I Fabricated the Techniques, but my disciple really mastered them?

Chapter 149 - 108: Life-and-Death Crisis, Time to Draw the Sword! 2

Chapter 149: Chapter 108: Life-and-Death Crisis, Time to Draw the Sword! 2

Translator: 549690339

“He’s formidable, his movement technique is ghost-like, with battle-hardened experience, a clear superior to me.”

Meng Chong thought to himself.

However, he also noticed some problems, the opponent seemed physically, a little off-kilter.

“Seize the opportunity and deliver a fatal blow.”

Meng Chong thought to himself.

The Sun Golden Bell Shield hardened once again, the wound on his chest no longer bled, extinguishing the residual cold air.

“Kid, hehe, forfeit your life.”

This time Blood Spirit Child’s figure flickered even faster, a phantom-like silhouette constantly shifting position, ghostly silk threads coiling up, ominous and foreboding.

He seemed to be trying to encase Meng Chong within.

No matter how much force Meng Chong summoned in his fists, he was unable to break through the opponent’s encirclement. The eerie silk threads didn’t diminish, but void-like, they multiplied.

They formed a giant web.

And the blood-thirsty strands spiraled around each other, coalescing into the thickness of a finger.

These finger-thick vampiric threads were sturdier, harder to break, their coldness piercing to the bone.

Meng Chong charged repeatedly, striving to escape, only to be driven back again and again by Blood Spirit Child. His shield was torn apart time after time, leaving trail upon trail of bloody marks on his body.

On the tower of Wu Country’s capital, the Emperor of Wu and his ministers watched the battle unfolding outside the city.

At that moment, his heart sank.

Even from such a distance, one could see that Meng Chong was losing ground, seemingly trapped, and unable to launch a strike against the enemy.

He was in a very passive position.

“Your Majesty, what should we do? Even Meng Chong is not his match!”

“Yes, Your Majesty, let’s flee to the Qi Country. It is said that there are high-level experts there.”

“Your Majesty, why not use the Heavenly Guard to go and surround and kill him, aiding Meng Chong?”

“No way, once we make a move, and we are not able to kill the opponent, can we bear the consequences?”

The Emperor of Wu and his ministers shared an unprecedented unison of goal, all hoping for Meng Chong’s victory.

Compared to that bloodthirsty “Senior Wu” who fed on human blood, Meng Chong was practically a saint!

“We’re not martial artists, what can we do!”

The Emperor of Wu grumbled through gritted teeth.

One start-eyed minister quietly slipped away, preparing to flee.

On the battlefield, Meng Chong appeared battered and trudging, seemingly near exhaustion, his body covered in bloody scratches caused by Blood Spirit Child.

“Now’s the time!”

The cold light flashed in Blood Spirit Child’s eyes, his form wavering once in front of Meng Chong, then reappearing behind him, and, before another flicker, back to Meng Chong’s front again.

At that moment, Meng Chong seemed to panic, launching a backhand attack to fend off Blood Spirit Child’s assault, leaving a wide-open target on his chest.

Blood Spirit Child’s ashen, ghastly claw slashed out, aimed directly at Meng Chong’s heart.

This attack, for which he had saved his energy for so long, was certain to tear through flesh and bone and rip out Meng Chong’s heart.

“An opportunity has arrived!”

Meng Chong’s eyes flashed a fierce light, his figure abruptly shifting, thereby dodging Blood Spirit Child’s strike.



At that moment, wind and thunder whirled, golden light shone. Thunder and wild winds burst forth from his fists.

This force was nothing like the power he wielded before.

“Not good!”

The moment Blood Spirit Child missed his strike, he knew he was in for a disaster!

“Sneaky brat!”

At this moment, he was filled with shock and anger.

At the crucial juncture, Blood Spirit Child twisted his phantom-like form, narrowly evading Meng Chong’s attack. But in the blink of an eye, Meng Chong had closed the gap, and his fists once again ensnared him with a horrifying momentum, seemingly leaving no room for escape.

Moreover, Blood Spirit Child felt an explosive thunderous force emanating from this terrifying onslaught.

He dodged one more time with his ghost-like movements.

Having survived numerous life-and-death battles, he was more than experienced in handling such crises. Nevertheless, unexpectedly, Meng Chong was beside him again in an instant, his onslaught ever so suffocating.

There was nowhere left to evade.

“What kind of movement technique is this?”

With the crisis looming, an angry and shocked Blood Spirit Child had no choice but to tap into his origin power.


In that instant, Meng Chong felt an overwhelming aura, like a massive mountain that could crush him beneath it.

With a roar of fury, his Fist of Wind Thunder Vajra exploded to its maximum, blasting down, shattering the vast oppressiveness, breaking open the unknown defense that was like a quagmire.

The punch fiercely hit the Blood Spirit Child.


The Blood Spirit Child spat out a mouthful of fresh blood and was hurled backward.

He was shocked and furious. For this old and frail body, he had applied some methods in the cave to rejuvenate and strengthen it.

Yet with this punch, his body nearly burst apart.

“You will die for that!”

He must kill Meng Chong and use his flesh and blood essence to restore this body.

As the Blood Spirit Child was thrown back, a looming pressure emerged from the center of his forehead, like a mountain descending onto the battlefield, with a chainsaw blade clenched in his hand.

The blade sliced through.


The Fist of Wind Thunder Vajra was obliterated.

At this moment, the Blood Spirit Child’s eyes turned blood red, and a chilling aura made the surrounding temperature drop.

A glimmer of light fluctuated from his forehead, and the terrifying pressure grew stronger, like a mountain, overwhelming Meng Chong.

Meng Chong’s heart pounded rapidly. He felt as if he were stuck in a quagmire, suppressed everywhere, as if an invisible pressure was enveloping him.

Even as he constantly stimulated his qi and blood, he couldn’t increase his speed.

Even his Fist of Wind Thunder Vajra seemed to be suppressed.

The consecutive attacks he had just made were because he suddenly felt like he was stuck in a quagmire, his body stagnated, and his speed slowed down, preventing him from seizing the chance to follow up his success.

Looking at the Blood Spirit Child, Meng Chong’s heart sank.

The feeling of danger was becoming stronger and stronger.

From the moment he saw the Blood Spirit Child, he felt an intense sense of danger. So he pretended to be weak to seize the opportunity to crush his opponent in one fell swoop. Although he injured the other party, he failed to kill him, instead provoking him to use some special power.

“Great Grandmaster? It’s not quite right, it’s a bit like …”

Meng Chong was shocked.

This pressure was a bit like the pressure of a Great Grandmaster, but it seemed even stronger, and there was a momentum similar to the Sword Intent of his elder martial brother.

But it was different from Sword Intent.

Although he didn’t know what it was, he understood that he was in great danger at this moment!

Looking at the glimmer of light in the forehead of the Blood Spirit Child, this pressure originated from there. In that glimmer of light, seemed to be an insect?

“You should die, forcing me to use the little origin 1 have left!”

The Blood Spirit Child was extraordinarily furious.

He was already very weak, but now he had no choice but to use this little remaining origin.

Even if he devoured Meng Chong’s essence of flesh and blood, it seemed that he could not replenish it.


The Blood Spirit Child thrust his blade aiming straight for Meng Chong’s heart.


Meng Chong punched out, but he could not resist at all. The tip of the blade pierced into his chest. At the critical moment, he grabbed the back of the serrated blade with both hands.

With a roar of rage, golden light burst forth, and the mighty power of his physical body flung the Blood Spirit Child away!

Phew! Phew!

Despite having blood flowing from his chest, Meng Chong did not care at all. The Blood Spirit Child, who was flung away, was even more furious. The light from his forehead glowed more strongly.

Under the oppression, Meng Chong felt as though he was bearing a giant mountain on his back. His body seemed to have sunk into a quagmire, with neither his speed nor strength able to display.

His golden bell armour seemed to be shattering.

“1 am going to devour you alive!”

The Blood Spirit Child was furious that Meng Chong could still explode with such great physical power under such conditions and fling him away.

As the light in his forehead flickered, a terrifying oppressing aura that was as grim as a prison descended.

The breath of death approached, and Meng Chong, panting, felt his heart pounding violently. At this moment, he seemed to feel the tremble of the treasured sword.

The treasured sword was pulsating, it was raging, merged with his heartbeat, merged with his will.

Draw the sword! Draw the sword! Draw the sword!

An unprecedentedly strong feeling surged in his heart. The anger was transmitted to the treasured sword. The treasured sword at his waist was also filled with rage, eager to unsheathe, to cut off all enemies.

“Die for me!”

The Blood Spirit Child thrust his blade out.

At that very moment, he saw Meng Chong gripping the hilt of the sword at his waist, and then, a flash of sword light burst forth.

An overbearing sword intent roared out, and it seemed as though the heavens and earth changed color.

The pressure that was oppressing Meng Chong was, at this moment, instantly crushed.

Meng Chong drew his sword. His eyes slightly closed, his heart and sword merged as one, sword and intent combined. At this moment, it was as though only this mighty sword existed between heaven and earth!

The Sword Soul Awakens!

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