

Chapter 1 Interchange of Life

"The verdict is as follows: the defendant Gu Yan was convicted of deliberate murder and sentenced to death with a suspended execution..."

A woman in a prison uniform was sitting on the dock. Her beautiful face was pale at this time and her eyes were empty, as if she was a teenager overnight.

Until this moment, Gu Yan still didn’t want to believe that Lu Ye was really dead, and he was still dead on her operating table!

She always thought that she didn't love the man who was scornful, and said that she loved her and wanted to marry her.

But at this moment, Gu Yan felt that her heart hurts, and the pain was almost numb.

Seeing that Gu Yan was sentenced to death, everyone around him looked different.

Wearing a naked pink woolen coat with a proud face of Bai Weiyang, standing in the crowd, she hooked her mouth indifferently.

Gu Yan, are you satisfied with this death penalty gift package?

No, you can't just die just like that!

I still have a bigger gift package for you!

The trial ended and the criminal was sent to prison.

In the whole process, Gu Yan didn't say a word, letting the prison guard send her to the cell.

Waiting until the iron door closed, Gu Yan sank to the cold ground.

She curled up, her eyes were red, and she choked hard, but she couldn't shed a single tear.

When people are sad to the extreme, they can’t cry or cry.

The cell for death row prisoners is separate.

At this time, the sound of high-heeled shoes came from far and near, as if knocking on the human heart.

Bai Weiyang is now the army commander’s wife. She wants to see Gu Yan alone, the death row prisoner, easily.

When she saw Gu Yan, who was arrogant in the past, she was now curled up on the ground, like a dog, she felt more relaxed in her heart.

She smiled, "Gu Yan, how does it feel to kill someone you like by yourself?"

Gu Yan stopped sobbing, she slowly raised her head, looking at Bai Weiyang's triumphant face, her eyes blank.

Bai Weiyang lowered his voice and said, "By the way, I actually replaced the bottle of infusion secretly. It's just that, no one knew that I did it, because everyone saw that it was you who beat Lu Ye. The needle!"

Gu Yan's eyes suddenly widened!

The next moment, she staggered towards the door and slammed into the iron railing.

"Why?! Why did you kill Lu Ye!?"

"Because Lu Ye is obstructing Hao Ran's way. You can't understand the truth, Gu Yan, for the reason that you have no room for two tigers." Bai Weiyang held his chin proudly.

Gu Yan looked at the proud Bai Weiyang, gritted her teeth.

"I will avenge Lu Ye!"

"Oh, revenge? Gu Yan, you are no longer the respected military doctor. You are now a death row prisoner!"

The smile on Bai Weiyang’s face was very vicious, "Moreover, Gu Yan, you must die! Only when you die, I can do this Bai Weiyang steadily."

The doubt in Gu Yan's heart is getting bigger and bigger.

She clenched her fist and stared at Bai Weiyang, "Why?!"

"Because, you are Bai Weiyang! We were replaced by Zhang Lan when we were still in the infants. Gu Yan, how nice you are in the countryside! I want to come out! Even if you missed the college entrance examination, you still want to. I tried every means to enter the National Defense University! After graduation, I blocked you so much, but you still want to become a military doctor and fight against me everywhere! You robbed me of all my aura in the army, and you made Haoran fall in love with you! Say, how can I keep you alive?"

Gu Yan's body shook. She had never understood what she had done wrong before, and why her mother Zhang Lan hadn't waited for her since she was a child, prevented her from leaving the countryside, and asked her sister Gu Moli to replace her in the army!

even married her to the violent Wang Tiejiang who died of two daughters-in-law!

Even if she went into the city with great pains, she left her hometown, but everything was struggling!

Now Gu Yan finally understands that it is not her who is wrong, but life! ! !

Gu Yan's palm was broken. She gritted her teeth and looked at Bai Weiyang indifferently, "You said it all, aren't you afraid that I will reverse the case?"

"To reverse the case? You have to have your life to do it! Don't you like Lu Ye? I have poisoned you a long time ago. If you count the time, it should happen today. So you don't have to wait for the shooting, you can go with you. Lu Ye! You see how considerate I am and take care of you pair of fateful mandarin ducks, hahaha." Bai Weiyang laughed wildly, his facial features were distorted.

"You are vicious!" No wonder Gu Yan always felt that her body was not right in the past few days in jail. She always thought that she was caused by excessive sadness.

Now it seems that Bai Weiyang has poisoned her!

Bai Weiyang seemed to be dissatisfied, adding, "I tell you, Lu Ye didn't actually go to bed with Gu Jasmine. That was a scene I did with Jasmine, but you were really stupid and never listened to it. Lu Ye's explanation has been unwilling to accept him, hahaha."

Gu Yan suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the blood flowing from her forehead also blurred her eyes.

She is so stupid, she has been misunderstanding Lu Ye...historical

It’s just that now that I know everything, it’s too late.

Lu Ye is dead, she is going to die too.

She staggered, and she fell to the cold ground.

Blood and life, little by little, lost from her body.

Bai Weiyang’s arrogant laughter was in her ears.

Is it going to die like this? Are you leaving this world like this?

She is not reconciled! Not reconciled!

Suddenly a green light flashed, and Gu Yan vaguely seemed to see the jade pendant he had brought up since childhood, returning to his chest again.

She exhausted her last bit of effort to see clearly, but she couldn’t open her eyes anymore...

The world suddenly became quiet, and any person or thing was still at this moment.

Only an ethereal voice echoed in this huge space.

If you can do it again, would you like it?

...I, yes! ! !

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