I Decided to Kidnap the Male Lead

Chapter 3: The Start of Infinite Regression (III)

Even if you learn, the learning time and efficiency would vary depending on whether you have talent or not.

But what if you had to do one thing so many times that you couldn’t count it with both hands, in different situations, and if you didn’t do it, you would die?

Even if your talent was infinitely close to zero, you would eventually become good at it.

There was no way to live other than that way…

“What sword would I have held? At best, I’ve only ever held a knife or a letterhead. But it worked. Sneaking behind the assassins and hitting them on the back of the head.”

These were words that could be said casually now, and with a slight smile. But at that time, her blood was dry.

In fact, there had been times when her blood did dry up.

She didn’t know what the assassin did, but the moment she drank something, she died in a mummy state, with blood gushing out from the holes in her body.

Ophelia’s stomach churned when she remembered how she felt at that time.


Seeing the lady’s face turning white, Richard held out the teacup he was drinking from.

If anyone saw it, they would be concerned.

There wasn’t a single sign of poison, but what one person drank was handed over to another person. If those who teach etiquette had seen it, they would have grabbed the back of their neck and passed out.

However, there was not enough energy left to carefully follow the etiquette, so Ophelia drank the tea he was drinking at once without hesitation and took a deep breath.

Richard, who was looking at her with a deep glance, opened his mouth.

“How many times have you returned from the National Foundation Day?”

“18th… No, after counting to the 18th, I stopped.”

“Then, isn’t it too early to speculate that the lady’s regression is due to me? The regression that ended the moment I survived could be a coincidence.”

At first glance, it seemed like a very logical statement, but Ophelia noticed it at once.

A few words from Richard could not shake the conviction she had from throwing her whole body, literally, she used her whole body.

“Your Highness, you’re trying to gloss it over because you’re too lazy to try anything.”

Ophelia’s eyes narrowed at him, and Richard nodded his head openly as though he had no intention to make an excuse.

“I don’t want to do that anymore.”

Ophelia bit her lips at the sound of his dry, sandy voice.

She couldn’t say that she fully understood him.

Even if people go through the same thing, each person would have a different way of accepting and overcoming it.

Just as Richard opened his mouth in front of Ophelia, who was in conflict with whether to grab him by the collar or not, a knock sounded.

–Tok tok.

“Your Highness. It’s time.”

At the sound of a voice outside the door, Ophelia jumped like a harpooned tuna.

She screamed silently, her eyes mixed with bewilderment, astonishment and confusion, looking at the tightly closed door and Richard alternately.

Uh… how? How did he come to know that Richard was here? No, if he knew, then why did he just let it go?

Richard said as if he had read her thoughts.

“I was struck in the back of the head by you but I didn’t pass out right away. Along the way, I left a sign telling him not to follow me.”

The question has been solved, but a bigger question remains.


“I was curious as to why the lady, who has no title, kidnapped me like that.”

He gave a very simple answer this time too. Too easily.

It was as if it didn’t matter.

“No, what if I meant to harm Your Highness?”

“But in conclusion, you didn’t.”

“I didn’t! No, then why did you kill all the assassins before I hit the back of the head?”

“Because I knew that the lady was behind me.”

“What if I were another assassin?”

When asked about Ophelia’s origin, Richard responded by tapping the hilt of his hardened sword.

“It doesn’t matter. If I die, I’ll regress anyway.”

Ophelia’s throat was choked again at the dry, twisted voice.

Richard Isaac Dunc Million.

The only prince of the empire.

And a noble worthy of bearing the terrible pressure of standing above everyone’s head and the burden of supporting everyone, to the extent that no one could refute.

Not only did he have unmatched strength or tongue-in-cheek political abilities… From the pitch-black hair to the golden eyes as thick as honey.

A very drowsy black panther-like man was lurking somewhere deep within.

Even a terrifying blood-stained figure could turn into a fatal painting.

If the word ‘perfect’ was manifested as a person, it would be Richard.

Ophelia could understand Because he was the male lead. The unique protagonist in this novel Ophelia possessed.

A fantasy novel that she had never read before wasn’t about the protagonist growing up through various ordeals.

The main story was the unstoppable biography of the protagonist, who was perfect from the beginning, incomparable to anyone else.

If it had been her favorite novel, she would have tried to do something…

Before this crazy regression, she obviously possessed an extra that had nothing to do with the original, so all she thought of was how to desperately avoid marriage and hiding the money she had saved to live a long and peaceful life.

She didn’t have lingering feelings about her former life before possession.

She didn’t know who made her do this ridiculous possession and gave her a little consideration, but it was like a miracle that she had no nostalgia even though she had memories of her previous life.

If the longing or desire to return to her former life was as much as the tears of an ant, Ophelia would have gone crazy.

As she puffed her lips, she found Richard again; he was standing outside the door.

“Your Highness?

“I’m leaving soon, so please wait.”

Despite the crown prince’s answer, which had as much motivation as a piece of dust, the aide who had been waiting outside the door left without questioning.

Even if Richard was his greatest enemy, it was the crown prince who asked him to wait.

“Get up first.”

Richard rose to his feet with great composure. The back of the head that Ophelia had hit had long since healed, so he took one step at a time, undoing the cuffs of his wrinkled sleeves as the blood began to harden.

Ophelia was bewildered in a different way than before.

No, was this the end? She was determined and kidnapped the crown prince, and it was over?

Now that we knew he was the cause, they could work together to find a way out of this situation…

‘I’m exhausted.’

Should she close her eyes and grab him by the collar again? It went over vaguely a while ago, but if she touched him again now, she would be blown away with the words, ‘It’s an insult!’

Ophelia, who had unknowingly planned to grab him by the neck, couldn’t catch him and was at a loss. But then, Richard stopped.

He turned around and reached out to Ophelia.

“Will you go with me?”

Nothing could be read out of his dry eyes, but Ophelia, needless to say, grabbed Richard’s hand.


— Imperial Calendar Year 588. April 16th. 3:23 p.m.

Ophelia Bolsheik, before the start of her second infinite regression.

‘I shouldn’t have gone with him.’ Ophelia was trying to look at the far-away mountain as much as possible.

Two people were waiting where Richard had led Ophelia.

“Your Highness, please do not misunderstand what I am saying.”

“I was just repeating the sentence the Marchioness had said.”

“Of course you did. I’ll say it again, but…”

Marchioness Neir. The owner of a marquisate with one of the greatest powers in the empire.

The most representative word that went around openly in describing her was ‘bloodsucker’.

In addition, evaluations such as ‘iron face’ or ‘a person who is very capable but I don’t want to associate with’ were popular.

Of course, such things were of no use to Ophelia. Until this regression issue, she didn’t have a chance to meet not only the crown prince but also Marchioness Neir.

Moreover, there was only one most important fact about Marchioness Neir.

She was a villain who was in opposition to the main character, Richard.

‘I should’ve read the book. Even if it’s not my preference, I should’ve read it!’

It was no use waving your hands after the bus had passed, and it was always too late to regret.

(TL/N: to people like me who basically drive everywhere haha in some countries, even at the bus stop, you have to stick out your hand or wave it to indicate that you want to board the bus.)

She remembered the back cover of the book stating he was the villain, but she had no idea what the hell she had done to make her the number 1 and worst villain.josei

First of all, she knew that he was a person who could say what he wanted without blinking an eye, even when he saw Richard covered in blood…

Ophelia could only groan inwardly at the deep regret that came up late, and she took a deep breath.

The esteemed daughter of the Marquisate of Neir, Raisa.

Due to the atmosphere, Ophelia did her best to pretend she wasn’t a human but the furniture in this room.

Even if Ophelia had no interest in the imperial social world, which was also known as the battlefield without blood or tears, she did to a certain extent carry out the superficial relationships she had to forge as a count’s daughter.

Although she couldn’t remember all the rumors said by the young ladies, whose relations with her were so light that it could fly away, she did hear too many things and remembered some of them.

‘Do not stand out in front of Lady Neir. whether in a good or bad sense.’

She didn’t bother to ask why.

If the person who you were told not to stand out to in both a good or bad way was at a distance you would never meet for the rest of your life, it would be tiring to hear many anecdotes.

‘I should’ve asked.’

Ophelia regretted not knowing something too many times. If she could, she would go back to that point in time and squeeze out information until there was none left.

In any case, it’s just a presumption.

—You’re not even a maid, why do you dare to be next to the Crown Prince?

As soon as those words come out of the mouth of Lady Neir, the bullying that appeared like a regular in a common novel would begin.

If Ophelia read it as a novel, she would feel irritated and frustrated, and would even curse for the lady to be gone…

But if the reality was that she would be bullied right now…

Chills ran down her back.

‘If I actually know anything, I would have been able to avoid a situation like that!’

In front of the two villains that stuck through the entire novel, which she suddenly encountered, Ophelia shed tears of sorrow.

So, while she was exuding the aura of ‘I am a furniture’ with her whole body, the conversation between Marchioness Neir and Richard was coming to an end.

“And if you can, take a good look at this child.”

Marchioness Neir openly expressed her desire for the crown princess seat, shamelessly saying it without changing her expression.

Richard, too, did not raise an eyebrow, let alone there be a shift in complexion, and accepted the marchioness’ words with a bored face.

“I’m not in a hurry enough to bring in the one and only heir of the Marchioness.”

“Ah, I’m not saying right now. But if you get the chance, please.”

Marchioness Neir let out a little laugh, but Lady Neir did not.

Her face, which didn’t resemble the marchioness at all, was like a mask, and there was no movement of fine muscles.

Seeing both Richard and Lady Neir pass over each other like a dog looking at a chicken, Ophelia involuntarily sighed in relief.

Fortunately, among the many women surrounding the main character, there was no Lady Neir.

And it happened less than a minute after Ophelia swept her chest.

The tea was so cold and lukewarm that the marchioness and her daughter did not even touch their cups, but the crown prince took a sip without hesitation.


After emptying the teacup, Richard slowly, very slowly, turned his head in the direction of Ophelia.

When their eyes met, Richard’s lips twisted, and the next moment.


“Your Highness!”

“Oh my God, Your Highness!”

In front of Ophelia who had her mouth wide open, Richard collapsed, vomiting an incredible amount of dark red blood.

While the Marchioness Neir reached out to the suddenly collapsing Richard as if she was really surprised.

Ophelia collapsed, following the warning of the danger-sensing instinct developed through dozens of regressions.


With the sound of a sharp sword cutting through the air, one or two strands of her bright red hair were cut and fell gently.

“Ahh, this again…”

Ophelia was decapitated by a sword flashing in front of her eyes without being able to speak.

Ame: I forgot to mention that this is R15, though I think it’s more for the multiple deaths and ‘gory’ scenes.

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