I Like Your Pheromones

Chapter 5 - Teacher’s Office

Chapter 5 – Teacher’s Office

The corridor fell into a moment of silence.

It took a while for people to slowly react, the murmur of quiet whispers slowly filled the air. Du XuChen stared with his mouth agape, unable to say anything.

If Duan JiaYan really is an Omega, then he’ll be losing even more face. He is an Alpha after all, but not only was he pulled around by an Omega, he was even hit in the head by one.

“Damn it,” he held back the anger in his heart and rebutted. “How are you in any way an Omega…”

Before he could complete his sentence, he was hoisted up by Duan JiaYan and swung him in the direction of a wall.

Du XuChen could feel his pupils constrict as he was about to be slammed against the wall. Just then he was pulled by Duan JiaYan who pressed a hand on his neck with his other hand grabbing his hair.

“Which part of me isn’t?” Duan JiaYan chuckled beside his ear. “Weren’t you just saying that I was very lewd? Sigh, Du XuChen, you gave me such high praise, are you secretly in love with me?”

His voice was very quiet, but because the corridor was so quiet, almost everyone heard what he just said.

Someone in the crowd couldn’t hold it in and burst out laughing.

Du XuChen was so angry that his whole face turned red. Originally when he heard Duan JiaYan call himself an Omega, he thought that he wouldn’t dare retaliate but who would’ve known that Duan JiaYan will act like such a crazy person. Du XuChen was furious, he struggled while shouting, “Get lost! Duan JiaYan you better stop fooling around with me.”

He had just finished saying his sentence when his head got slammed into the wall by Duan JiaYan. Du XuChen was already hit in the head by Duan JiaYan and this slam nearly made him pass out from the pain. For a split second, he thought that someone should come and teach this lunatic a good lesson.

Duan JiaYan saw Du XuChen’s ugly expression and was prepared to slam his head against the wall a second time when someone from behind him grabbed his wrist. The boy behind him smelled very clean, like the first drops of snow in winter. Duan JiaYan subconsciously took a step back and accidentally hit the boy’s hard chest muscles.

“The teacher’s about to be here,” Lu XingCi said. “Stop fighting.”

Duan JiaYan twisted his wrist but did not manage to get Lu XingCi to release him. Lu XingCi’s strength was terrifying, Duan JiaYan was held tightly in his grasp and could only give up.

“What’s going on here?! What are you guys doing? What are you young ones tossing around?” The sophomore level head shouted as he made his way through the crowd.

Du XuChen was breathing heavily after he was released by Duan JiaYan. When he noticed that Duan JiaYan was distracted by the level head and was looking particularly vulnerable, his expression changed and he surreptitiously peeked at the chair that was thrown to the side.

Just as he was about to pick it up, someone came forward and kicked the chair away.

“Still want to cause trouble?” Lu XingCi said above the sound of the chair screeching on the ground. “Stop looking for trouble for yourself.”

His gaze with chilling and coupled with his tall stature, he looked especially intimidating. Du XuChen quietly kept his hand back.

The level head was furious when he saw what had happened. Swallowing down his anger, he looked at Lu XingCi, hesitation appeared in his eyes. He really did not know how to handle this.

“You’re also involved in this?”

“He didn’t do anything,” Duan JiaYan hurriedly answered. “It was just Du XuChen and me fighting.”

Lu XingCi swept his gaze in Duan JiaYan’s direction.

After asking a series of questions, and confirming that the fight only involved Duan JiaYan and Du XuChen did the level head release his breath and bring the both of them to his office.

Zhao MinJun never would have thought that she’ll be seeing Duan JiaYan so soon.

She had previously brought Lu XingCi in for questioning. After teaching him for a year, she naturally did not believe that Lu XingCi did as the messages claimed and forced himself on an Omega but as investigations were still ongoing, she had to bring him in to ask some questions.

According to Lu XingCi, a classmate had an accident and he was just passing a scent blocker to him. When he was explaining, every teacher in the office could hear him but when Zhao MinJun asked for the name of the student, Lu XingCi lowered his voice and told her a name quietly.

After getting over her shock when she found out that the student was Duan JiaYan, she initially wanted to call him and pressure him to come to school since this matter had gotten pretty big. She’s even heard that Du XuChen wanted to report this matter to the police, so it was better to get everyone involved together to sort the matter out, the earlier the better.

However Lu XingCi stopped her, stating how Duan JiaYan had just presented, and maybe was not feeling too well so even if he can’t make it to school today, there is always tomorrow.

Since Lu XingCi seemed so relaxed about everything, Zhao MinJun pretty much already believed everything he said. She also felt that Duan JiaYan should not be feeling too well since he was a newly presented Omega and should not have too much energy to do much. So she was stunned when she saw Duan JiaYan being brought into the office by the level head, as well as Du XuChen who seemed to have a head injury.

Du XuChen’s injury was still bleeding and the teachers had originally wanted to bring him to the hospital. But the brat kept resisting and insisted that his wound was not deep. He just slapped two band-aids on himself and insisted on making his statement here if not he wouldn’t go to the hospital.

Du XuChen and Duan JiaYan each recounted what happened and roughly managed to explain what exactly took place.

The teacher in charge of the sports class was called Wang and was a jovial teacher. Duan JiaYan had also heard about how protective he was of his students, and would frequently find ways to save them whenever they got in trouble.

After listening to their explanation, Teacher Wang said, “So it was Duan JiaYan that made the first move? No matter what, beating someone up is not right.”

Du XuChen immediately followed up, “I was just cracking a few jokes and next thing I know, he was coming at me like some crazy person.”

After all, he was still a victim, the teachers all saw how miserable he looked and after finding out that he didn’t retaliate at all throughout the whole fight, felt that Duan JiaYan might have gone too far.

Du XuChen saw that the tides were going in his favour and continued, “Really, Duan JiaYan you went too far this time. I was beaten up so badly by you that—”

“You’re still talking?” Duan JiaYan looked at his askance.

Du XuChen immediately stopped when he saw Duan JiaYan glaring at him. It took him a moment to realise that they were still in the teacher’s office, and he’s already safe. He wondered where did Duan JiaYan get his confidence from.

Zhao Min Jun frowned, “Why are you threatening him?”

Teacher Wang looked like he was on the verge of laughing, “Teacher Zhao, your students sure have a big temper.”

Duan JiaYan: “He talked about me first.”

Zhao MinJun: “And what did he say? How bad was it? Was it worth getting into a fight for?”

Duan JiaYan: “…”

Earlier, he was able to say the words Du XuChen said about him in front of other students his age but once he’s in front of these group of teachers, he found that he really couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.

Just as everyone was at a stalemate, someone knocked on the office door.

“Come in.”

Lu XingCi and a female student made their way into the office.

Duan JiaYan found the student familiar, she might have been the Omega student talking to Du XuChen earlier.

“Teacher Zhao, Teacher Wang, Du XuChen earlier said some pretty insulting sentiments regarding Omegas,” Lu XingCi said and stepped aside, exposing the female student to the gaze of everyone in the room. “Sun Meng can testify for that.”

The teachers all initially thought that the students were just insulting each other as students usually do, usually with just cuss words, which timately meant no real harm. But if what were said involved insults to another person’s sex and gender, then the situation becomes completely different. It’s outright discrimination.

Teacher Wang was stunned. From the moment Lu XingCi came in, he didn’t really dare protect Du XuChen any longer, so he directly asked the female student, “Sun Meng, Du XuChen really said those kinds of words?”

The girl hesitated, “Yes he did, he said…really nasty things.”

The girl glanced at Lu XingCi who nodded at her, and as if her courage got renewed, she continued, “It’s not just me. Ren Jue, Xu HaiBin and the rest also heard it, as well as other students that were walking by. Du XuChen was indeed talking about Duan JiaYan and it was because Duan JiaYan overheard thats why they started fighting.”

Lu XingCi handed over a mobile phone, on its screen was a screenshot, “Du XuChen posted a long message on his social media account yesterday, and on the post it mentioned several things…”

He trailed off, letting the teachers read the screenshot for themselves.

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Wang both took a good look at the screenshot and frowned.

The message carried a joking tone, with Du XuChen claiming that the school’s prince is doing unspeakable things in the school’s washroom. He also mentioned about the Omega that met an accident in the toilet, his words carrying a heavy sexual undertone.

Although no names were mentioned, it was clear that the ‘prince’ in the message was referring to Lu XingCi.

Du XuChen looked at the screenshot on the phone in disbelief. He had clearly deleted the post after he was reminded by a friend and he also did not add Lu XingCi as a friend, so how did he get that screenshot?

It was then that the teacher who was sent to investigate the situation came back.

“I’m done checking. The two students are from Teacher Zhao’s class and they entered the bathroom, one after another, all within the span of a few minutes…”

With that, what exactly happened could not have been more clear.

Lu XingCi was completely dragged into this whole situation and was innocent. Zhao MinJun breathed a sigh of relief. If Lu XingCi was really involved in this, the Lu family will definitely exert pressure over the school and then she will have to face pressures from both sides.

After a discussion among the teachers, and getting the students opinion, they ultimately decided to give a warning and punished both of them to write a three thousand words reflection essay, and have to apologise to each other.

After Du XuChen stuffily apologised to Duan JiaYan, it was Duan JiaYan’s turn to apologise.

Duan JiaYan looked at him for a long time before slowly saying, “Oh I’m sorry that I hit you too hard and injured you.”

His apology felt very fake but considering his identity as an Omega, and thinking about the harm that Duan JiaYan had suffered, Zhao MinJun decided to let it slide and not talk about it. She did not expect that Lu XingCi will join in as well.

“I’m also in the wrong,” Lu XingCi said to Du XuChen. “I should have stopped him earlier. You might have been hurt a little less if I did.”

Duan JiaYan was happy when he heard that and tried his best to hide his smile in front of the teachers, he quickly added, “That’s right, why didn’t you stop me earlier?”

The corners of Lu XingCi’s lips lifted a little in a smile.

This person, he was naturally born with a lofty appearance and sense of distance to others. Even his apologies felt insincere.

Indeed, Lu XingCi’s ability to anger someone did not disappoint Duan JiaYan, “This was the first time I saw an Omega beating an Alpha to the point where he could not retaliate. I was too shocked to react.”

As he said his sentence, he even gave a few pats to Du XuChen’s shoulder. The latter seemed to be trembling in anger.

“I apologise. Please be magnanimous about this.”

He spoke truthfully but the sentence “Please be magnanimous about this.” felt like he was indirectly insulting Du XuChen.

After they left the teacher’s office, Duan JiaYan walked by Lu XingCi’s side as they made their way back to class. This was the first time he thought that the other person was pleasing to look at.

“Why did that girl suddenly agree to help me? Also that screenshot in your phone, how did you get it?”

“Sun Meng’s character is good, she saw how you were pulled into the teacher’s office and came to find me. The screenshot was sent to me by someone yesterday,” Lu XingCi said, the smile on his lips deepened a little, as if thinking that the way Du XuChen dug his own grave was particularly amusing. “I’d never thought he’ll do himself in like this.”

The bottom line was, even if Du XuChen did not get into any trouble today, Lu XingCi still had no intentions of letting him go.josei

Duan JiaYan suddenly felt that the guy beside him was a little terrifying. But only for a brief moment as he recalled how angry Du XuChen got over Lu XingCi’s words and couldn’t stop his laughter.

“I have to say Class President,” Duan JiaYan said. “You really are something.”

Not waiting for Lu XingCi’s response, he added, “This time I don’t owe you anything anymore.”


“You didn’t tell Song Yi that the one who needed the scent blockers and inhibitors was me right? You also did not tell anybody else. Actually I don’t really care if I’m an Omega or Beta, but I’m also not dumb, I knew you were doing it for me,” Duan JiaYan saw that the other party was looking at him with a slightly stunned expression and thought to himself, ‘I’m not that ignorant okay?’

He coughed, “Anyway, I beat him up, so this time everyone knows that he’s the one spouting nonsense.”

He went directly to beat the person up just now. Other than to relieve his anger and disgust, he also intended for the matter to blow up, because he knew that even if the teachers were aware of what happened, there is bound to be students who will continue to gossip behind their backs.

So with the incident blown up, those who were listening in to the gossip will also know that Du XuChen is the real butt of the joke here.

“No need to thank you. After all I love to help others and if you really want to thank me then the next time Jiang QiNian gives you a cup of milk tea, please reject her and send her my way.”

“You’re chasing after Jiang QiNian?” They were almost reaching Class Nine. Lu XingCi saw Duan JiaYan nodding his head. “She didn’t accept you? Her standards must be pretty good then.”

Duan JiaYan took a while to process what Lu XingCi said and gritted his teeth as he walked up to him, “Are you—” asking for a beating–?

Before he could finish his sentence, Lu XingCi opened the door to their classroom.

The teacher in charge of the lesson frowned as he shouted at Duan JiaYan, “What are you screaming around for? Duan JiaYan, answer this question now.”

Duan JiaYan, “…”

Lu XingCi, this person, is really fucking sly.

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