I Ship My Adversary X Me

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Edited by Isalee


Not only had my fluff returned, it even brought its wife and child along.

If I didn’t see wrongly, this ring was Gu Yiliang’s own personal belonging. Also…

Gu Yiliang was personally putting the ring on me?!


The me yesterday had even arrogantly thought that I would be able to accept such fluff without a change in my expression.

I’m sorry. I had an extreme lack of self-awareness, and I overestimated myself.

Also, I didn’t understand Gu Yiliang properly, and underestimated him.

Looking at Gu Yiliang who had his head bowed while putting his ring on me, I held my breath for a long time.

What was air? What was breathing? These were all unnecessary. All I needed was to enjoy this fluff, and it was enough to sustain my body functions, allowing me to thrive on healthily to a great old age.


Enjoying fluff was too advantageous in preserving one’s health!

I really wanted to promote this sort of new way of living, offering such Niangzi fluff to everyone, and giving all citizens a true and honest delight!

This was definitely for the well-being of all people, not because I wanted to show off.


He first placed that ring on my index finger. Twisting it slightly, he gave a small frown. “It’s too loose.”

He then placed it on my middle finger, and before it even passed the second knuckle, he shook his head. “It won’t fit.”

Then he placed it straight onto my ring finger.

He no longer nitpicked at it, and spoke like an honest, proper man. “Mn, it’s done.”

Me: “…”

May I ask, how wildly have my hands been growing to have such uneven thickness?

In your eyes, do I have a pair of hands like Zhang Yide3


I felt that Gu Yiliang was working as the Pied Piper on the side. My vision became blurry, and my mind blanked out. By the time I recovered, I had already given him my money — no, I had already agreed to his request.

Gu Yiliang seemed ecstatic. “Alright, it’s a deal.”

I rested my forehead on my palm. “… No, wait, hold on.”

The corners of his lips immediately drooped down. He blinked, looking rather aggrieved. “Are you going to go back on your words?”

Me: “Please be a little more normal!!”


I descended into 3 minutes of contemplation, going through all his actions today.

Finally, I discovered where things felt wrong.

Within a day, with the strong foundation of an immense boyfriend material energy, he had displayed the pure and innocent love of youths, a gentle and responsible patience, a decisive adaptability when faced with problems, a behaviour like a crafty little imp, an overbearing firm possessiveness, an insolent flirtation mixed with gentleness…

From an overbearing president with a wicked charm to an adorkable puppy, how many roles had he successively gone through?!


I asked, “Have you been reading novels.”


He rubbed his nose.

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