I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 257 - 257:163 Wolf Alliance

Chapter 257:163 Wolf Alliance

Translator: 549690339

“Brother Zhou, what should we do? This demon is too strong!”

Ma Hua and Li Ye’s faces were tense.

They were no longer thinking about hunting the Wolf Demon transformed by Su Nan.

Nor did they think about taking advantage of this opportunity to gain a huge amount of contribution points.

What they needed to consider now was how to face the Wolf Demon’s attack next.

“Let’s quit the game first and then plan!” Zhou Cheng said unwillingly yet helplessly.

Having seen the terror of Su Nan, he knew that if he did not leave now, he might die here today.

Several people withdrew from the game, ready to wait again for the right opportunity.


According to the method in foresight, Su Nan pretended to be barely able to parry after the five Spirit Level Peak martial artists of Dianxing Sect took action. He resisted while fleeing the battlefield.

A moment later, several miles away from the Golden Rosy Clouds Tower, several martial artists glared at Su Nan.

“Demon, even if we die today, we will kill you!”

In their eyes, what was originally a good situation had been ruined by Su Nan’s Wolf Demon.

They were furious, and their eyes were filled with murderous intent towards Su Nan.

“Want to kill me? You’re still not there yet!”

Not wasting any time, Su Nan also didn’t hide his true strength anymore as there were no other people or demons around. He went all-out.

In Lang Thirteen’s side quest, killing martial artists also earned contribution points.

A few breaths later, his contribution points skyrocketed by 512 points, reaching 2,915 points!

Four Spirit Level Peak martial artists had each added 128 contribution points to him.

After consuming all the remaining Jade Essence Liquid, Su Nan quickly rushed towards the Martial King Temple.

More than two minutes later.

Martial King Temple.

There were no traces of players here at this time. All the players were either dead or had left the game.

There was only a group of martial artists struggling to survive.

Su Nan switched his role to Zhang Yang.

“Director Sir! It’s Director Sir!”

“Great! Director Sir is finally here, we’re saved!”

In front of the Martial King Temple, the Demon Hunting Bureau members who were already struggling to hold on were overjoyed to see Su Nan.

“Director Zhang, you have finally arrived.” Tian He finally let out a sigh of relief.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting.” Su Nan said apologetically, then looked at the crowd and said: “You don’t need to do anything. Leave it to me.”

With that, the Fire Power within his body surged out, striking the demons all around.

This was his first time using the Fire Power after refining his Li Fire Essence.

In his foresight, he already knew how powerful his Fire Power was, but only when he truly unleashed it did Su Nan discover that the Fire Power, boosted by the Li Fire Essence, was far more terrifying than he had imagined!

It wasn’t just Mortal Level demons; even Spirit Level demons would die upon contact!

Flames surged, turning into a Sea of Fire engulfing the demons, filling the air with a scorching heat, and screams echoing throughout.

“Why is Director Zhang’s fire so strong?” Tian He was amazed. Even though the flames were not directed at him, he felt a suffocating palpitation.

Su Nan rampaged.

Compared to the players at the Golden Rosy Clouds Tower, there were ten times fewer demons, but the contribution points gained were not less, but even more.

Eight or nine minutes later, after killing 620 Mortal Level demons and having a few dozen escape, Su Nan completed the task of hunting Mortal Level demons.

Most of these demons were at the Middle Mortal Stage and Late Mortal Stage, with only a small portion of them at the Peak of Mortal Level.

But even so, they still provided him with almost 1,600 contribution points.

And that’s not even counting the Spirit Level demons.

Out of over 150 Spirit Level demons, Su Nan managed to kill more than 120.josei

Most of them were Spirit-level Early-stage and Mid-stage Spirit-level demons.

Late-stage Spirit-level and Peak Spirit-level demons were few and far between.

But compared to Mortal-level demons, these Spirit-level demons provided even greater contribution points.

Spirit-level Early-stage 16 points, Spirit-level Mid-stage 32 points, Spirit-level Late-stage 64 points, Spirit-level Peak 128 points!

Just like with Mortal Level, every time a demon’s realm is raised, its demon power doubles!

More than 120 Spirit-level demons provided him with nearly 2,900 contribution points.

Adding the contribution points from the Mortal Level demons, Zhang Yang’s horrifying score reached 4,830 points!

This was nearly 1,900 points more than Lang Thirteen.

There were two of Zhang Yang’s three daily tasks completed today.

Other than the “Avenge the Former Executioner Chief” task, the task of hunting Mortal Level demons was completed upon arriving at the Martial King Temple.

On the contrary, the “Hunting the mastermind behind Chen Er Gou’s disappearance” task, was accidentally completed after killing a monkey-faced demon.

He earned a total of 20 Demon Power points, increasing his usable Demon Power to 86 points!

He can now once again promote a bloodline demon sutra to Great Perfection.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t have any spare bloodline demon sutras on him now.

“We can’t deal with him, let’s go quickly!”

Just like the situation in foresight.

During the process of several Peak Spirit-level demons besieging Su Nan, after eight demons were killed one after another, the remaining few Peak Spirit-level demons were finally terrified.

The strong desire to survive made them forget about the Demon Monarch’s order, and they scattered in all directions.

In this process, Su Nan specifically targeted the scaled warrior, successfully killing him.

“Is this really our Director Sir?”

“I’ve heard that our Director Sir has the power to kill Peak Spirit-level demons. But seeing it now, the rumor is true!”

“This isn’t just the ability to kill Spirit-level Peak demons, I’m afraid even Xuan Level Demons would be killed by Director Sir if they came!”

The crisis was averted.

However, the martial artists guarding the Martial King were dumbfounded, one by one, unable to recover from the shock of Su Nan’s strength for a long time..

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