I Like Your Pheromones

Chapter 3 - Male Washroom

Chapter 3 – Male Washroom

Before language class was over, Zhao MinJun distributed the homework and instructed the class to memorise Li Sao1 by next week.

Lu XingCi was the leader of the group situated by the window. Duan JiaYan gave a quick look in their direction and noticed that a girl was already trying to memorise the poem when the class has just ended.

Naturally, Duan JiaYan will not memorise the texts.

He took out his phone, prepared to play some games on his mobile phone to distract himself. He’s been feeling a little restless recently.

When he was playing at an internet cafe near his school yesterday, someone he knew came up to him and rested an arm on his shoulder. He was an alpha and for some reason, at that moment, it felt like every cell in his body was resisting his friend’s close proximity to him. If it wasn’t for him stubbornly not reacting, he might have ended up pushing his friend away.

Just as he was about to play his game, he received a text message from Song Yi. Duan JiaYan felt that it was strange how Song Yi was sending him a message when they were sitting right beside each other. Opening up the message, he saw that it was a picture of Lu XingCi.

Lu XingCi seemed to have just exercised, his head slightly damp and the muscles along his arm lined with a thin sheen of sweat.

He was drinking from a water bottle, and with his eyelids half hooded over his pair of crystal clear eyes, one could feel a sense of youth coming from the photo.

The whole photo reeked of pheromones and was clearly secretly taken.

Duan JiaYan, “?”

Song Yi withdrew the photo and turned around to explain, “I sent this to the wrong person. I was planning to send it to the ‘Holding Up Yi Zhong’s Sky’ group.”

‘Holding Up Yi Zhong’s Sky’ this name sounded incredibly cool but actually it was actually made up of the Omegas in Yi Zhong. Previously Duan JiaYan glanced at Song Yi’s phone and found that the group was talking about which Alpha had the biggest member. They really had no limits.

“It’s even secretly taken wow. If you have the skills then you should use it to memorise your class texts,” Duan JiaYan nodded towards the language book with the words ‘Li Sao’ on it. “Li Sao’s not even as provocative2 as you.”

Song Yi laughed and as if just noticing something, hooked an arm around Duan JiaYan, “A male junior complimented you today, praising your looks. He said that if you were an Alpha, he would have definitely chased after you. What followed after is just… Xiao Duan your popularity is nothing to scoff about too ah.”

“Then you tell that junior,” Duan JiaYan said as he booted up his game. “If he wants to chase then go for it, Xiao Duan will be waiting right here.”

Song Yi took what Duan JiaYan said as a joke and didn’t place too much emphasis on it. He might talk a lot but at the end of the day, Song Yi knows that since they were kids, Duan JiaYan has only liked girls.

The Omegas in the group seem to have a really good impression of Duan JiaYan as they were still praising him incessantly. Song Yi could only silently shake his head in response


Duan JiaYan pretty much slept his way through his afternoon classes.

He felt especially tired today, his entire being did not really have much energy. He still had one class left, once they were done with it the school will let them out for dinner. Duan JiaYan lazily made his way towards the toilet.

Though he was still groggy from sleep, everyone else around him was very much awake. Occasionally a breeze will sweep through the corridors and cause the scent on his body to become more obvious, causing some students to turn his way as he made his way down the corridor.

“Where did Duan JiaYan get the smell of pheromones from?”

“From sticking closely to an Omega maybe, aren’t they using scent blockers?”

“At the end of the day, a boss is still a boss, so arrogant.”

Duan JiaYan caught people talking about pheromones but because his body was not feeling well, he only heard bits and pieces of it. He still thought that it was because he was holding in his pee for too long so he made haste and entered the wash room. Except he still did not feel much better after going to the loo, his head still felt dizzy and his whole body felt like it was having a fever.

Just as Duan JiaYan was rubbing his temples, someone brushed past him. The person carried with him a crisp and clean scent. Duan JiaYan’s height made it right to the person’s ear so he unconsciously found himself looking up to see who it was.

It turned out to be Lu XingCi and Duan JiaYan could feel the impulse to rub himself on the other person die down a little. Strangely enough, when Lu XingCi made his way closer, the feverish feeling in Duan JiaYan’s body seemed to get a lot worse. It’s as if there is something running rampant in his body and it can’t wait to burst out.

Duan JiaYan softly grunted, his legs almost giving out. He quickly held onto the handle of the door of a toilet stall.

Lu XingCi paused. His eyes swept Duan JiaYan up and down and he asked hesitantly, “You’re a Beta?”

Duan JiaYan heard his question that was heavily laced with doubt and laughed, “What do you think?”

Lu XingCi saw how confident Duan JiaYan was and for a brief moment thought that he really made a mistake. If it wasn’t for the tears welling up in Duan JiaYan’s eyes and the trembling hands gripping onto the door handle, Lu XingCi might have really needed to take more than a minute to reassess his judgement.

He never would have thought Duan JiaYan would ever show such a weak side of him one day.

It was not everyday that he was willing to think about others but Lu XingCi still decided to gently break the news to Duan JiaYan, “You have Omega pheromones on you.”

Duan JiaYan pondered for a moment, “You’re jealous?”

“……” After living for so long, this was the first time Lu XingCi has met someone who thinks so weirdly. In order to stop Duan JiaYan’s mind from taking another weird turn, he went straight to the point, “You might need to take another health evaluation. The pheromones are coming from you, you can’t smell them?”

Duan JiaYan immediately understood what was going on and was stunned. Before he could recover from the shock of possibly being an Omega, he saw Lu XingCi hovering in front of him before slowly saying, “Go find a stall and wait for me in there.”

“…Fuck.” Duan JiaYan was really scared this time. He warily looked at Lu XingCi, “What are you planning to do? Just kill any thoughts you have right now, we both don’t have to lose out.”

“Your pheromones are almost overflowing. I’ll head back to the classroom and get an inhibitor for you.”

Duan JiaYan could not believe what he just heard.

When Lu XingCi saw how Duan JiaYan was ready to fight him off, he suddenly had the urge to bully him.

Duan JiaYan could feel his scalp tingle when Lu XingCi’s gaze went to his glands, as if he were a fish about to be killed on the chopping block.

He heard Lu XingCi say suggestively, “If you wish to let me help you…”

Duan JiaYan, “See that door? Class monitor, please head towards it and do not turn back.”

Lu XingCi, “…then you can keep on wishing.”

Lu XingCi swallowed down a smile and lazily continued, “Even if I were to have any thoughts, it wouldn’t be towards you.”

Not one to take things lying down, Duan JiaYan retorted, “Well, even if I were to have no suiters, I wouldn’t let you take a bite.”

Even though the sentence was clearly meant to provoke him, Lu XingCi only felt like laughing. Just as he was about to make his way back to the classroom, he felt a tug on the corner of his shirt, a tug that was neither too strong nor too weak.

“I’m not…” Duan JiaYan initially felt that it was a little difficult to say what he wanted to say, but after looking at how calm Lu XingCi was, he felt a little irked. He’ll lose too much face if he got shy in front of Lu XingCi.

Duan JiaYan tried his best to be calm, “I’m not in heat, you can just get scent blockers.”

In the end, Lu XingCi is still an Alpha, he wouldn’t know what’s really going on with an Omega.

Duan JiaYan has never been through a heat but he learnt about it in class and he knows that the situation he’s in right now is not that serious yet. His legs are just a little unsteady right now and he feels giddy.

Lu XingCi nodded and made his way back. Only when he returned to the classroom did he remember that he doesn’t have a scent blocker. Chen Yue and Zhou XingChen are both Alphas like him and randomly asking anyone might raise unnecessary questions. After thinking it over, he made his way to Song Yi’s table and quietly asked, “Do you have scent blockers?”

Song Yi was stunned for a little while before he finally nodded.

Although Duan JiaYan said he did not need one, but Lu XingCi still decided to ask for it just in case, “Inhibitors too?”

Song Yi continued nodding, took out two small boxes from under his desk and passed them both to Lu XingCi.

After seeing Lu XingCi thank him and walk out of the classroom, Song Yi felt like he was waking up from a dream.

Damn, he was so focused on admiring the face, he forgot to ask Lu XingCi what he needed the items for!

Song Yi took out his phone and found the ‘Holding Up Yi Zhong’s Sky’ group chat.

[Sisters!!!] He screamed in the group chat. [Class monitor just asked me for Omega scent blockers and inhibitors!!!]

[Fuck! Is my male god becoming a mortal now?]

[My god???]

[Lu Lu who are you trying to bed, mom’s not gonna allow it aaaaaa]


When Lu XingCi returned to the washroom, he saw a guy standing outside the male toilet, looking in its direction.

The guy seemed to be from the physical ed faculty and was a little familiar to Lu XingCi, but he couldn’t seem to remember his name.

Du XuChen was momentarily distracted by the person making his way over to where he was. He only found out today that the person Jiang QiNian gave her milk tea to was Lu XingCi, the person Jiang QiNian liked was Lu XingCi. Since he was looking at his love rival, Du XuChen’s mood was a little complicated.josei

Lu XingCi and Duan JiaYan were not the same. He’s able to badmouth Duan JiaYan in front of others but he did not dare provoke Lu XingCi.

Seeing that Lu XingCi was choosing to remind silent, Du XuChen decided to speak first, “There’s an Omega in heat inside?”

Lu XingCi did not reply. This man was blocking the door to the washroom so he was unable to go in. If he were to just make his way in, the man will surely follow. He’s not sure but he thinks Duan JiaYan would not want others to find out that he’s an Omega.

Remembering Duan JiaYan’s tear-filled eyes, Lu XingCi could not help frowning a little.

Du XuChen took his silence as consent. He recalled that Lu XingCi had no girlfriend or boyfriend so he assumed that the other party was also here to join in the fun, his gaze subtly changed, “I have to say, the scent smells really good.”

“I’d never thought that you will also be interested in…” Du XuChen was attracted by the smell of the pheromones. Till now he has never smelled such a light and fragent scent. It was like a thin misty fog, though the smell was faint, it was more than capable of inciting an Alpha’s need for conquest.

He was so tempted by the scent that he spoke without thinking, “He’s doing it on purpose right? There are so many Alphas in the school and yet he’s not using any inhibitors. Isn’t he just waiting to be—”

Before he could finish his sentence, Lu XingCi suddenly grabbed him by the collar and shoved him aside.

Du XuChen made some noise in protest at being pushed, and his head was also cleared. Lu XingCi might be taller than him but after all, he was from the physical ed faculty. His body was fit and he had a little more fat compared to other Alphas. He would never have thought that Lu XingCi could single-handedly push him from the door to the basins outside, his leg did not even exert much force on the ground.

Lu XingCi glanced and saw that from here he could not see the washroom’s door and finally released his hand.

“You find the scent nice? Stand out here and smell it to your heart’s content then. If you take even one step forward…” Lu XingCi stared at him. “Why don’t you take a step and see what happens?”

Du XuChen was scared by Lu XingCi’s gaze. The other person was evidently still wearing a uniform and out of the both of them, he clearly looked more like a delinquent but for some reason, he really did not dare make a single move.

He even secretly told others in the past that Lu XingCi from Class Ten might look formidable but with his good grades, he wouldn’t dare get into any trouble. He would never have thought that this person will look so terrifying when he gets serious, his entire being felt nothing like a student.

Seeing that Du XuChen was not replying him, Lu XingCi made his way to the washroom and closed the door behind him.

Du XuChen finally snapped out of it after a few minutes. He angrily made his way to the washroom, and raised his hands to push on the door.

Only to find that it was locked.

Du XuChen could not believe it and pushed on the door once again, his hands trembling a little.

Is Lu XingCi crazy? He dares to play so big in school?

Author notes:

The door is locked, no going in.

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