I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 255 - 162: 2,500 Contribution Points 2

Chapter 255: Chapter 162: 2,500 Contribution Points 2

Translator: 549690339          —

Even so, two mid-stage Spirit-level demons were killed on the spot when their heads were pierced by the golden light!

Seeing this scene, a group of eagles hanging behind the demon army were both shocked and relieved.

Although they were also injured, their situation was much better than those demons at the forefront.

Could it be that Master knew the humans’ plan all along?”

Thinking about Su Nan again, several demons couldn’t help but have the same thought.

At this moment, Su Nan once again became mysterious in their hearts.

“Retreat! Retreat quickly!”

The group of demons became fearful, afraid that the same attack would happen again, and they quickly withdrew, leaving the sea of players in a blink of an eye.

Behind a huge rock a mile away, Su Nan saw this scene and smiled. It was time for him to make his appearance!

But before that, he had to gather some vitality first!

Bottles of Jade Essence Liquid were taken out and quickly swallowed by him.

Vitality can be temporarily stored in the body. He takes it now, so he won’t have any trouble later.

After swallowing ten bottles of Jade Essence Liquid in succession, feeling that the stored vitality in his body had reached its limit, he quickly went to the crowd.

Several breaths later, he had already arrived in front of everyone.

“Wolf Demon!”

“It’s the Wolf Demon from Sky Wolf Valley!”

Seeing Su Nan’s transformed Wolf Demon appear, tens of thousands of players were shocked.

Although most of them were new players, this was their first time encountering Su Nan’s Wolf Demon transformation.

But the daily information about the Wolf Demon on the forum still made them instinctively fearful.

“Huh? How can this guy cause such a big reaction from these Outsiders?”

When Su Nan appeared and brought about a change, the recently injured demon army was stunned.

They remembered that when they had just killed those Outsiders, they had only frightened them slightly, and not to the extent of the current situation.

Now that Su Nan had just arrived and hadn’t even taken action yet, he frightened tens of thousands of Outsiders,

They couldn’t understand why this was happening.

“Damn it! Why did this dog bastard come now!” Seeing Su Nan, Zhou Cheng was both surprised and angry.

As for Meng Feng and his group, and those who had their Qi Luck stripped by Su Nan earlier, they were even more furious, wishing they could tear Su Nan apart!

Zhou Cheng regretted, regretting that he had used his trump card so early just now!

But soon, looking at the densely packed players around him, he let out a sigh of relief and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He said quickly, “Don’t be afraid, everyone! With so many of us, even if he is a Xuan Level Demon, we can wear him out to death!”

Hearing his words, the originally panicked crowd instantly calmed down.

Looking at the other players around them, they all seemed eager to try and couldn’t help but want to take action.

-That’s right! With more than ten thousand of us, even if we spit at him, we can drown him!”

“Not to mention that he’s only a Spirit-level demon, even if he’s a Xuan-level demon, his strength is limited and there’s no way he can kill so many of us. Eventually, he will be killed by us!”

After being reminded by Zhou Cheng, more than ten thousand players finally came to their senses, and dozens of them rushed towards Su Nan first.

“Ignorant!” Su Nan sneered.

He didn’t waste any time and took action directly.

He approached the group of players, his fists swinging, and in an instant, two players were killed before they could react.

At the same time he killed two players, two consecutive prompts appeared:

[Congratulations! You have killed an Early-stage Mortal Level foreign guest

and gained 1 Task Contribution Point.]

“One contribution point?” Su Nan’s eyes lit up.

If a player with one bloodline integration was worth one contribution point, even if all 2,400 players he killed had only one bloodline, he would still have a total of 2,400 contribution points!

Enough to open the highest-level exchange mall!

The contribution leaderboard appeared before his eyes, but his contribution

points on the leaderboard didn’t change at all.

However, there was a change on his Branch Task.

[Branch Task: Attack Golden Dawn Tower]

[Task Difficulty: 3 stars]

[Task Rewards: 2 Contribution Points.]

[Reminder: Contribution points for this sideline task will be settled in one time

at the end of the task or when the player dies.]

“Settled in one go?” Su Nan glanced casually and didn’t mind it.

At this moment, the other players finally reacted, shouting to surround Su Nan.

“Kill! Kill this damned Wolf Demon!” Dozens of players shouted,

Unfortunately, the louder they shouted, the faster they died.

Under Su Nan’s attack, these players were no different from ants. They were as good as dead the moment they touched his fists.

The very instant they were hit by his fists, they were killed before they could even quit the game.josei

In just a few breaths, dozens of players were killed.

“How can he be so powerful?”

Although Su Nan had only killed a few dozen players, the several Peak

Spirit-level demons who were leading the attack noticed a problem.

He was fast, too fast.

The speed at which Su Nan killed players was even faster than theirs.

Time passed, and in just one minute, the number of players who had fallen under Su Nan’s feet had reached two hundred.

Seeing him so fierce, hundreds of demons were also eager to act.

Noticing the change in the group of demons, Su Nan directly said, “None of you are allowed to take action. I’ll deal with these Extra-Terrestrial Guests!”

“You’ll deal with all of them?”

“Arrogant! Even the Xuan-level King wouldn’t dare to claim he could kill so many Outsiders by himself.”

“Could it be that this little guy thinks that just because he’s Tiger Emperor’s little brother, he’s invincible in the world?”

Hearing Su Nan’s words, hundreds of demons were unsettled, and they all looked at Su Nan like he was an idiot..

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